That new movie named "NOAH"


New Member
Hubby and I rented Noah from the Red Box.

It's awful for children.... please please don't rent it for your children.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hotcoffee, did you enjoy the movie? I saw it today and was going to put in on my watchlist. Yes, no, maybe?


New Member
Hotcoffee, did you enjoy the movie? I saw it today and was going to put in on my watchlist. Yes, no, maybe?

If it were not named NOAH I would just say... "it's different" and I would have never posted anything here about it. But it's named NOAH and it's really distorted.

Let kids continue to have their version until they are old enough to imagine the real meaning of the Bible Story. It's not a good movie for kids.



24/7 Single Dad
If you can get past the lava rock monsters defending Noah and his family from attacking hoards of evil people it's not a bad movie.


Well-Known Member

Those are just a few of things one must get past to consider it a good, PC, enviro message movie.

Seeing that the director called his movie "the least biblically biblical film ever produced", and that he achieved his goal of making an alternative narrative to the Bible and Genesis accounts of the events, the movie was visually entertaining, but way off on the truth of the only account available scale.

Don't even waste a buck on it.


New Member

Those are just a few of things one must get past to consider it a good, PC, enviro message movie.

Seeing that the director called his movie "the least biblically biblical film ever produced", and that he achieved his goal of making an alternative narrative to the Bible and Genesis accounts of the events, the movie was visually entertaining, but way off on the truth of the only account available scale.

Don't even waste a buck on it.

I didn't like it much. I really hate it when people take biblical titles and don't stay with the story. The arc definitely wasn't to specs. Noah was totally insane. There weren't three families. They put the animals to sleep. There was a stowaway. There was a murder. There was a pregnancy. It was just insane. I watched it though... all the way through... so that I could comment about how awful it is truthfully.... it was ok for a Different movie but not a good movie for the Biblical Title.

IMHO it would warp a child's mind.... or a newly born again mind.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you can get past the lava rock monsters defending Noah and his family from attacking hoards of evil people it's not a bad movie.

Alrighty then... :lol:

Based on that and HC's description, looks like I'll be skipping it.


Active Member
I went and saw it when it first came out. I thought it was pretty good. I saw it for what it was, not what I wanted it to be. I also remember when it first came out it was highly publicized that it was not a representation of the story of Noah. I also don't think a
PG13 movie was intended for "children". MHO.


New Member
I will agree that it is not in keeping with the Bible story and that I would be uncomfortable watching it around young children due to the violence, too.

On it's own, though, I thought it was quite entertaining, thought-provoking, and a bit suspenseful at times.

It sort of has a womens always be messing up man's world domination plan theme :coffee:

And also a bit of a pro-vegetarian theme :biggrin:

I enjoyed the movie.