The Bible

What kind of book is the Bible?

  • An historical account of ancient Judeo-Christian activities, somewhat reliable

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • A book of religious stories or fables with good morals, but not necessarily true

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • A good guide for life, similar to other sacred writings (e.g. Koran, Book of Mormon, etc.)

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • The inspired written and living Word of God

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • Nonsense

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • None of these answers apply.

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
What kind of book is the Bible?

Please answer the survey, but also make as many responses as you'd like. All responses (positive/negative/neutral) are welcome. I'm doing research on modern culture's response to sacred writings.

Thanks again!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Unfortunately I could only pick one but for me #s 2 & 3 were applicable.


Dancing Up A Storm
Depending on your beliefs. . . . .

:smile: Number 3 and 4 are the most applicable.
In my church, St Pauls Methodist UMC in Lusby, we are in agreement that the Bible is an excellent guide for life; although not everyone can be the Christian we'd like to be. We try, but we are not perfect. The Prophets and Saints, and of course, Jesus Christ, dedicated their entire lives to these beliefs.

I feel the Bible was and is the living Word of God, as well. People were inspired by God to write down those laws, prophesies, parables, and guidelines that has had so much to do with how we live our lives.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by cariblue
A book of religious stories or fables with good morals, but not necessarily true.
I do not want to start a p!$$ing contest, Cari, but why do you say "not necessarily true"?


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by cariblue
Besides, I fail to understand how stating my opinion has anything to do with you. You've completely lost me on this one.
I was just curious why you felt that way. It has nothing to do with me; but if you cannot grasp my query, then as they say : "neber mind!"



Originally posted by penncam
I was just curious why you felt that way. It has nothing to do with me; but if you cannot grasp my query, then as they say : "neber mind!"


New rule Penn, Ignore her post since no one is allowed to question her opinion due to it being some kind of a conspiracy!!
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b*tch rocket
I think 1-4 about sums it up for me. I believe there is a bit of "the living word of God" in it, however, I believe it's been mistranslated and taken out of context of it's original message over time.

I watched an interesting show in the History Channel with several sides arguing the "virgin birth", apparently what was translated into "virgin" from the original language was actually something like "young girl" (or something similar to that).

It doesn't much matter to me if Mary was a virgin or not, I fully believe she bore the son of God.

What happens in religion is that everyone gets into a p!ssing match over the minute details of the bible and forget the overall message. JMHO

And Penn, Cari is an Atheist, and simply expressing her beliefs as such. Cut her some slack. :wink:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by justhangn
New rule Penn, Ignore her post since no one is allowed to question her opinion due to it being some kind of a conspiracy!!
:smile: You're right JH. No one is allowed to question Cari's opinion, you immediately catch a flame if you do. The reason I stated my question as I did, was that I knew it could open up a can of worms, and that I really did not want to do. I was hoping to avoid the kind of response that I received. I only wanted to get an honest, candid opinion and what I got was a "What has that got to do with you" reply!
If that is not offensive, then I don't know what is!

But, I should have known better.


Originally posted by penncam
:smile:The reason I stated my question as I did, was that I knew it could open up a can of worms, and that I really did not want to do.

I'll give ya a can of worms....

I have a hard time believe everything written in a book that was written by people that thought the world was flat at the time.

IMHO, the church is there ONLY to help you interpret the bible, not preach to you what THEY THINK you should interpret from it.


b*tch rocket
See what religion does? It always starts a fight! :lol:

And Penn, you have to admit, you started it with your first post aimed at Cari telling her you didn't want to start a pi$$ing contest. Which, if someone posted that out of the blue to you (or me) you'd be like "WTF"?

Lets get back on topic boys and girls! :wink: :lmao: I'm always interested in religious debate until it gets ugly.


Originally posted by Christy
Lets get back on topic boys and girls! :wink: :lmao: I'm always interested in religious debate until it gets ugly.

See my post! :neener:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by bluto
So are you guys gonna make out with eachother now or what?
:biggrin: Nah, bluto, I'll think I'll leave that to you. You seem better suited for a rendezvous like that!
Maybe you can post your exploit in "What's New in So Md!"

:razz2: penn


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
No one is allowed to question Cari's opinion, you immediately catch a flame if you do.
I'll give you a flame, Penn! Just because you want to try and start a fight by judging someone else's beliefs, don't try and pass that off on Cari. :duh:

Back to the subject, I agree with Just - why take the writings of just a few as Gospel? The authors of the Bible were caught up in their own little world - they make no mention of anything else that was going on in the world at the time, probably because they'd have no way of knowing. The Bible was written and interpreted by man, and therefore fallable.

Still a good read, though, and it won't hurt anyone to follow the teachings of Jesus.


Dancing Up A Storm
Whoa, wait , hold up!

Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'll give you a flame, Penn! Just because you want to try and start a fight by judging someone else's beliefs, don't try and pass that off on Cari. :duh:
:razz2: You can "Duh" yourself, vrai! Where do you get the gall to say I was out to JUDGE another's opinion?
Did you not read my other post as to why I started out the question like that? Maybe I'm guilty of a poor choice of words, but I guarantee to you, it wasn't because I was out to judge, ridicule or make light of some one else's opinion. If you've formed that opinion, then I say to you - you're wrong!! It was not my intention. Now, let's get back to the issue.

:cheers: penn


aka Mrs. Giant
Okay I liked number 1 - for the Old Testament only, but for the Christian bible as a whole package would be #2 or #3