The Beatles - "Love"


New Member
Saw the show in Vegas, was very good. These are remade Beatle's songs, redone for the show at the Mirage. The remaining Beattle's like them and so they made this CD. I think I heard that they are planning more, at least if this one is sucessful.


aps45819 said:
Thought this was a compilation of love songs by the Beatles. Who re-made it?

Remade by none other than producer Sir George Martin, the "Fifth Beatle", along with his son Giles Martin.

I listened to the whole album at the site below (they had it available to listen to for a short time, but it seems to have been taken off), but wasn't very impressed by it. It does a lot of overlaps from different songs compiled together to give different effects on the songs, sorta hybriding them together. Then there are weird transitions between songs in the same track. And snippets of Beatle songs are scattered throughout the album.

You can listen to a sampler here.

After listening to the whole album the other day, while interesting, I found that I didn't like it all that much. I guess I'm a purist, for I'm so used to the originals that taking the pains to altar them just doesn't work for me.

This just seems like another ploy to cash in on the Beatles name. I'd appreciate it more if they would come out with that number "2" album they've been talking about.

Don't believe I'm going to waste my money of this one.
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