The Army just got dumber

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
MMDad said:
:yay: Anyone who would brag about a 96! :rolleyes:

I have twenty that says you didn't beat mine!

I got the highest possible score, but I would have been a terrible soldier. I am a great test taker, which just means that I do well on tests even if I don't know the subject matter well. Some knowledgable people do not test well, even if they know the material.

Forrest Gump may be fiction, but it is an example of how even less intelligent people can be a great asset to the military. Sometimes you need people who follow orders without questioning the order.

The reason I would have made a terrible soldier is that I had not yet learned that sometimes your superiors don't care if you have a better idea, the just want you to STFU and do as you are told.

We are giving more people the ability to better themselves by joining the military. We are also putting more people into the training pipelines, which allows more oppurtunity to cut out the slackers. Sounds like a win-win to me!

I corrected myself, that wasn't what I got on the ASVAB but the AFQT generated from the ASVAB score and the highest AFQT percentile is 99 so I guess you were three points higher. That doesn't matter because 93-99 percentile is the same catagory. 251 would have been my ASVAB score.
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Bustem' Down said:
I hope they start a draft, and start with you.
I would prefer to shove slaphappynmd in the middle of such countries to give him/her a taste of the brutality and fear they live under. Folks like slaphappy apparently don't believe EVERYONE deserves freedom. They also don't realize that this freedom SOMETIMES comes at the end of a gun (unfortunately). Given that, I'm sure slaphappy doesn't truely understand all the Americans that "died for nothing" to preserve slaphappy's freedom.


I bowl overhand
MMDad said:
This does not mean the intelligence of the Army is any dumber than average. When Itsbob got out, the average IQ almost doubled. Lowering standards has just brought the average back down to the pre-bob-retirement level.

See, now I was going to post just the oppsite..They've we're dumbed down drastically when I retired..

They are just now starting to recover.

The story I always tell people is about my dad. He joined the Army at 17 (I honestly think he was younger) and with a 6th grade education. He was a hillbilly from WAAAY north in NH. He was allowed to join the Army. He attained the highest enlisted rank, served 27 years, survived three combat tours, one in Korea, and two in Vietnam (once in the 1st Air Cavalry), was wounded three times, and medevaced back home once. He thought the Army was so cool, that he re-enlisted in Basic Training, he thought it was awesome that he had shoes(boots) on his feet everyday, and had four changes of clothes.

He's a BRILLIANT mathmetician when it comes to trajectories, physics and such, and can do math problems in his head that would make most people's heads spin.

In all regards, a very successful career, and life.

Today, he'd be laughed out of the recruiting office.

He aslo was irate the day I came home and told him I enlisted, he didn't talk to me for almost four years.

He wanted better for his boy...

but what can be better for a son, then being like their dad?


NOT Politically Correct!!
PsyOps said:
Tox… “Intelligencia”? You speak of intelligence by using fictitious words? Okay, we have established certain levels of intellect. Now tell me, would you be able to identify the signature sound of an AK-47 vs. an M-16? If so, why is this important? How about this… What is the operational launch distance of a 170mm Strix mortar projectile, and what unique technology does it employ as apposed to other legacy mortar weaponry? What new network communications technology will allow an IP address to be assigned to every piece of equipment used out in the field (i.e. cell phones, blackberrys, GPS devices, smart weapons, phones, radios, etc...) that will allow satellite uplinks for each device to a central command center for accurate tracking of friendly military vs. enemy to avoid battlefield mishaps and perfect targeting?

I hope this short lecture has enlightened you on your erroneous and insulting assessment of our soldier “intelligencia”.

I know, I know... :yay:


I bowl overhand
Bustem' Down said:
I corrected myself, that wasn't what I got on the ASVAB but the AFQT generated from the ASVAB score and the highest AFQT percentile is 99 so I guess you were three points higher. That doesn't matter because 93-99 percentile is the same catagory. 251 would have been my ASVAB score.
There really is no "ASVAB Score", You get the AFQT which is the same for every service, then every service breaks down the ASVAB into different line scores that are in no way inter-related with other services line scores.

If I remember right the Army had 10 line scores G(eneral)T(echnical) being the base, referred to as your "Army IQ", Marines I think had like four (which of the four kind of infantryman would you be best at) the Navy had something like 8.. etc.. etc..

Even the AFQT score only took four or five of the subtests into account, so there was no way to get an overall ASVAB score. It's been few years so I don't remember which subtests..

The AFQT was used to determine what kiind of "extra's" you qualified for, anything over a 50 qualified you for most anything, over 65 was a shoe-in to take the DLAb for language school, or for testing for the Navy Nuke program.

And of course "extra's" for the recruiter too.


NOT Politically Correct!!
It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN , not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN , not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN ,
who salutes the Flag,

<img src="">


I bowl overhand
PsyOps said:
Tox… “Intelligencia”? You speak of intelligence by using fictitious words? Okay, we have established certain levels of intellect. Now tell me, would you be able to identify the signature sound of an AK-47 vs. an M-16? If so, why is this important? How about this… What is the operational launch distance of a 170mm Strix mortar projectile, and what unique technology does it employ as apposed to other legacy mortar weaponry? What new network communications technology will allow an IP address to be assigned to every piece of equipment used out in the field (i.e. cell phones, blackberrys, GPS devices, smart weapons, phones, radios, etc...) that will allow satellite uplinks for each device to a central command center for accurate tracking of friendly military vs. enemy to avoid battlefield mishaps and perfect targeting?

I hope this short lecture has enlightened you on your erroneous and insulting assessment of our soldier “intelligencia”.
I can tell you the difference between an M-16 and an AK-47, I can also differentiate the sound of an M-60 tank and a T-72, (M1 is distinctive IF you hear it, so not a big deal).

the Strix isn't the Mortar itself, but the guided projectile that it fires, and it's 120mm (NATO standard) not 170mm.

AND in the case of Army less then 20% are combat troops.. you still need your gravy ladelers, your laundry and bath specialists, you fabric repair speicalists.. there are a LOT of jobs that can be done by people with low aptitudes.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Make it like the Romans? Military service is the requirement for all citizens, and a requirement for citizenship?
Sorry, I hadn't noticed that I'd had a question over here. that is exactly what I meant, rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. You’re purchasing your citizenship with service to the country as a whole.


Super Genius
Merlin99 said:
Sorry, I hadn't noticed that I'd had a question over here. that is exactly what I meant, rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. You’re purchasing your citizenship with service to the country as a whole.
Kinda like Starship Troopers..."Service Guarantees Citizenship!"


itsbob said:
I can tell you the difference between an M-16 and an AK-47, I can also differentiate the sound of an M-60 tank and a T-72, (M1 is distinctive IF you hear it, so not a big deal).

the Strix isn't the Mortar itself, but the guided projectile that it fires, and it's 120mm (NATO standard) not 170mm.

AND in the case of Army less then 20% are combat troops.. you still need your gravy ladelers, your laundry and bath specialists, you fabric repair speicalists.. there are a LOT of jobs that can be done by people with low aptitudes.
Thanks for the correction on the Strix size. However, it is identified as a "smart mortar" round.

But you know I was attempting to show Toxic his erroneous assessment of our military’s intellect. Sometimes my point is more aimed at other readers to show the total lack of appreciation some folks show for our military and the near-impossible job they have. You and I (as vets) are blessed to still have our lives to carry some sort of torch for those that can’t speak for their huge sacrifice.


I bowl overhand
PsyOps said:
Thanks for the correction on the Strix size. However, it is identified as a "smart mortar" round.

But you know I was attempting to show Toxic his erroneous assessment of our military’s intellect. Sometimes my point is more aimed at other readers to show the total lack of appreciation some folks show for our military and the near-impossible job they have. You and I (as vets) are blessed to still have our lives to carry some sort of torch for those that can’t speak for their huge sacrifice.
True, and do admit that the "basic infantryman" has to be much smarter then he was twenty years ago. There's a lot more to the job then sending the pointy end of the bullet down the barrel first.

The gear he carries is much more advanced, from individual comm gear, NVD's, and even PDA and computers... Today's infantryman doesn't much resemble the ones form yesteryear except in heart, and patriotism.


PsyOps said:
But you know I was attempting to show Toxic his erroneous assessment of our military’s intellect.

Hold up a minute there, Sparky. I wasn't assessing the military's intellect. My post was IN NO WAY meant to disparage the intellect of the men and women serving their country.

In fact, some of the most brilliant minds that I've ever encountered were inside the heads of military men. If you thought I was saying servicemen were stupid, then you completely misunderstood the point, intent and content of my post.

I have been working directly and indirectly with the navy for some 15 odd years now. And during that time, I have met some incredibly intelligent people - and also I have met my share of sailors who are about as sharp as a bag of wet mice.

If my post was ambiguous or misworded, allow me to rephrase: It doesn't matter if the average intelligence (or perceived intelligence, if you prefer) of our individual servicemen is going downhill. It doesn't require brains to have balls, and we can still kick anyone's ass when we put our collective minds to it.

I hope that you find that phrasing more palletable.

PsyOps said:
Sometimes my point is more aimed at other readers to show the total lack of appreciation some folks show for our military and the near-impossible job they have.

And if you believe that I harbor a lack of appreciation for our military then you don't know me at all, and I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from presuming too far.

I have NOTHING but respect for the military and the people in it.


Toxick said:
Hold up a minute there, Sparky. I wasn't assessing the military's intellect. My post was IN NO WAY meant to disparage the intellect of the men and women serving their country.

In fact, some of the most brilliant minds that I've ever encountered were inside the heads of military men. If you thought I was saying servicemen were stupid, then you completely misunderstood the point, intent and content of my post.

I have been working directly and indirectly with the navy for some 15 odd years now. And during that time, I have met some incredibly intelligent people - and also I have met my share of sailors who are about as sharp as a bag of wet mice.

If my post was ambiguous or misworded, allow me to rephrase: It doesn't matter if the average intelligence (or perceived intelligence, if you prefer) of our individual servicemen is going downhill. It doesn't require brains to have balls, and we can still kick anyone's ass when we put our collective minds to it.

I hope that you find that phrasing more palletable.

And if you believe that I harbor a lack of appreciation for our military then you don't know me at all, and I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from presuming too far.

I have NOTHING but respect for the military and the people in it.
You send a mixed message when on one side of your internet mouth you state: “(Be)sides, you don't have to be amongst the intelligencia to be a soldier, or a hero.
You only need to know which end of the gun to hold, and at whom to point the other end.” (a very general statement), then you state “…some of the most brilliant minds that I've ever encountered were inside the heads of military men” (a much more specific statement). Since I misunderstood you I do apologize and thank you for clarifying.