The American Dream


Well-Known Member
Harold Ekeh has a very tough decision to make.

The 18-year-old Long Islander has waited anxiously for weeks since sending off his college applications.

But he didn't expect this.

Harold has been accepted by every single one - including all eight Ivy League schools.

Born in Nigeria, Harold and his parents moved to the US when he was eight.

He is now a straight A student, with an SAT score of 2270, at Elmont Memorial High School in Long Island, New York, where he has served as editor-in-chief of his student newspaper and chief executive of the Model United Nations.

Harvard only accepts 5.9 per cent of applicants - roughly 2,000 of the 34,000 submissions they receive.

Yale accepts 6.3 per cent of the 30,000 students who apply, and Columbia only 6.9 per cent of 32,000.

Cornell has the highest acceptance rate of the eight Ivies - a minuscule 14 per cent of the 43,000 applicants.


New Member
I applaud this kid for doing what he has done! More power to him and I hope he succeeds in every way. :buddies:

On the other side of the coin.... how come black leaders can never point to instances like this when there is a discussion about "oppression" or how the black man is being kept down? You never hear about these success stories then... :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Weird. None of the black people I know hate white people.

I have a feeling none of you morons have black friends.

Sadly, I cannot say the same. I know wonderful people of all races, but I know die-hard bigots of all races as well.
Up until a few months ago, I had to listen every morning about how awful white people were.
Some people hate for no reason, but it's not exclusive to whites.


Well-Known Member
Weird. None of the black people I know hate white people.

I have a feeling none of you morons have black friends.

No? I guess I dreamed being invited to a black friend's crab feast, having gone..then discovering being the only white one there and the only person to speak with me was my friend. Ok.
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Well-Known Member
No? I guess I dreamed being invited to a black friend's crab feast, having gone..then discovering being the only white one there and the only person to speak with me was my friend. Ok.

What does them being black have to do with anything? It sounds like you were invited to a party where you only knew the host. Unless you make an effort, people who don't know you are not gong to engage you at a party.

But I am calling BS anyway. There is no way in hell you sit at a crab feast with people (of any color) with out having some small talk.


Well-Known Member
What does them being black have to do with anything? It sounds like you were invited to a party where you only knew the host. Unless you make an effort, people who don't know you are not gong to engage you at a party.

But I am calling BS anyway. There is no way in hell you sit at a crab feast with people (of any color) with out having some small talk.

I want to say I made an effort, because I did....but you will raise the BS flag like you usually do. Wait, it was only a dream, so..why are we having a discussion? I guess I dreamed also having been at all white parties as well and found it to be safer to be there.

Boy, never tell one's experience on this forum. You will be told it never happened.


Well-Known Member
I want to say I made an effort, because I did....but you will raise the BS flag like you usually do. Wait, it was only a dream, so..why are we having a discussion? I guess I dreamed also having been at all white parties as well and found it to be safer to be there.

Boy, never tell one's experience on this forum. You will be told it never happened.

Pretty much so, or called ignorant and stupid, by ignorant and stupid people.


Well-Known Member
I want to say I made an effort, because I did....but you will raise the BS flag like you usually do. Wait, it was only a dream, so..why are we having a discussion? I guess I dreamed also having been at all white parties as well and found it to be safer to be there.
Boy, never tell one's experience on this forum. You will be told it never happened.

What made that particular crab feast 'unsafe'.

I love when people lie about an experience on a forum and then double down on their stupidity :yay:


New Member
According to statistics, it is far more dangerous to be around white people than people of color in this country, according to the FBI at least.

"Of all adults arrested in 2012, 69.7 were white, 27.6 percent were black, and 2.7 percent were of other races. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race, accounting for 58.7 percent of those arrests."

Maybe it was just you?


PREMO Member
According to statistics, it is far more dangerous to be around white people than people of color in this country, according to the FBI at least.

that was arrests ... what about convictions

well Blacks are only 14 ish % of the population ....


New Member
that was arrests ... what about convictions

well Blacks are only 14 ish % of the population ....

.........and what does any of this have to do with this kid being very smart and getting into college ??? NOTHING ,except it piss's you off.


Well-Known Member
While you all go on about the Race effect's, maybe, as a society we should start looking at:
1. Our involvement as parents
2. Our education system
3. Our public colleges acceptance processes

All to often we hear of these success stories and they usually revolve around those 3 items as to why certain people excel while other's don't.


Well-Known Member
According to statistics, it is far more dangerous to be around white people than people of color in this country, according to the FBI at least.

"Of all adults arrested in 2012, 69.7 were white, 27.6 percent were black, and 2.7 percent were of other races. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race, accounting for 58.7 percent of those arrests."

Maybe it was just you?

I'm hoping this was just an oversight.

You do realize that if a race has a HIGHER percentage of committing crime than their percentage in the general public - that makes THEM more likely to commit crime, right?

Whites comprise 77.7% of the population and commit 69.7% of the crime.
Blacks comprise 13.2% of the population and commit 27.6% of the crime.
(assuming crime=arrests)

Go back to the same FBI site and normalize all the data according to population. You may want to reconsider your argument.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
I'm hoping this was just an oversight.

You do realize that if a race has a HIGHER percentage of committing crime than their percentage in the general public - that makes THEM more likely to commit crime, right?

Whites comprise 77.7% of the population and commit 69.7% of the crime.
Blacks comprise 13.2% of the population and commit 27.6% of the crime.
(assuming crime=arrests)

Go back to the same FBI site and normalize all the data according to population. You may want to reconsider your argument.

Every time I try to point this out, Bored Mommy calls me rayciss. Good luck with that.