Thanks to our new Democratic Governor


vraiblonde said:
See, I don't understand this either. The only thing I can think of is that O'Malley knows damn well that no illegal grass cutter is going to be able to afford even in-state tuition, so this is just feel-good crap that will never really happen.

What he's *not* considering is that not every illegal immigrant is some Mexican laborer. The guys who flew the planes on 9-11 were in this country illegally. So now some terrorist gets into our academic system, and what do you suppose he'll do with his education?

If he's smart, he'll become a college professor so he can influence young minds and push his agenda, just like the 60's Leftists did.
What I see happening next is the state forcing colleges to provide scholarships to illegals as an incentive for them to get educated and remain "a productive part of our communities". I believe this is already happening in CA.


vraiblonde said:
So now some terrorist gets into our academic system, and what do you suppose he'll do with his education?

If he's smart, he'll become a college professor so he can influence young minds and push his agenda, just like the 60's Leftists did.
He'll become a chemist or physicist.


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
They're presenting one side of the argument in here. It's just FOX Noise Online's typical liberal bashing. But then again, FOX Noise reported it so it must be true, as is and there be no opposing side on it.
You are welcome to present the other side any time... :tap:


New Member
ylexot said:
You are welcome to present the other side any time... :tap:
It's interesting FOX Noise never mentioned the other states that have this law... They never mentioned it was a REPUBLICAN state that first passed the law.

I'm mixed on this one. I mean, all it is is in-state tuition, not paying for their college. I'm sure you conservatives would love it if we did put them through college so you could b!tch about it.


New Member
PsyOps said:
What I see happening next is the state forcing colleges to provide scholarships to illegals as an incentive for them to get educated and remain "a productive part of our communities". I believe this is already happening in CA.
It's hard to get scholarships iof you're a white male these days, because you were somehow directly responsible for opppression of blacks and women some 150 odd years ago.


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
It's interesting FOX Noise never mentioned the other states that have this law...
It's interesting that you didn't read the article. From the very first paragraph:
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — With a new governor in power who has pledged support for inclusive immigration policies, Maryland may join 10 other states in allowing illegal immigrants to qualify for in-state tuition rates at the state's public colleges.

Go away forestal.


wandering aimlessly
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
It's hard to get scholarships iof you're a white male these days, because you were somehow directly responsible for opppression of blacks and women some 150 odd years ago.
My nephew - a white male - had his entire college tuition, plus room & board, paid for by the US Government. He had great grades, pursued engineering, and signed up to work for the gov for 5 years. He's still there and is either up for or got that GS-14.


New Member
ylexot said:
It's interesting that you didn't read the article. From the very first paragraph::dork:

Go away forestal.
Did FOX News, whhops, I'm sorry, FOX Noise, mention which states? Nope. Instead, they made it a partisan issue so you conservatives could once more blame liberals for everything.


New Member
bresamil said:
My nephew - a white male - had his entire college tuition, plus room & board, paid for by the US Government. He had great grades, pursued engineering, and signed up to work for the gov for 5 years. He's still there and is either up for or got that GS-14.
Maybe if I put an (R) next to my name, the government will be kinder. :lmao:

I said hard, not impossible. The ACLU, which is all about civil liberties, only considers minority Americans for scholarships. Some civil liberties and equality for all.


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Did FOX News, whhops, I'm sorry, FOX Noise, mention which states? Nope. Instead, they made it a partisan issue so you conservatives could once more blame liberals for everything.
Does it matter? I don't think it does.

BTW, still waiting for you to present the other side instead of just bashing FNC. You keep this up and you're going on ignore because you're not here to discuss issues...just which news channel you like better.


New Member
PsyOps said:
This raises two questions for me.

1) Qualifying for entrance into most colleges in the state of Maryland require that you have a decent GPA (FROM HIGH SCHOOL) and a threshold level on the SATs. Are these illegals able to provide both? How?

2) In order to qualify for federal student aid you have to file a FAFSA (Free Application for Free Student Aid) request. This requires that you provide valid SSN, place of residence, income information, tax information, etc... How will illegals qualify for this? Or will they just bypass all this and pay cash for their tuition?

Yeah right.
Do these colleges actually investigate these SSNs? Let's go back to the sex offender who attended 7th grade...


"Typical White Person"
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
They're presenting one side of the argument in here. It's just FOX Noise Online's typical liberal bashing. But then again, FOX Noise reported it so it must be true, as is and there be no opposing side on it.

Just when I thought you were starting to smartin up a little, back to your reguarly scheduled stupidity. If you don't think our new governor is gonna push every liberal left agenda down our throats for the next few years you are either blind or in denial.

And they do mention right off the bat it is already happend in 10 other states and it is just as much BS as it is here.


New Member
ylexot said:
Does it matter? I don't think it does.

BTW, still waiting for you to present the other side instead of just bashing FNC. You keep this up and you're going on ignore because you're not here to discuss issues...just which news channel you like better.
The law states that students that attend MD. high schools for two years qualify for in-state tuition. That seems pretty fair to me. It'd be different, I think, if it was just some 19 y/o kid who just crossed the border. Like PsyOps stated, you have to specify what your status is when applying for college aid.

I personally would rather an illegal immigrant's status be known and them be in college working towards being productive in our society than them being out here suckin in our tax dollars. Besides, if their status is known, makes it easier for the feds to get them in raids. :wench: :whistle:


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
The law states that students that attend MD. high schools for two years qualify for in-state tuition. That seems pretty fair to me.
I think illegals should not be in school. If people want to come to the US for a better life, I have no problem with it legally.

BTW, in-state tuition is subsidized by the taxpayers and the American citizens from out of state. By allowing illegals to get in-state tuition, they are being subsidized by citizens. That is wrong. There should be three tiers of tuition payment: in state, out-of-state, and out-of-country. Illegals should be considered out-of-country.


Methodically disorganized
AK-74me said:
Democratic Delegate Victor R. Ramirez, the bill's primary sponsor, said immigrants should be given a chance to succeed... the least you can do is let their children have an opportunity
This literally made my jaw drop. This doofus should be reminded that every citizen does have the opportunity to succeed. Citizen. The little point of illegality must go zooming right over their heads, regardless how many times they hear it. :banghead:

vraiblonde said:
So now some terrorist gets into our academic system, and what do you suppose he'll do with his education?
This has already begun. (And that's from early 2003.) :ohwell:


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Do these colleges actually investigate these SSNs? Let's go back to the sex offender who attended 7th grade...
That's not really my point. I'm thinking more that O'Malley will waive an illegal's requirement to produce these pieces of info. He's already attempting to make it easier for illegals to get into college than actual LEGAL residents. How in the heck are colleges supposed to verify who these people are in the first place?