The Caps D...


I know nothing just soooo sloppy.

Thats what happens when Ovie doesnt have the puck.

When he is on the ice the other team has to beware and pinch back. He creates so much offense just being on the ice, that the D might not need to work that hard.

It just goes to show how good he is. Not having him in the lineup produces a whole different team

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Thats what happens when Ovie doesnt have the puck.

When he is on the ice the other team has to beware and pinch back. He creates so much offense just being on the ice, that the D might not need to work that hard.

It just goes to show how good he is. Not having him in the lineup produces a whole different team

I understand that, but, my God, when I really concentrate on watching the play in our end, there seems to be an awful lot of simply poor puck and stick handling; guys lose control all the time. It's not even so much that the opponent is fore-checking and buzzing all over. The turnovers aren't even from pressure, it's open ice, easy opportunities. Or seems to be.



Well-Known Member
I was there last night and witnessed another bad performance, as Lord Stanley mentioned without Ovie last night Caps seemed lost. I dont know when the rest of the team found out Ovie was going to be scratched for the game, whether it was after practice earlier in the day or just before warmups. Ovie didnot come out for warmups cause that was the first thing I looked for when I sat down, but the lines were really out of sink(I know wrong kind of sink having brain cramp). Didnot help that Poti could'nt go and had to leave before only one minute into the game and Fedorov had to go back and play defense the remander of the game.
The D did have a hard time clearing the puck out last night. The Caps had like 37 some shots on goal,(which seems like alot) but you'd be surprised how many times they came up the ice and tried for the pretty pass to someone else (Semin gulity the most and he has one of the most awesome wrist shots) instead of taking the shot themselve. On that first powerplay the Caps had before the end of the first period, they just passed and passed and passed and would not shoot must have run off a minute on the clock, we really missed Ovie on the powerplay.
Hopefully they can get this funky play out of the way, Caps arent the only top team going through some funky play at the moment, Boston, Detroit, and San Jose are also.
Unfortunatly one of the hottest teams comes to Verizon on Sunday, Pittsburgh and if Ovie is not back it could be avery long afternoon for the home team.


Well-Known Member
At least it appears from what Im reading and the post game show on the radio after the game (I Missed the game yesterday) that of the 4 lose's in this losing streak, in yesterday's game they played much better and it could have gone either way.
Hope they snap out of this funk real soon, like tomorrow, its getting too late in the season to play funky.
Im just not a fan Theodore and as long as he is the only thing we have in goal, I dont think our chances are very good to advance too far.
I certainly do not want to matchup with Pittsburgh or even Philly in the first round, give me Rangers, Panthers or Hurricanes.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
At least it appears from what Im reading and the post game show on the radio after the game (I Missed the game yesterday) that of the 4 lose's in this losing streak, in yesterday's game they played much better and it could have gone either way.
Hope they snap out of this funk real soon, like tomorrow, its getting too late in the season to play funky.
Im just not a fan Theodore and as long as he is the only thing we have in goal, I dont think our chances are very good to advance too far.
I certainly do not want to matchup with Pittsburgh or even Philly in the first round, give me Rangers, Panthers or Hurricanes.
They played like crap until the 3rd period when they finally woke up.


At least it appears from what Im reading and the post game show on the radio after the game (I Missed the game yesterday) that of the 4 lose's in this losing streak, in yesterday's game they played much better and it could have gone either way.
Hope they snap out of this funk real soon, like tomorrow, its getting too late in the season to play funky.
Im just not a fan Theodore and as long as he is the only thing we have in goal, I dont think our chances are very good to advance too far.
I certainly do not want to matchup with Pittsburgh or even Philly in the first round, give me Rangers, Panthers or Hurricanes.

A lot of people seem to think Jose is the reason the Caps are stinking. This is just not the case. If it weren't for Theo, the Caps would be getting blown out of the water. He makes great saves when he can actually see the puck (when SCHULTZ isn't screening him!!) Schultz sucks. The whole 'D' is stinking it up badly right now. Sure Theo has let in a couple of softies, but what goalie hasn't? (See Semin's shot on Tim Thomas) But anyway... the Caps better figure out what is going on with their 'D' and secondary scoring, or else they may not even be in the playoffs. Carolina looked solid as hell last night against the Rangers, and the Panthers are looking just as good. They better come out and destroy the Preds tonight.

Sweet 16

A lot of people seem to think Jose is the reason the Caps are stinking. This is just not the case. If it weren't for Theo, the Caps would be getting blown out of the water. He makes great saves when he can actually see the puck (when SCHULTZ isn't screening him!!) Schultz sucks. The whole 'D' is stinking it up badly right now. Sure Theo has let in a couple of softies, but what goalie hasn't? (See Semin's shot on Tim Thomas) But anyway... the Caps better figure out what is going on with their 'D' and secondary scoring, or else they may not even be in the playoffs. Carolina looked solid as hell last night against the Rangers, and the Panthers are looking just as good. They better come out and destroy the Preds tonight.

I think Jo-Jo made some awesome saves tonight! He is looking more and more like the guy we hired him to be. Our first goal was a textbook example of what happens when you play as a TEAM. It was so pretty, I just wish they could do that more often. Anywho, WE WON!!! :yahoo:


With the exception of the 1st minute into the game, the Caps looked what I believe to be their best all season. That was one heck of a game. They definitely had me on the edge of my seat the whole game. They better keep that up so they can stay right where they are in the standings.