This thread is way to long and way to complex to simply pick up and run with after all this time.... but I did go back and read the first two posts. I have questions.... I'll reply with one and maybe we can go on....
First of all.... in your dissertation [I guess that's a good word for it]it says:
"Finally, on the last day he rested from his work, and his rest was one thousand years or one of God's days. This was one full week or 7000 years. After God's rest he started his work again, and he created Adam."
So you're saying.... God created everything, took a rest and
then created Adam? According to
Genesis 1 verses 27-31, God created man on the sixth day.
So is your timing off?
Yes, I too am watching the Middle East with grave concern. This is not the first time the region has practiced for the end of time. Yes, there have been wars and rumors of wars.... but how many wars and rumors of wars should there be?
I don't believe Hamas to be the unmarked of Satan. That seems to be one of the premises proposed here.
So there are obvious holes in the article..... IMHO...