The Child Support Problem.


So why did she leave you?
Vice versa

Does she pay CS?
No, about $8K behind

Do you need the CS?
Me? No, but it is not my money anyway it is Boy's money. He could use it I suppose.

Do you have a court order for said CS?
Yes $56.97 a week, has not paid since 2002 when last garnishment ended.

Have you filed with the CS Enforcement Office?
In Maine yes, then when I moved I had to stop enforcement. I have not started a case in Maryland.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
That sure sounds like a threat...

:flowers: Perhaps my wording was a little too harsh for some on this Board. I do not think my post could be considered as a threat, but maybe as a campaign promise. The Court master might well feel a threat to loosing his high job and I guess that would be quite true indeed.


Of course it is true that a Legislator can not fire a Court master. One can only publically call for his removal. If not then one can use the Maryland JDC that disciplines and or removes judges and it would be my pleasure to do that but the old snake once exposed will slither away and I am quite sure of that.



Salt Life
JPC said:
:flowers: Perhaps my wording was a little too harsh for some on this Board. I do not think my post could be considered as a threat, but maybe as a campaign promise. The Court master might well feel a threat to loosing his high job and I guess that would be quite true indeed.


Of course it is true that a Legislator can not fire a Court master. One can only publically call for his removal. If not then one can use the Maryland JDC that disciplines and or removes judges and it would be my pleasure to do that but the old snake once exposed will slither away and I am quite sure of that.

If the non-custodial parent doesn't pay his/her court-ordered obligation, and therefore, ends up in arrears, the neglect (failure to pay) is reason enough. Why would they need a "fair" trial? :confused:


New Member
Spoiled said:
you know there is a problem when i agree with you :p

his spelling is worse than mine :( he needs to atleast run his stuff through a word processor or something before posting
My thoughts as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC said:
One can only publically call for his removal. If not then one can use the Maryland JDC that disciplines and or removes judges and it would be my pleasure to do that but the old snake once exposed will slither away and I am quite sure of that.
James, do you honestly think there will be much support for allowing deadbeat dads to not pay their child support? I mean, except for with other deadbeat dads?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

vraiblonde said:
James, do you honestly think there will be much support for allowing deadbeat dads to not pay their child support? I mean, except for with other deadbeat dads?

:coffee: Some years ago - I think circa. 1996, I helped persuade the Marland Office of Child Support Enforcement, OCSE. to stop calling separated parents "deadbeats". So it is not widely known but officially in the State of Maryland for any one that does not pay the Court ordered child support are called "scofflaw / scofflaws".The OCSE claims the change is based on the "deadbeat" name denegrates the children's other parent and Maryland is therefore being considerate of the children's feelings. The OCSE does not give me any credit for the change that I know of but for me and the Director that was there at that time does know all about how the name change came about.

:yay: Now the Newspapers and T.V. might still do the slander but the State of Maryland does not do the name calling any more.

I just thought you might like to know that rare piece of trivia so you could modernize your language if you ever want to be politically correct again.

:yay: Plus, of course I believe other people will agree with reforming child support. It really does not work for most families as they do not get the money or else they do not pay it and these both come out the same. Even if one is a custodial parent then why would they not want the separated parent to have a lawyer and a fair trial and a chance to defend themselves? Truth and justice will never come out of cowardice.

Why can not we make the child support system to be fair and decent and stop putting parents into our modern style debtor's prisons?

When I get elected then the process will begin because we sure do not have much justice in the system now. Then we can stop turning parents into criminals. Failure to do some thing now will some day bring us a much worse consequence - of that I am sure.


Salt Life
JPC said:
:coffee: Some years ago - I think circa. 1996, I helped persuade the Marland Office of Child Support Enforcement, OCSE. to stop calling separated parents "deadbeats". So it is not widely known but officially in the State of Maryland for any one that does not pay the Court ordered child support are called "scofflaw / scofflaws".The OCSE claims the change is based on the "deadbeat" name denegrates the children's other parent and Maryland is therefore being considerate of the children's feelings. The OCSE does not give me any credit for the change that I know of but for me and the Director that was there at that time does know all about how the name change came about.
:lmao: The "deadbeat" parents rallied up because they didn't like the name calling. Boo effing hoo! :killingme


Super Genius
To paraphrase Shakespeare...
What's in a name? That which we call a piece of sh!t
By any other word would smell as foul.


JPC said:
:yay: Now the Newspapers and T.V. might still do the slander but the State of Maryland does not do the name calling any more.

It's not slander if it's true.

JPC said:
I just thought you might like to know that rare piece of trivia so you could modernize your language if you ever want to be politically correct again.

Thanks, but I'm not interested in being politically correct. I don't have anything against political correctness, per se, however I much prefer to call things what they are, in the simplest terms possible. To me, that greatly enhances and expidites the communication experience - which is basically the primary reason I talk and write at all.

JPC said:
When I get elected then the process will begin because we sure do not have much justice in the system now. Then we can stop turning parents into criminals.

Sorry - but WE didn't turn anybody into anything. A citizen who ignores the law turns THEMSELF into a criminal.

And if you have a kid and you don't financially support it, you're a criminal.

And the inventor of the word "criminal" rests happily in his grave.

Moreover, anyone who doesn't take care of their children - financially, emotionally, and all the other "ially"s that go with the job - is not only a criminal, but they're bonafide pieces of human garbage.

So when I run for office, I'm going to run on the: "Pay your child support or I'll snap my foot off in your ass" platform.
Last edited:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: Some years ago - I think circa. 1996, I helped persuade the Marland Office of Child Support Enforcement, OCSE. to stop calling separated parents "deadbeats". So it is not widely known but officially in the State of Maryland for any one that does not pay the Court ordered child support are called "scofflaw / scofflaws".The OCSE claims the change is based on the "deadbeat" name denegrates the children's other parent and Maryland is therefore being considerate of the children's feelings. The OCSE does not give me any credit for the change that I know of but for me and the Director that was there at that time does know all about how the name change came about.

:yay: Now the Newspapers and T.V. might still do the slander but the State of Maryland does not do the name calling any more.

I just thought you might like to know that rare piece of trivia so you could modernize your language if you ever want to be politically correct again.

Your hero, Slick Willie clinton, calls people like you deadbeats. If the most revered person in a perty that LOVES to be politically correct calls you losers deadbeats, who's to say he's wrong?

Next thing you know, you'll stop calling the kid you spawned "the unfortunate victim of poor fatherhood" and start calling him "the leech that the state should be paying for."

Tell me, when the forced you to take your meds in prison, didn't you feel better? Were'nt the voices in your head a little quieter? Have you considered the possibility that all those doctors who tried to help you are right, and maybe you are a freakin' whacko? Please, go back on your meds.