The Bengal's loss


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I don't really care which team won. If I had to pick a team to root for it would have been Cincinnati. So I'm watching a fairly competitive game although somewhat sloppy. It's raining and nobody seems to be getting any traction as far as taking control. The Bengals are down but seem to find some life in the 4th quarter. Somehow they take the lead. Pittsburgh is using a 2nd string QB and there's very little time left. The Bengals intercept with less than 2 minutes remaining. Run out the clock and play a game next week.

Then they fumble. Still no major problem. The Steelers have a long way to go. Back in comes an injured QB. A few short passes barely move the ball down the field. 28 seconds left. A pass over the middle is incomplete. The Bengal's linebacker is closing in but is at least 2 steps away and still decides to lower his shoulder and clock the receiver in the head. 15 yard penalty. You have been waiting all season to make the playoffs and you don't have the self control to pull up at the last minute. To make matters worse his team mates gets another 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty while the action is stopped to attend to the knocked out receiver. A gift of 30 yards and the Steelers hit the easy field goal to advance.

How in the world can 1 person, 2 if you include the PF after the play, decide that making a statement is greater than winning the game. I would have loved to hear the conversation his coach had with him. I doubt any of his teammates would have even talked to him after he gave away their chance to advance to the next round.

I realize that football is an emotional sport. But we are talking about adults, not some kids in high school. If this guy played for the Patriots, he'd be packing his bags right now for the next flight out of town. I just hope the rest of the playoff games are this exciting.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I realize that football is an emotional sport. But we are talking about adults, not some kids in high school. If this guy played for the Patriots, he'd be packing his bags right now for the next flight out of town. I just hope the rest of the playoff games are this exciting.

Define adult.

Berfict, who made the hit, has a long history of lack of self control on and off the field and ended up an undrafted free agent who should have been a first round pick based on talent and accomplishment. He was stoned during his NFL combine interviews. We're talking the next Ray Lewis projection coming out of college and he went undrafted. In a league that thinks Mike Vick deserved another chance. A league that, originally, thought knocking your girlfriend out was worth a game or two.

Vontaze, in all reality, has done pretty well with the Bengals faith in him. That said, the extreme emotions of the moment, well, we kinda resort to our worst selves some times. And Pac Man Jones is another super player who has had problems in the past with self control. It was an extreme moment and they both failed the test.

Of course, it's always interesting discussing what is 'bad' in a game designed for grown men to go out and destroy one another for our entertainment.

Poor Sherm Lewis is getting hammered for this as their head coach who is ultimately responsible for seeing to it that players maintain their composure when the heat is, inevitably, on.

My guess is Burfect is suspended for a year because of the enormity of the moment and the NFL likes to look stern when people are watching.

As to the Pats, again, ponder that; the guy went undrafted when he could have been first round.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think the Bengals history of playoff woes is quite funny.

How so?

This is the second time I can readily recall a very good Bengals team has gone into the playoffs without their star QB. Palmer and now Dalton. That's tough as a fan even if you're not a Bengals fan because of the lost opportunity of having the very best at something duke it out.


my war
How so?

This is the second time I can readily recall a very good Bengals team has gone into the playoffs without their star QB. Palmer and now Dalton. That's tough as a fan even if you're not a Bengals fan because of the lost opportunity of having the very best at something duke it out.

What about when they have had Dalton. Doesn't make a difference. They have been a 10+ win team the past 4 years and they can't make it out of the first round every year. Plus a good friend of mine is a huge trash talking Bengals fan. I was lucky enough to be hanging out with him last night. Good times!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Plus a good friend of mine is a huge trash talking Bengals fan. I was lucky enough to be hanging out with him last night. Good times!

I don't have any friends who are fanatics about their team. It's a sign of mental illness to get that caught up in supporting a product. I look at them like I do the people who have to dress up in some buffoonish costume to promote the tax service or car wash except at least those folks are getting paid to subsume their dignity and they only for a few hours. Enjoy the game.

I can envision an SNL skit where what are ostensibly football fans are all fired about their team yet are really only being fanatical over which brand of chip they like.


my war
I don't have any friends who are fanatics about their team. It's a sign of mental illness to get that caught up in supporting a product. I look at them like I do the people who have to dress up in some buffoonish costume to promote the tax service or car wash except at least those folks are getting paid to subsume their dignity and they only for a few hours. Enjoy the game.

I can envision an SNL skit where what are ostensibly football fans are all fired about their team yet are really only being fanatical over which brand of chip they like.

:lmao: I will not deny he has a mental illness!

Did you catch the fans last night throwing crap at the Steelers, particularly Big Ben when he was being carted off? Lot of class right there!


Well-Known Member
I don't have any friends who are fanatics about their team. It's a sign of mental illness to get that caught up in supporting a product. I look at them like I do the people who have to dress up in some buffoonish costume to promote the tax service or car wash except at least those folks are getting paid to subsume their dignity and they only for a few hours. Enjoy the game.

I can envision an SNL skit where what are ostensibly football fans are all fired about their team yet are really only being fanatical over which brand of chip they like.

Its not really any different than some guys being die hard Chevy or Ford guys, someone being really really into a band etc.

I think the NFL has taken most of the fun out of the game and has thrown in way too many commercials etc and I have lost interest more or less with it. Now college football I can really get into because I had a connection with it and it is just more fun with all the differences between how teams play.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Its not really any different than some guys being die hard Chevy or Ford guys, someone being really really into a band etc. .

Exactly and not quite. By and large, music, people like lots of different stuff. For example, they'll love the 'Bengals' (insert band name) and at least sorta like the Steelers (insert other band) whereas the car loyalty thing is the same...fanaticism.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think the NFL has taken most of the fun out of the game and has thrown in way too many commercials etc and I have lost interest more or less with it. Now college football I can really get into because I had a connection with it and it is just more fun with all the differences between how teams play.

College would be a lot more fun if they expanded to a 16 team playoff. As for the No Fun League, it's pretty darn healthy. I got sick of it a long time ago. Dan Snyder, I owe him thanks, really helped me see it the way he does; a product. So I quit with the irrational devotion. Now, I can just enjoy a good game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
AJ McCarron is blaming God for the loss claiming it was only raining hard when the Bengals had the ball.

Hmmm....Did God shield the Steelers defense at the same time? I love it when people say fun stuff like that. "Well, we had to play in the rain and they didn't..."


my war
I am a die hard Caps fan. Have been since a kid, but you won't find me applying face paint and dressing in some goofy costume to support them. Wearing a jersey is as far as I go.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I am a die hard Caps fan. Have been since a kid, but you won't find me applying face paint and dressing in some goofy costume to support them. Wearing a jersey is as far as I go.

Dude, at least wear some pants with that jersey.


Well-Known Member
College would be a lot more fun if they expanded to a 16 team playoff. As for the No Fun League, it's pretty darn healthy. I got sick of it a long time ago. Dan Snyder, I owe him thanks, really helped me see it the way he does; a product. So I quit with the irrational devotion. Now, I can just enjoy a good game.

I'm not really all that big on having to have a champion, I was perfectly happy with the old bowl arrangement pre BCS. But I think if they are going to do it, they should do it right. Have eight 8-team conferences and the winner of each conference is in.