That escalated quickly


Well-Known Member


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
When I was a wee lad (an Army lieutenant decades ago; almost Star Wars ages ago) my troopers were able to "smuggle in" an unprofessional acronym (along the lines of FUBAR, but the actual one shall go unsaid) into the camo scheme of one of our M577s. Was really, really well-done; a work of art actually. Knew I was gonna get in trouble with the Squadron CO/XO, but I didn't have the heart to tell my soldiers to repaint the vehicle. So we left it. Lasted only a little more than a day because "everyone" was laughing about it and - of course - the XO got wind about it. Of course, all hell broke loose and I absorbed the brunt of it. Was worth it, though.

Good times. Good times. Even built a 1:35 scale model of an M577 and incorporated the incident/acronym into the model's paint scheme!

--- End of line (MCP)


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PREMO Member
Was in an H-46 squadron as MMCO. Det came back from Desert Storm with a life size pin up girl painted on the tail pylon ala WW-II. Tastefully done and very nice artwork except for the skimpy one piece bathing suit. She was named Bombs Away Baby to focus on the many bombs they had vertrepped during their time. As they taxied in to the waiting families and assembled wing reps including the Commodore the skipper caught me and explained that by morning the artwork would be removed. This was during the height of the Tailhook fiasco. Corrosion crew worked late that night.