JPC said:

With 12 months then $500. per month is $6,000. per year and that is not even lower class level. It pillages the paying parent and only gives a pittance to the custodial. Paying $50. per week with 52 weeks per year is $2,600. and it cost the gov $25,000. per year to keep some of this large group of parents in jail and in prison. Each one is $25,000. each, and all the children are fine. No child needs the child support. All the children already have all of their needs already provided and the child support is only to give the custodial extra money. The cost of jail would pay the full child support payment and have plenty left over, per each parent in jail.
First, jail is not the Holiday Inn meant to be a good deal in housing and feeding the stupid. It is meant to take away your freedom as punishment because you are a criminal and make no mistake you are a criminal and morally bankrupt. Our society does not look to jails to make a profit. If it costs $25,000 a year it is worth that to keep criminals off the street.
Next, $25,000 to house you in jail for a year IS a good deal. For every month you are in jail that is a month you cannot go out and impregnate anyone with your stupid seed then abandon them causing them and their spawn to be a burden on society for financial support.
James you must be lying when you said you are deadbroke if you think $6,000 is a “pittance”. You have to be very wealthy. $6,000 a month will pay for half of 52 weeks of daycare; $50 worth of groceries per month; $300 worth of clothes, including coats, shoes, pants, shirts, jackets, socks. $50 worth of school supplies, backpacks, pencils, crayons, folders; $150 worth of school lunches with a whopping 300 left over for other basic items. Not to mention the basics the other parent provides that are not itemized, room in a house, heat, cooling, electricity, driving, insurance co pays.
If you think all this is frivolous you need to prove it. Put your money where your mouth is. Turn down disability payments from the government. You can buy a bowl, and a fork at the dollar store. I have some Taco bell cups you can have. Raman noodles cost .17 cents a pack at Shoppers. Since you don’t work you don’t need to eat 3 times a day, twice would be enough. Water is free and can be found anywhere. So for $124.10 a year you can be fed. The thrift store probably has tons of clothes you could wear cheap. You would only need a change of clothes 3 times a year. Let be generous and say that 4 times a year @ $20 per ensemble. That is $80 plus the $124.10, we are up to $204.10. Lets say you need to take a few showers. You could just violate the law and spend a couple nights in jail once a month to get fed and showers or find a shelter.
See James, you don’t need ALL that disability money, you really only need a couple hundred a year to live off of. The rest of that disability is “extra money” the government is giving you that you will just waste.