The Baby Borrowers


Active Member
This show is hilarious!:lmao: My daughter is 15 and has already told me several times that she is NOT having kids until she is 30. Whoever thought of the concept is a genius. I can't wait to see them handle the teens and the elderly.


Active Member
When it started almost all of them wanted to have a baby. I think They are all rethinking that now.

canuk woman

The show's ok wanna bet that the surfing couple are like broken up now?

canuk woman

I'm thinking a few of those couples won't/didn't last after the show :lmao:

I find this show to be pretty amusing though. Its funny what these teens didn't expect with having a kid.

Well yeah I saw the preview for the next episode and it looks like a living hell

canuk woman

Man that was some twisted episode I don't think they focused on the teens they were raising though in this episode. I also applaud Morgan for continuing to do this

canuk woman

Well after watching all the episodes it made me stop to think (and I also lost sleep while thinkinig) maybe I do want to have kids but maybe I also don't want to get married because after seeing half of the couples fight like crazy it looks like marraige involves alot of commitment and commitment equals work. Plus I just remembered my mom got married to my day before she turned 21
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