'That Weapon Is Pointed... At You'


Well-Known Member
They are so obsessed with so called right wing extremism in the military that the left wing extremist are right in the open.


Well-Known Member
I seem to recall from the history books about how the British army had us outmanned and outgunned from 1775 to 1783. They lost.
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Well-Known Member
She already is the enemy. She’s just waiting for an excuse to giddily start shooting.

Ya know what is crazy? This knee grow Lieut. of the Capitol Police shoots down and unarmed small veteran woman and then goes on TV and brags about what a brave act it was. Speaking of giddily shooting down unarmed people.

In a country that builds up statues to dope addicts and ne'er do wells while tearing down historical statues of Confederate Generals, and then abandons Americans in Afghanistan, while flying out Muslims .
My take on the Afghani's who were working for us is that they were not so much working for us as they were fighting an enemy they had been fighting for hundreds of years. Now they come to America to attempt to turn us into what they just left.