The American Dream


New Member
While you all go on about the Race effect's, maybe, as a society we should start looking at:
1. Our involvement as parents
2. Our education system
3. Our public colleges acceptance processes

All to often we hear of these success stories and they usually revolve around those 3 items as to why certain people excel while other's don't.

Although I do agree that these topics need to be discussed...

Exactly WHAT makes you say that we hear about "success stories... all too often?" Are you actually trying to say that stories like this young man's in the OP are more heard about than whining, crying, and demanding that minorities do when saying they are being oppressed or held down by society?


Well-Known Member
Every time I try to point this out, Bored Mommy calls me rayciss. Good luck with that.

It's observed that while poverty does not cause crime, they correlate and scale accordingly. Poor areas have crime; rich areas don't have the same level of crime.
Or the same kind. (The only poor place I've ever been in with low crime was Addis Ababa in Ethiopia (and other cities in Ethiopia). They have corruption but little crime - no one has anything.)

Education trends similarly. Poorly educated correlates with higher crime. This doesn't change even if it's rural or urban.

There are many who want to say, not so - the numbers just show that there's a discrepancy in arrests. So the problem persists, because no one wants to deal
with the elephant in the room.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, I cannot say the same. I know wonderful people of all races, but I know die-hard bigots of all races as well.
Up until a few months ago, I had to listen every morning about how awful white people were.
Some people hate for no reason, but it's not exclusive to whites.

Agree. Imagine having to sit in a classroom listening day after day how awful white people were in a class of mostly blacks.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Like when they are being taught about the civil rights movement or slavery ?

I am sorry you believe you (and others like you) require teaching about the civil rights movement or slavery. Most of us on this forum are tired of having civil rights and slavery screamed at us every time you aggrieved individuals get butt hurt.


New Member
I am sorry you believe you (and others like you) require teaching about the civil rights movement or slavery. Most of us on this forum are tired of having civil rights and slavery screamed at us every time you aggrieved individuals get butt hurt.

Wll DA ,it is history and it is taught ,as is the Holocaust .Forum members such as yourself are an embarassment to


Well-Known Member
Like when they are being taught about the civil rights movement or slavery ?

Black people sold black people into slavery. White people (Republicans) drove the end of slavery and drove the civil rights movements. A rather large number of white people died in the act of ending slavery, and in fighting against (Democrat) Jim Crowe laws.

All races have been, and all races have held, slaves. In America, the first slave owner was black. During the time from America becoming its own country and the end of slavery, free blacks owned slaves in the same ratio of whites owning blacks.

WTF are you even talking about, besides ill-informed liberal hogwash that drives unfounded white guilt?


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Wll DA ,it is history and it is taught ,as is the Holocaust .Forum members such as yourself are an embarassment to

Thanks for playing but I'm afraid you missed the correct answer. BTW, I'm not a District Attorney, but that's beside the point.


mama to two
Thanks for playing but I'm afraid you missed the correct answer. BTW, I'm not a District Attorney, but that's beside the point.

:lol: I always laugh when BB gets the District Attorney reply. I have used it myself. :lol:
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New Member

Black people sold black people into slavery. White people (Republicans) drove the end of slavery and drove the civil rights movements. A rather large number of white people died in the act of ending slavery, and in fighting against (Democrat) Jim Crowe laws.

All races have been, and all races have held, slaves. In America, the first slave owner was black. During the time from America becoming its own country and the end of slavery, free blacks owned slaves in the same ratio of whites owning blacks.

WTF are you even talking about, besides ill-informed liberal hogwash that drives unfounded white guilt?

The typical answer from every white man who has a guilty conscience .


Well-Known Member
Like when they are being taught about the civil rights movement or slavery ?

Gym teacher would express dislike towards whites, which would then rile the black students. A white kid walking alone in the hallway would be surrounded by black students while another beat them up. Blacks would also misbehave in other classes. Everyone would be told to lay their head on their desk. The ones misbehaving in class refused. When teachers threatened to kick them out they would be called racist. Teachers were afraid and did nothing. Some whites dropped out of school because they couldn't take it anymore.

That's the truth.


Well-Known Member
Gym teacher would express dislike towards whites, which would then rile the black students. A white kid walking alone in the hallway would be surrounded by black students while another beat them up. Blacks would also misbehave in other classes. Everyone would be told to lay their head on their desk. The ones misbehaving in class refused. When teachers threatened to kick them out they would be called racist. Teachers were afraid and did nothing. Some whites dropped out of school because they couldn't take it anymore.

That's the truth.

I'm sure.... and it totally excuses your bigotry :crazy:


New Member
Gym teacher would express dislike towards whites, which would then rile the black students. A white kid walking alone in the hallway would be surrounded by black students while another beat them up. Blacks would also misbehave in other classes. Everyone would be told to lay their head on their desk. The ones misbehaving in class refused. When teachers threatened to kick them out they would be called racist. Teachers were afraid and did nothing. Some whites dropped out of school because they couldn't take it anymore.

That's the truth.

well, at least you have a valid reason for being a bigot.......


New Member
Gym teacher would express dislike towards whites, which would then rile the black students. A white kid walking alone in the hallway would be surrounded by black students while another beat them up. Blacks would also misbehave in other classes. Everyone would be told to lay their head on their desk. The ones misbehaving in class refused. When teachers threatened to kick them out they would be called racist. Teachers were afraid and did nothing. Some whites dropped out of school because they couldn't take it anymore.

That's the truth.

Nope ,not in my school never happened to the blacks or the whites .