The Breaking of The Divinci Code


Dancing Up A Storm
Tonio said:
I agree. That was my point.

Here's an analogy: Elaine Pagels' book "Adam, Eve and the Serpent" has some discussion about Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin and the competing doctrines from the early days of Christianity. She wondered why the Original Sin idea has persisted in the religion over the centuries. After all, it teaches that each person bears Adam and Eve's awesome guilt in bringing death, pain and misery to humankind. Pagels suggested that people would rather bear that guilt than accept the more terrifying idea that pain and misery have no cause at all. There may be a part of the human psyche that refuses to accept that life's suffering is random.

THAT is deep.

I'm going to have to give that some thought. :eyebrow:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
A first level Illuminatus is supposed to be a 32nd level Mason. 32 is the reverse of the magic number found everywhere, 23. 23 is special because 2+3=5, the number of power. Thier arch rivals are the Erisians. The Erisians worship the Goddesse Eris, Or Discordia, the Goddess of Chaos. All of this ties into Atlantis and Aliens I believe. Read "The Illuminatus Trilogy", if you can. It reads like it was written by a madman. It's a fiction book, but conspiracy theorists believe it's based more on fact than fiction, Especially after one of the authors died mysteriously shortly after it's publication.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Oh, and the Erisian "Holy Book", if you want to call it that, is the Principia Discordia. Just google it, it's not hard to find.

I have a friend who is all into this and I hope to have him committed before too long.


Asperger's Poster Child
Bustem' Down said:
All of this ties into Atlantis and Aliens I believe. Read "The Illuminatus Trilogy", if you can.

Steve Vai's album "Flex-Able" mentions the Illuminati-alien connection in the liner notes to his song "Little Green Men." From the song, it's hard to tell if Vai believed this stuff or if he was just having fun with the concept:

We know ya’ come a long way
We hope that your ship is o.k.
We hope you’re gonna’ stick around
Maybe to save the day.

Liw liw, liw liw, Liw liw, liw (etc.)

You look - a real keen
Even though you are green
With those big, large heads
Something off of the movie screen.

Liw liw, liw liw, Liw liw, liw (etc.)

Little green men, look so funny
Funny green men
I want one to have and to hold and to
Silly green men
Where do they come from?
Should we run away, should we start to pray
Or is it a movie that they’re filim’?

Are the people on your planet
Usually in a frantic panic like they are here
Most of the time?
(bla...I’m freakin’ out...)

Wait a minute, you, it is true about
Einstein’s theory and Darwin’s too?
What about war, the soul, the mind
Love, death, god, divine?

Little, little, little, little, little, little, little (etc.)

(spoken) Ladies & gentlemen of the world, it is my utmost privilege to announce to you that these little green men actually do exist, for they are part of the eternal past and venture from all regions of our galaxy to find homage in our earth’s center. Governments of the world have been very good at concealing these little visitors and preparing the public with loving movies
And pleasent melodies. Ya’ see, like that one - did ya’ hear that- yes. ontrolled media as to cushion the arrival of our little friends. you see,
Throughout history many people have claimed to see (trembling) strange lights in the sky.

(oh no.)

Well, the truth of the matter is that these light, and beings, will only reveal themselves to those who are pure of heart, for these enlightened aliens leave permanent imprinted information on the psyche of those chosen humans only to be revealed to our deteriorating planet at the point in which our civilization shall enter the new age of Light Without Heat-heat (fading echo)

Little green men about 4 foot 1
Maybe they want to have some fun.

Little green men about 4 foot 2
Maybe he wants to mate with you
(ooh, ah, eee, etc...)(simulated alien sex sequence)

Little green men about 4 foot 3
Maybe they wanna’ be set free.

We’re hoping that the human race will become part of endless time. We love you all and want you to know that in your heart and in your soul there is power bigger than the world.

Little green men bout four foot
Maybe they wanna’ kic some butt.
(Mo fo) (fight sounds)

Little green men, look so funny
Funny green men
I want one to have and to hold and to
Silly green men
Where do they come from?
Should we run away, should we start to pray
Or is it a movie that they’re filim’?

E.t.i.o.u. e.t.i.o.u. e.t.i.o.u

Ba-v-ni-ni na-ni-new,
Ba-nu-ni-ni-na-ni-new bda-da
Ba-nu-ni-ni-na-ni-new bra-da-di-dat