The Child Support Solution.


wandering aimlessly
RoseRed said:
Any luck yet? He shut up right after you made this post. Maybe we actually struck a nerve. :lmao:
I made a call to a friend that "finds" people. He thinks he knows where to look.


Witchy Woman
Chasey_Lane said:
Deadbeat Cusick, you need a serious dose of reality. Fortunately for you, the very same taxpayers you criticize are the same ones clothing, feeding & sheltering your worthless existence.

Fortunately for us they are the same tax payers that vote. :yay:


New Member
RoseRed said:
Any luck yet? He shut up right after you made this post. Maybe we actually struck a nerve. :lmao:

He ignored my post when I asked about his son a long time ago...his son is now 29. He would not comment on his relationship or what his son thinks of him other then

“I do not try to speak for others and certainly not speaking for my son. I do believe it is quite difficult for him but he does know who I am and what I believe and about the present campaign for 29B.”

To me that speaks volumes.


Witchy Woman
Chasey_Lane said:
Exactly! My daughter will be 9 next month, and she's able to start putting bits & pieces together. I have never said a bad word about her father to her, and I never would. It will be more than a reward for me when the day finally comes and she tells him to kiss her azz. :clap:

:high5: My very intelligent 12 year old worked it out for herself. I never said a bad word to her about her "father". He IS her father whether I like it or not and I would never make my child feel bad about that. But over time she has come to realize that he's about good for nothing. Now She says things like, "Dealing with him is like dealing with a 2 year old." :lmao:

He has never paid child support and I never went after it. 5 years after our divorce he hurt himself and lost an eye when can of beans exploded out of a fire like bullet (really :lmao:) and he got disablity. My daughter gets a check from them. That check goes directly into a 529 college account for her. I have full custody and visitation is at my discretion. He shows up about once every 4 or 5 months for a few hours. I never keep them apart, I never say no even whe he just shows up without calling. Sometimes she wants to go sometimes she doesn't. Most of the time she doesn't anymore.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Josimmon said:
He ignored my post when I asked about his son a long time ago...his son is now 29. He would not comment on his relationship or what his son thinks of him other then

“I do not try to speak for others and certainly not speaking for my son. I do believe it is quite difficult for him but he does know who I am and what I believe and about the present campaign for 29B.”

To me that speaks volumes.

Maybe he is ashamed that his son is ashamed of him. :ohwell:

Nevermind... what was I thinking? :jameo:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
I made a call to a friend that "finds" people. He thinks he knows where to look.
I did an SuperPages search and did not find any James P 's in Maryland. I found a "Buddy". If I were JPC, Sr. progeny, I would probably not use my real name; I might have even taken the last name of my step-father.


Well-Known Member
Over the years my ex never paid support when my boy lived with me, but always expected it when he lived with her. I always paid, considering it my responsibility. my son is a teenager now, living with me, and he is showing signs that he realizes his mom isn't holding up her end. He has said a few things about her having money for concerts and such, but not for lunch money or extraciricular activites.

BTW, i stopped persuing her for support to ease tension. She was putting the boy in the middle trying to convince him to live with her so she wouldn't have to pay. It was just easier to let it go and deal with everything myself.


Salt Life
I just want to thank my father who never put a price tag on me, was always there for me, provided for me, and made sure he spent every minute of his free time with me. I love you, dad! :clap:


Witchy Woman
Chasey_Lane said:
I just want to thank my father who never put a price tag on me, was always there for me, provided for me, and made sure he spent every minute of his free time with me. I love you, dad! :clap:

I am very lucky and have a great dad too.

And I'd like to add that my B is a GREAT father to our girls. Gotta love a man who understands what it means to be a good dad. The girls (and me) are lucky to have him. :yay:



wandering aimlessly
2ndAmendment said:
I did an SuperPages search and did not find any James P 's in Maryland. I found a "Buddy". If I were JPC, Sr. progeny, I would probably not use my real name; I might have even taken the last name of my step-father.
My thought also, that's why I asked someone who had the time and did this for a living to hunt him down.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ponytail said:
Here's another organization that Mr Cusick is probably familiar with, and I wonder how they would feel about his campaign?
:coffee: I see that site looks real thoughtful and concerned but I do not like it at all.

It is more of the "big daddy" government playing God by telling people how to be parents, and note that it is not telling the mothers how to be mothers.

This really shows the pompous nature of the State thinking that us men do not know how to be fathers so they are going to provide us with their instructions, free of charge.

:elaine: The word responsibility comes from the word response, as in respond, and responsibility means that some one else is dictating how we are to respond - thus responsibility. For me, I do and I tell others to first decide for one self how I think best to respond to any and all occurances and do as thy conscience guides and do not respond by another person's dictates, or by a government dictate unless we agree that it is the right response for ourselves. This is what I say. Be a servant freely and not by coertion.

:wench: -------------------------------- :whistle:


JPC said:
It is more of the "big daddy" government playing God by telling people how to be parents, and note that it is not telling the mothers how to be mothers.

How do you rectify your disgust with "big daddy" government with sitting back and letting the state provide for your children?

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
Midnightrider said:
and they are generally just to those who break it too, might not be fun, but i think its just to send away a deadbeat azzhat like this. His kids were probably better off knowing hios lame azz was in jail.
:howdy: Midnight! Long time, no see!!!


Super Genius
JPC said:
:elaine: The word responsibility comes from the word response, as in respond, and responsibility means that some one else is dictating how we are to respond - thus responsibility.
Not quite:
Main Entry: re·spon·si·bil·i·ty
Pronunciation: ri-"spän(t)-s&-'bi-l&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being responsible : as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability b : RELIABILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS
2 : something for which one is responsible
If you do not take care of your moral responsibility (being a father to your son), it then becomes a legal responsibility.


Salt Life
JPC said:
This really shows the pompous nature of the State thinking that us men do not know how to be fathers so they are going to provide us with their instructions, free of charge.
Maybe you should take their advice, free of charge.


This is fun right?
JPC said:
:coffee: I see that site looks real thoughtful and concerned but I do not like it at all.

It is more of the "big daddy" government playing God by telling people how to be parents, and note that it is not telling the mothers how to be mothers.

This from the DEADBEAT Putz who depends on MY hard earned Tax Dollars to subisdize his meager exsistance

JPC said:
This really shows the pompous nature of the State thinking that us men do not know how to be fathers so they are going to provide us with their instructions, free of charge.

YOU HAVE NO CLUE ON HOW TO BE A FATHER. YOU ARE A DEADBEAT. just because your a sperm donor, it doesnt make you a Father. supporting your child, make an honest living (ie. dont depend on the work of others to support your existance), convey Morals and guidance (and religion if you have it), and a sense of right and wrong.
all the things you lack

JPC said:
:elaine: The word responsibility comes from the word response, as in respond, and responsibility means that some one else is dictating how we are to respond - thus responsibility. For me, I do and I tell others to first decide for one self how I think best to respond to any and all occurances and do as thy conscience guides and do not respond by another person's dictates, or by a government dictate unless we agree that it is the right response for ourselves. This is what I say. Be a servant freely and not by coertion.

:wench: -------------------------------- :whistle:

Responsibility (<-Linky]) - "The word responsibility means the obligation to answer for actions. Often this means answering to authority. Responsibility is also loosely used as the recognition that in order to achieve one's purposes, one must act oneself ("take responsibility") rather than expecting others to do something (compare initiative)."

In other words, the last person we need a lesson on Responsibility from is a DEADBEAT, good for nothing, who is able to work, but would rather live off the government teat.