The Biggest Loser


I normally vote but I hated them both so I wasnt gonna waste my time...

It was funny. Ed asked everyone to vote for Heba - but Ed won by a freaking landslide.... something like 87% voted Heba's ass off. :lmao: It was funny.

She won amongst the non-finalists though.

Did Heba look good at the end? Cause the whole time she still looked terrible and her arms were like my thighs it was disgusting!

She actually did. In fact, I would say that the difference in her appearace was more striking between the time she went home and the finale than during her entire time at the ranch. I would go so far as to say her and Jerry (yellow - colleen's dad) are the two most improved-looking contestants out of the bunch. (Although Colleen and Michele, both of them, are sizzling hot now).

Having said that... Heba really keep her arms to her side until her skin tightens back up. :twitch:


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry :frown:

Although - the title of the tread, along with me saying "I liked the way it turned out" should have told you to stop reading... but next time I'll put red and yellow warning signs on it. Sorry :huggy:

The problem with Vicky is that she's ugly on the inside. (Although, I have heard from several sources that she looks a lot better off-camera. She's painfully unphotogenic for some reason. But I don't care, whatever she looks like she's still a See-You-In-Toledo.)

I have my favorites that I like every season, but because of the show's very nature and the type of contest it is - everyone trying to improve their lives and health - I have never actively disliked or rooted against someone before this season.

For me, it all started the week with the dark-room chow-fest when Heba decided to "sacrifice herself" by cramming cake and chocolate into her food-packed maw... and she was SO freakin' pushy with Phil (PHIL ARE YOU EATING!?! TALK TO ME PHIL? PHIL? PHIL? PHIL? PHIL?), and it all went downhill from there.

They should ban alliances within this particular show. If I wanted to watch Survivor, I'd watch freaking Survivor. I enjoy seeing these people turn their lives around for the better... I don't enjoy watching conniving, lying, two-faced fatties stabbing their compatriots in the back. If this happens again that will be the last season I watch.
Dont worry it is ok.

I agree w/ you 100% her makeup always looked horrible on screen :twitch: like she was wearing clown make up!

I hated all four of them from the get go.. they were so fake and mean! And that stupid purple girl should have voted vickys ass off when she had the chance! I hate idiots!


Dont worry it is ok.

I agree w/ you 100% her makeup always looked horrible on screen :twitch: like she was wearing clown make up!

I hated all four of them from the get go.. they were so fake and mean! And that stupid purple girl should have voted vickys ass off when she had the chance! I hate idiots!

I know, right... Amy C would have been one of the finalists if she had used her brain and 86ed that ##### when she had the chance. She was dealt up on a silver platter and she voted Colleen instead. DUH! Worse decision ever.

Anyway, it's still worth it to watch the show. There's a lot of "Holy ####" Moments when the eliminated contestants come out. 'Specially Phil and his wife. Phil looks like a completely different person. Overall, it was a very positive and good show last night. Plus you get to see a preview for the second part of the season and the next batch of players. I'm looking forward to it.


Protected By Trunk Monkey
Anyway, it's still worth it to watch the show. There's a lot of "Holy ####" Moments when the eliminated contestants come out. 'Specially Phil and his wife. Phil looks like a completely different person. Overall, it was a very positive and good show last night. Plus you get to see a preview for the second part of the season and the next batch of players. I'm looking forward to it.

Phil was a definite "Holy-Shiat" moment ...... I didn't recognize him either and actually stop to think about who he was :lmao: