The Baynet & Metcom


Active Member
Since the Baynet refuses to post my rebuttal, here it is:

As a MetCom employee I am sick to death of these articles that are full of untruths & written solely for the purpose of promoting someone's personal agenda!! Sewergate indeed!! The general public would be interested to know that one of the owners (by his OWN representation) of this trash publication is a MetCom Commissioner!

FACT - Mr Bundy resigned. He was not terminated. Absent extenuating circumstances a resignation is rarely rescinded. His resignation was honored and then voted on by the Board as a BODY. Four members voted in favor of an immediate resignation, two did not. Simple. He was not escorted from the building. Again, he resigned - resignation & termination are not the same thing.

FACT - Ms. Meiser is NOT a part-time employee

FACT - Ms. Meiser and Mr. Ichniowski DO NOT set the rates; the MetCom Board of Commissioners does -- Commissioners Mummaugh, Thompson, Barthleme, Russell, Willing, Gaskins and Carey. They are appointed by the very people some assert should take over this organization!

FACT - MetCom rates are comparable or lower than surrounding counties AND Leonardtown.

FACT - In FY '00 Metcom had 57 employees and 10,510 customers, 51 water stations and 37 wastewater stations. Today there are 96 employees, 17,218 customers, 51 water stations and 63 wastewater stations AND until FY '12 the County Commissioners approved ALL new positions. that is a 65% increase in customer base with a less than 50% increase in staffing. All the while, regulations imposed by MDE & the EPA to keep your drinking water safe & to treat sewage waste released to the Chesapeake Bay are increasingly stringent. MetCom meets or exceeds these standards EACH and EVERY DAY. Rules and regulations across the board never let up including employment - the Metropolitan Commission did not even have an HR department in 2000!

FACT - If St. Mary's Co. gets Code Home Rule it willbe a disaster and the citizens of this county will be sorry because the cost to operate MetCom will be borne by all county residents, even those who not receive MetCom services even though you'll still have your own well/septic with NO assistance from fellow tax payers to offset those replacement expenses.

As in all news sources, please check your facts. At ANYTIME if you have ANY questions please come to MetCom. Staff is always happy to answer questions. I encourage everyone to take a tour of our treatment plant. You would be absolutely amazed at the amount of work it takes to treat your sewage keeping the Bay clean EVERY day, round the clock. You don't just "flush and it goes away!"

Signed - A dedicated but frustrated MetCom employee
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Well-Known Member
...FACT - In FY '00 Metcom had 57 employees and 10,510 customers, 51 water stations and 37 wastewater stations. Today there are 96 employees, 17,218 customers, 51 water stations and 63 wastewater stations AND until FY '12 the County Commissioners approved ALL new positions. that is a 65% increase in customer base with a less than 50% increase in staffing. All the while, regulations imposed by MDE & the EPA to keep your drinking water safe & to treat sewage waste released to the Chesapeake Bay are increasingly stringent. MetCom meets or exceeds these standards EACH and EVERY DAY. Rules and regulations across the board never let up including employment - the Metropolitan Commission did not even have an HR department in 2000!...

"increasingly stringent"....such as?

As far as I was aware, effluent limits haven't changed since TMDL limits were set in 2010.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Signed - A dedicated but frustrated MetCom employee

As a long-time (>20 years) MetCom customer living on St. George Island, I'm beyond satisfied with the level of support provided over all those years. (For a while I had 8 grinder pumps to worry about..down to only two now) I've served hot coffee and cookies to some shivering MetCom techs restoring service to one of my homes on a snowy, nasty Christmas eve..and them doing that without the first grumble or cross word.



Well-Known Member
Any public company that can't figure out until 2016 how to run a basic website and provide competent electronic billing on a truly secure webpage doesn't deserve to stay in business.


Main Streeter
How would code home rule change the operation of metcom ?

Code Home Rule will not change METCOM. That is misinformation that's being spread. METCOM was established by state law and cannot be changed with or without Code Home Rule. The OP is incorrect. Only the General Assembly can change the status of METCOM.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Why is that BS? I've given them cold drinks when they were busting their asses replacing a water main in front of my house.

Tito's tiny mind. It's all he could come up with.

The system on the island was replaced over last two years, but before it was, visits by MetCom folks were all too often. But they kept it going.


Well-Known Member
I see no contradiction between being kind to frontline employees who do their job, and still thinking that the metcom board is run by people who, to say it kindly, are challenged in their ability to manage an organization of this size.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I see no contradiction between being kind to frontline employees who do their job, and still thinking that the metcom board is run by people who, to say it kindly, are challenged in their ability to manage an organization of this size.

True that.


Thats how them b*tch's R
As a long-time (>20 years) MetCom customer living on St. George Island, I'm beyond satisfied with the level of support provided over all those years. (For a while I had 8 grinder pumps to worry about..down to only two now) I've served hot coffee and cookies to some shivering MetCom techs restoring service to one of my homes on a snowy, nasty Christmas eve..and them doing that without the first grumble or cross word.


That was very nice of you! My MIL has done things like this numerous times. She would do cold drinks and goodies to the guys who came to collect the garbage and just about anyone who came to remodel the house.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
That was very nice of you! My MIL has done things like this numerous times. She would do cold drinks and goodies to the guys who came to collect the garbage and just about anyone who came to remodel the house.

Nothing like facing a holiday and a house full of company to make you appreciate having your dead septic connection brought back to life, late at night in miserable weather. I'd have brought out scotch too if I thought they could get away with it.. ;-)


Thats how them b*tch's R
Nothing like facing a holiday and a house full of company to make you appreciate having your dead septic connection brought back to life, late at night in miserable weather. I'd have brought out scotch too if I thought they could get away with it.. ;-)

:lmao: :yay:


Resident PIA
I see no contradiction between being kind to frontline employees who do their job, and still thinking that the metcom board is run by people who, to say it kindly, are challenged in their ability to manage an organization of this size.

politics is politics, at any level. People slam "government". In my many years of experience both in private industry and in government I will say that the mix of employees, good and bad, are about the same. There is also very little difference in accountability, leadership looks for the someone to blame, and that's the employees. Leadership is lacking, as Harry Truman said, the buck stops here - with me. You don't see that today. To many cozy relationships.
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Dead Eye
A Quote from the OP. "All the while, regulations imposed by MDE & the EPA to keep your drinking water safe & to treat sewage waste released to the Chesapeake Bay are increasingly stringent. MetCom meets or exceeds these standards EACH and EVERY DAY"

Why is it then that Metcom will disconnect power from sewer pumps of customers that have not payed their bill ??? A bit of FYI for those reading this post,when power is removed from a grinder pump it overflows raw untreated sewage into yep you guessed it . Visit ,click on pay your bill , read the RED message.. This is intentionally forcing sewage into our drinking water , the bay , ect ???


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Why is it then that Metcom will disconnect power from sewer pumps of customers that have not payed their bill ???

How can they do that? The power for my Metcom sewer pumps comes right from my own power panel. Same as all of the rest of them.


Active Member
DeadEye - that warning in red regards water service. For sewer service to be terminated, I believe the grinder pump must be removed. I don't know of any cases of this happening exactly for the reasons you state. It is a health hazard.