Thanks Sharon & 2A


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by cattitude
Sharon and 2A didn't post an open invitation. BK did. Sharon and 2A merely picked up the pieces.

Doesn't change the fact that it happened on another message board, not here.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal

Does anyone else find that strange?
You've been here how long? and wonder if this is strange? :roflmao:

I invited people thru this board too, but most were last minute invites.

It's not like I woke up yesterday morning and said, "Gee, I think I'll have a party today." :stooges:


Be about it
Originally posted by Sharon
I invited people thru this board too, but most were last minute invites.

:yeahthat: My invite was last minute b/c I rarely straggled over to the other board and never saw the original. I didn't know about the party at Sharon and 2As until around 4:30pm, but headed on over late.


Originally posted by cmcdanal

Sharon and 2A post an open invitatation to a party on another message board. One that a lot of people here frequent, but some people here didn't even know existed. So, you post the thank you thread on this message board.

Does anyone else find that strange?

That was my fault and I didn't do that to slight anyone. Now, I feel really bad, because that has always been a pet peeve of mine. I think that it is a slap in the face to thank people for a party they had at their house, or even mention it in other threads, etc. on this board when not everyone was included. It is like saying “I had a party, people had fun, and many of you were not invited.” :neener:

CMC, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. :bawl:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Didn't mean to get everyone on the defensive. sheesh :rolleyes:

All I said was here is this thread thanking Sharon and 2A for a wonderful party.

Now I know that there are a lot of get-togethers from here that are handled through PMs. That's great, I certainly wouldn't want some of the people that post here showing up at my house. But here is a very public thank you that implies there was a public invite. I don't read every thread here, but I usually pick up on public invites. After checking, I find that there was a public invite, but on another forum.

I don't care, I'm not big with the "in-crowd," so I didn't receive a personal invitation, but on the other hand, I wasn't specifically excluded either. I couldn't have come in any case, even if I'd had an engraved invitation.

I just find it unusual that the public thank you for this get-together occured here and not on the other forum.

No hidden agenda in my post, no pizzy mood for being excluded, just what I said. Touchy aren't we? :duh:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal

I just find it unusual that the public thank you for this get-together occured here and not on the other forum.

It did occur in the other forum too. Not everyone invited thru this forum is a member over there.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by cmcdanal
Touchy aren't we? :duh:


Obviously it bothered you because you said something about it. There is no in-crowd. This is getting way old. IM4 made a mistake. You know Huntr1, don't you? Well, he's over at the other place..ask him about it.


But wait, there's more...
where's kyle with his "no good deed ... " thing :confused:

I think it was mighty nice of 2A and Sharon to pick up the pieces ... for the second time, right? :confused:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by cattitude

Obviously it bothered you because you said something about it. There is no in-crowd. This is getting way old. IM4 made a mistake. You know Huntr1, don't you? Well, he's over at the other place..ask him about it.

No "Pot," not bothered, just curious.

You are too used to the subliminal :bs: and everyone having some other agenda over here, after reading the other forum a little bit, I get the impression that it was created to get away from some of that kinda :bs:

Huntr's only over there b/c I told him about it after I found it today. When I've read a little more, maybe I'll join too, when I'm convinced that it's not just revisited.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by crabcake
where's kyle with his "no good deed ... " thing :confused:

I think it was mighty nice of 2A and Sharon to pick up the pieces ... for the second time, right? :confused:

Actually, it was Sierra the first 2A's honor.

