The big fight, meh


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The fight was boring. Counter punchers don't make for an exciting fight. Money looked a lot bigger than his opponent.

FM has some excellent defensive skills. MP couldn't figure out the puzzle on how to get inside, get FM to stay put, or figure out how to land meaningful shots. Most of the rounds were close but pretty boy did just enough to win them.

I doubt there will be much of a demand for a rematch. Unless the powers to be can stoke the fire and create some excitement. Maybe stage the fight in a smaller ring.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I thought it was a great fight. A real technically proficient match.
MP did what he could and FM is just a little better. They put out effort and kept busy. Just real closely matched. Went exactly as my boxing buddies said it would 12 round FM unanimous


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No need for a rematch, IMO. But I thought the fight was great, and enjoyed the preliminary fights as well. Good action all the way through, went all 12 rounds, a few bursts of energy from Pacquiao to make us jump out of our seats and start yelling....

The worst part of that event was Jamie Foxx burbling the national anthem. Oh, and the highly out of place and inappropriate Mexican national anthem. And the Burger King.

Otherwise it was great.


American Beauty
PREMO Member


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:lol: @ Rosered...good one! :yay:

My oldest son and his buddies pretty much said the same thing, Monello. I did not watch the fight


Well-Known Member
I thought it was a great fight. A real technically proficient match.
MP did what he could and FM is just a little better. They put out effort and kept busy. Just real closely matched. Went exactly as my boxing buddies said it would 12 round FM unanimous

Fight pretty much went the way i thought it was going to go, was pretty sure there would be no early knockout. Thought it was a good fight and good decision. JMHO My GrandPa was a big fight dude who sadly is no longer with us and would have enjoyed watching this fight while puffing on a cigar.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fight pretty much went the way i thought it was going to go, was pretty sure there would be no early knockout. Thought it was a good fight and good decision. JMHO My GrandPa was a big fight dude who sadly is no longer with us and would have enjoyed watching this fight while puffing on a cigar.

I would have loved to watch with a fight aficionado who could tell me if it was as good a match as I think it was. As it was, I watched with a bunch of people who like home runs, long touchdowns, slam dunks and knock outs; the results of the other team ####ing up or simple mismatches. I loved baseball last playoffs because there were so many evenly matched games where every pitch mattered. Same thing for football and basketball, I love really good defense and really good offense checking one another. Builds the tension of good competition.

Seems to me they both came within a couple inches several times of landing serious blows, worked really hard to get the chances and worked really hard to avoid the other guy getting him. Seemed like a really well fought fight to me but I just don't know enough about fighting to know. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No need for a rematch, IMO. .

Totally agree. The better man won, clearly, in a good, clean fight. This was everything I was told it was; FM is, among the two, the one that should win 9 times out of 10. Maybe that's why it took so long to make the match; simply no good fight to be hyped so, play on the public's desire for a big show. I watched with a bunch of people last night and one of the women, you know, JK, said the only reason she cared about it was that the hype has been SOOOOO over the top that, sooner or later, you just gotta have SOME interest.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would have loved to watch with a fight aficionado who could tell me if it was as good a match as I think it was.

Monello is a fight aficionado, he is quite well educated on the subject, and he used to fight when he was a yoot. He said it was "meh".

I, the casual fan who just likes to see guys beat on each other, thought it was great. :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
:lol: @ Rosered...good one! :yay:

My oldest son and his buddies pretty much said the same thing, Monello. I did not watch the fight

A friend of mine in CA that I went to HS with posted that on FB. I thought it was pretty funny. :lol:
Just saw on the news... one guy paid $130,000 for 8 tickets. He wasn't happy having spent that much for what he called 'just dancing'.


God bless the USA
The amount of money put out there to watch two guys beat each other up is very dumb. It was a win/win for both of them. In my mind that is very ridiculous. It condones violence. Especially with the history of Mayweather. It sends the wrong message in this day and time, and should be banned.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The amount of money put out there to watch two guys beat each other up is very dumb. It was a win/win for both of them. In my mind that is very ridiculous. It condones violence. Especially with the history of Mayweather. It sends the wrong message in this day and time, and should be banned.

Banned? Well, what rights should you have with your body? Ban on drugs? Ban on prostitution? Abortion? If it's about messages and not personal freedom, regardless of how dumb fighting may or may not be, how would you make the argument to ban boxing and, I presume, football? MMA? :popcorn:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just saw on the news... one guy paid $130,000 for 8 tickets. He wasn't happy having spent that much for what he called 'just dancing'.

I have zero sympathy for folks who put the time and money into this. Why not just say "Hey, it was fun getting into the thing, looking forward to it..."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The fight was boring. .

OK, so, as a fighter, honestly, boring to you? I ask because I don't know and the thing was compelling to me. I enjoyed every round and it flew by. It just seemed to me to be too VERY good fighters fighting VERY well including protecting themselves. No? :popcorn:


God bless the USA
Banned? Well, what rights should you have with your body? Ban on drugs? Ban on prostitution? Abortion? If it's about messages and not personal freedom, regardless of how dumb fighting may or may not be, how would you make the argument to ban boxing and, I presume, football? MMA? :popcorn:

I have never liked boxing all my life. Tyson biting off part of Holyfield's ear just cinched it for me. The topic here is boxing, not the other subjects you mentioned. My post was just my opinion about boxing. Of course it will never be banned.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I have never liked boxing all my life. Tyson biting off part of Holyfield's ear just cinched it for me. The topic here is boxing, not the other subjects you mentioned. My post was just my opinion about boxing. Of course it will never be banned.

How self righteous. Football causes concussions. Running causes knee and joint injuries. Should they be banned as well?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
The amount of money put out there to watch two guys beat each other up is very dumb. It was a win/win for both of them. In my mind that is very ridiculous. It condones violence. Especially with the history of Mayweather. It sends the wrong message in this day and time, and should be banned.


Boxing has been a sport since for-ev-er. if you don't wanna watch the remote control is your friend! :yay: