The Child Support Problem.


JPC, Sr.

:whistle: The laws of child support were changed and improved for the whole State of Maryland because of the unjust corruption from the St. Mary's County Court. This is true and verifiable by going to this link,

Courts Website for the State of Maryland. First click "Appellate Opinions" and look up Court of Appeals, March 8, 2000, Thrower vs. Support Enforcement, and anybody can see it for themselves.

The St. Mary's Court would not let child support parents have their right to legal representation and it put our County parents into jail without a real Judge and did not give the parents their right to a trial, and as a result of the above linked case the laws for the entire State of Maryland were changed just to stop the St. Mary's County Court and to make certain that the abuses would not happen anywhere else as it did happen here.

So now the St. Mary's Court has only done what the high Court has ordered it to do but nothing more. This Court of ours does not accept that it did anything wrong and it does not repair what it did do wrong.

:yay: When I get elected then the still biligerant Master of the SMC Court will either resign himself voluntarily or I will help him do it involuntarily. SMC does deserve better than that. Of course if I do not win then he gets to stay on the Bench because no other official in all of SMC has shown the guts to put that dirty snake out of our Court. SMC does deserve better. I will get him removed but the others only look away like timid little birds.

Child support is a big deal. Our Courts are putting dead-broke parents into jail and years into prison in demand of money that does not exist. Only poor parents go to jail.

In Maryland a little less than 25 percent of Court ordered child support gets paid while a little over 75 percent of Court ordered child support does not get paid. That means that most custodial parents do not get paid and most of the separated parents do not pay the money. So the systen is broken. It has failed already in its present form. It sencelessly turns parents into criminals and it alienates the children too. Child support is a failed policy that needs reform to make it family friendly.

:yay: When I get elected is when reforming will begin, and if I do not get elected then the problem will just continue because no one else has the guts to act. Maybe all of our other officials are primarily only concerned about their blind greed feeding off the profits from the Navy Base expansion and to hell with the rest of us. When I get elected then there will be this one that is not sold out to the big money / big business and there will then be this one that is not afraid to take action against the wrong doing.

:war: ------------------ :wah:------------- :getdown:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hello. You are showing your ignorance of the state government. Even if you are elected (snowball in hell comes to mind), you will not be able to force a master of the court to resign. Separation of branches of government ring a bell? There is the executive branch. There is the legislative branch. There is the judiciary branch. You would (probably not) be in the legislative branch. The master is in the judiciary branch. You do not control the master's position.

I think you need to "self educate" a bit more about the branches of government and their roles.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
When I get elected then the still biligerant Master of the SMC Court will either resign himself voluntarily or I will help him do it involuntarily.

That sure sounds like a threat...


New Member
To make a long story short,when i was a bad boy i missed one childsupport payment.Well the police came to my work took me to jail only to be let out the next day with one arrearage payment i needed .I have talked to guys who owe 5000 bucks or more and they are walkin around free


Working for the weekend
RoseRed said:
That sure sounds like a threat...
:yay: Does to me too.....Master Harris is a very fair and intelligent human being. His job is to enforce state laws already in effect. Your anger with him is unjustified. I firmly believe that you have an undiagnosed disorder, sir. Take your anger and go see a good therapist. I think it is my duty to give Mike a call and inform him of your threats.


New Member
Master harris is all for the females, I told him my daughter wont need state help if she lived with me i could support her fine, now my daughter is 13 and following her moms footsteps living on the system is how she thinks life is.



cursory review of the case file shows a deadbeat parents just like JPC, Sr.

"Wah, I can't pay because I'm injured and can't work"

or should we say

"I can't pay because I'm faking an injury and don't want to work"
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Well-Known Member
Wetnoodle said:
To make a long story short,when i was a bad boy i missed one childsupport payment.Well the police came to my work took me to jail only to be let out the next day with one arrearage payment i needed .I have talked to guys who owe 5000 bucks or more and they are walkin around free
that just didn't happen, it takes more than one late payment to even get noticed by the system.

As for the OP, what a freaking idiot!!!

Just pay your damn child support. I paid mine for the years i needed to, and it was never "court ordered" didn't need to be. In fact i paid my support first, before all my other bills, its your kids, act like you care!

And people don't go to jail because they are poor. Child support is based on how much the payer makes, and so if you are poor it will be much less than someone who makes a boatload. I've seen the master put people away for non payment- arrearages in the 10-15,000 range, and i have seen him give someone a break who was in between jobs but was actually making an effort.

Being an ignorant, selfedumacated, deadbeat dad is one heck of a platform to run on, GOOD LUCK staying out of jail (not)


New Member
Master harris thinks he can have a chance with any woman who he takes sides with,simple as that his intrest is to get his rocks off nothing more.


Working for the weekend
Wetnoodle said:
Master harris is all for the females, I told him my daughter wont need state help if she lived with me i could support her fine, now my daughter is 13 and following her moms footsteps living on the system is how she thinks life is.
Are you not the same person that asked for advice on cheating? I believe your daughter is better off where she is at.


Well-Known Member
Wetnoodle said:
Master harris is all for the females, I told him my daughter wont need state help if she lived with me i could support her fine, now my daughter is 13 and following her moms footsteps living on the system is how she thinks life is.
if you paid an appropriate amount of support she wouldn't need to be living on the dole.


New Member
Court ordered is when the man or woman goes to get assistance from the state, like i said i didnt need any HELP now shes in the system


Well-Known Member
Wetnoodle said:
Master harris thinks he can have a chance with any woman who he takes sides with,simple as that his intrest is to get his rocks off nothing more.
just when i thought you had pegged out the idiot meter :buttkick:


New Member
Agian its not about the money literally i was trying to get her out of that way of life now at 13 she thinks hey i dont need to work just make babys and get paid


Working for the weekend
Wetnoodle said:
Master harris thinks he can have a chance with any woman who he takes sides with,simple as that his intrest is to get his rocks off nothing more.
Another slanderous statement........just because he made you follow the laws, you make crude remarks. He is a very highly respected former attorney, and highly educated.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
Hello. You are showing your ignorance of the state government. Even if you are elected (snowball in hell comes to mind), you will not be able to force a master of the court to resign. Separation of branches of government ring a bell? There is the executive branch. There is the legislative branch. There is the judiciary branch. You would (probably not) be in the legislative branch. The master is in the judiciary branch. You do not control the master's position.

I think you need to "self educate" a bit more about the branches of government and their roles.
you know there is a problem when i agree with you :p

his spelling is worse than mine :( he needs to atleast run his stuff through a word processor or something before posting


Well-Known Member
Wetnoodle said:
Agian its not about the money literally i was trying to get her out of that way of life now at 13 she thinks hey i dont need to work just make babys and get paid
well she has a daddy who thinks he can just make babies and not pay, what did you expect?


New Member
Besides it dont matter if i was paying 1,ooo a month childsupport she would still be in the system where i have no control over her,The money from the dads is all they want we have a right to make decisions also!!