The Baynet & Metcom


Active Member
Enhanced Nutrient Removal is one of the newer and very expensive requirements from the state of Maryland. You can read more about it here:

The largest treatment facility in St. Mary's County is now completing their ENR upgraded (mandated by law) Some, but not all of the $36 million dollar cost was covered by grant money. The plant must remain fully operational during the upgrade. Leonardtown is also in the process of upgrading their plant. And btw, if you think you Metcom bill is too high, be glad you don't live in Leonardtown, they have higher rates. Somehow that message never seem to get out


Code Home Rule will not change METCOM. That is misinformation that's being spread. METCOM was established by state law and cannot be changed with or without Code Home Rule. The OP is incorrect. Only the General Assembly can change the status of METCOM.

According to an article on Page A3 of the Nov 2nd Enterprise, this is not correct. From the second paragraph of the article titled "Commissioners seek more authority over Metcom":

"The commissioners [of St Mary's County] have proposed changes to the public local law that governs Metcom, which would need to go to the Maryland General Assembly for approval if code home rule is not passed here in this election."


Well-Known Member
Enhanced Nutrient Removal is one of the newer and very expensive requirements from the state of Maryland. You can read more about it here:

The largest treatment facility in St. Mary's County is now completing their ENR upgraded (mandated by law) Some, but not all of the $36 million dollar cost was covered by grant money. The plant must remain fully operational during the upgrade. Leonardtown is also in the process of upgrading their plant. And btw, if you think you Metcom bill is too high, be glad you don't live in Leonardtown, they have higher rates. Somehow that message never seem to get out

ENR requirements aren't new. It's been in place for some time now.

The only reason it's not fully funded by grant money is probably because there were portions of the upgrade that weren't directly related to lowering the nutrient effluent. USDA and MD won't pay for those parts of the upgrade.


Honorary SMIB
ENR requirements aren't new. It's been in place for some time now.

The only reason it's not fully funded by grant money is probably because there were portions of the upgrade that weren't directly related to lowering the nutrient effluent. USDA and MD won't pay for those parts of the upgrade.

I'm wondering about the "grants" part. When the Flush Tax was first implemented it was thought that it would be a grant program. It was apparent fairly quickly that there wasn't enough money for that so it become mostly a low interest bond fund. Grants are a miniscule part now and MetCom probably wouldn't qualify for very much, although several towns on the Eastern Shore do.


Well-Known Member
In Chuck co the utilities dept. reports to the board of commissioners and we don't see 1/2 the drama that metcom provides.


Main Streeter
According to an article on Page A3 of the Nov 2nd Enterprise, this is not correct. From the second paragraph of the article titled "Commissioners seek more authority over Metcom":

"The commissioners [of St Mary's County] have proposed changes to the public local law that governs Metcom, which would need to go to the Maryland General Assembly for approval if code home rule is not passed here in this election."

The Commissioners do have some authority over METCOM. When I referred to changing METCOM, I was referring to the talk about taking METCOM over. The Commissioners cannot do that now or under CHR without approval from the state.

From the Commissioner's public hearing...

Do you want to take over MetCom?

No. MetCom is governed by Chapter 113 of the St. Mary’s Code. If Code Home Rule is adopted, Commissioners would have some authority, but if you are talking about bringing MetCom into County government, it would have to be a joint State and County effort.


Active Member
In Chuck co the utilities dept. reports to the board of commissioners and we don't see 1/2 the drama that metcom provides.

The drama you speak of at Metcom is provided by its board - 2 members most specifically. Those two board members were appointed by commissioners Hewitt and OConnor who have since pretended they don't know the developer or the puppet they appointed. Mr Mummaugh is a developer he has no business on a local utility board which must sometimes approve his development plan. Mr Barthleme was appointed put in place by commissioner oconnor as an election favor AND because he is the rifht hand man of a local attorney / developer.
Neither Mummaugh or Barthleme have any interest in seeing metcom run effectively or efficiently. Neither have any interest in forward planning, attracting and retaining quality employees and they certainly don't care about the ratepayers. They are there to do the dirty work for 2 commissioners, carry out some personal agendas AND line their pockets while they can.
The last people you want in charge of your ultiity is these commissioners and most of all - why would the entire county be paying into systems that serve so few ?? It makes no sense


Well-Known Member
The drama you speak of at Metcom is provided by its board - 2 members most specifically. Those two board members were appointed by commissioners Hewitt and OConnor who have since pretended they don't know the developer or the puppet they appointed. Mr Mummaugh is a developer he has no business on a local utility board which must sometimes approve his development plan. Mr Barthleme was appointed put in place by commissioner oconnor as an election favor AND because he is the rifht hand man of a local attorney / developer.
Neither Mummaugh or Barthleme have any interest in seeing metcom run effectively or efficiently. Neither have any interest in forward planning, attracting and retaining quality employees and they certainly don't care about the ratepayers. They are there to do the dirty work for 2 commissioners, carry out some personal agendas AND line their pockets while they can.
The last people you want in charge of your ultiity is these commissioners and most of all - why would the entire county be paying into systems that serve so few ?? It makes no sense

That entire board is redundant. Appoint a director of county utilities and have him report to the county commission.

Direct management by the county does not define who pays for the water/sewer system. Most of the utilities budget is covered by user fees and special assessments on the owners served by the system.

Utilities planning is such an integral part of growth management that keeping it in the hands of a separate board makes no sense.
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Main Streeter
The drama you speak of at Metcom is provided by its board - 2 members most specifically. Those two board members were appointed by commissioners Hewitt and OConnor who have since pretended they don't know the developer or the puppet they appointed. Mr Mummaugh is a developer he has no business on a local utility board which must sometimes approve his development plan. Mr Barthleme was appointed put in place by commissioner oconnor as an election favor AND because he is the rifht hand man of a local attorney / developer.
Neither Mummaugh or Barthleme have any interest in seeing metcom run effectively or efficiently. Neither have any interest in forward planning, attracting and retaining quality employees and they certainly don't care about the ratepayers. They are there to do the dirty work for 2 commissioners, carry out some personal agendas AND line their pockets while they can.
The last people you want in charge of your ultiity is these commissioners and most of all - why would the entire county be paying into systems that serve so few ?? It makes no sense

This is not entirely accurate. Individual County Commissioners cannot make appointments as you stated. Appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the full board of County Commissioners.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This is not entirely accurate. Individual County Commissioners cannot make appointments as you stated. Appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the full board of County Commissioners.

I assumed he was referring to which commissioner "put up" the person for that vote. Which is accurate and is how it works.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering about the "grants" part. When the Flush Tax was first implemented it was thought that it would be a grant program. It was apparent fairly quickly that there wasn't enough money for that so it become mostly a low interest bond fund. Grants are a miniscule part now and MetCom probably wouldn't qualify for very much, although several towns on the Eastern Shore do.

MDE's Bay Restoration Fund - ENR Grant

I agree it's not much, and the majority of it is probably funded by the Water Quality Revolving Fund Loan and any funding by USDA.