The Child Support Solution.


JPC, Sr.

:yay: If a Court, by the Maryland Child support guidelines, decided that a separated parent can only pay $500. per month or less then that means the separated parent truly can not afford to pay the child support at all. This would be a big improvement for the child support reform. Some parents that can only pay $50. or $100. per weekly paycheck is just too poor to pay c/s at all. Rich people like Donald Trump have pre-nuptuals that get around the law and other tricks too but poorer working class parents live by their paycheck and when one can not meet over $500. then they can not afford to pay at all. Deadbroke poor parents in jail is rediculous.

:yay: With 12 months then $500. per month is $6,000. per year and that is not even lower class level. It pillages the paying parent and only gives a pittance to the custodial. Paying $50. per week with 52 weeks per year is $2,600. and it cost the gov $25,000. per year to keep some of this large group of parents in jail and in prison. Each one is $25,000. each, and all the children are fine. No child needs the child support. All the children already have all of their needs already provided and the child support is only to give the custodial extra money. The cost of jail would pay the full child support payment and have plenty left over, per each parent in jail.

:yay: If we have ultimate concern for children then when there is a custody dispute then the law needs to decide which parent already has the money and that parent with the money needs to be given custody. If our concern is for the children then they go to the money and not this fool opposite way. Male and female are equal now. If both parents are working class living paycheck to paycheck then the one with more money gets the kids or maybe joint custody but surely must not give the child to the parent that has less cash or else that is dumping the children. A child can sleep on daddy's couch. Thats okay! Children really eat very little. Small stomach, small mouths. Nobody has to eat steak and shrimp.

:yay: If a separated parent could only pay $125. per week then they need that just for themselves to survive. If the custodial feels burdened then give the child to the separated parents.

P.S. Mystic Mom,MysticMom put the question to right here...

MM, I plan to make the changes happen by being the new Delegate for 29B and there work to change the law. First after election I will press hard at informing the general public and thus pressure the other Delegates to cooperate.

:whistle: ---------------------- :howdy:


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PREMO Member
Have you considered a new avatar JPC? Here's one that really reflects your views.


  • intelidiot-thumb.jpg
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JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Sharon said:
Have you considered a new avatar JPC? Here's one that really reflects your views.
:coffee: I did concider putting my real picture up there but I like the Avatar as it is close enough. Besides I put my big smiling face on my campaign website front home page so there it is.

:cartwheel ............................... :cartwheel


New Member
If the separated parent could only pay $125. per week then they need that just for themselves to survive. If the custodial feels burdened then give the child to the separated parents.

Are you joking? I have already posted before regarding the cocts of raising a healthy child from birth to 18. With out a college fund or a car or alot of the extras it would be nice to give a child.The cost is about165,000 dollars. That rounds out to about 800 dollars per month, per child not including housing or other extras.

If you are obligated to pay one half of that per child to assist in the raising of the child you fathered and are no longer actively raising, how can you say that it's too much?


Will you not pursue child support? I doubt it. You are looking to make a buck.

What kind of life would YOU, an unemployed criminal, give to a child?
Will you be out there working to buy diapers, shoes,and food?
Will you be the one to go to school functions and foot the bill for things like soccer or cub scouts?

Tell me what kind of parent you would make JPC? Prove to anyone that you are better suited?
You can't.

You just don't want to work, you don't want to do your part.. You make me sick.


Lem Putt
In order to have a $500/month obligation, the parent must have an income of more than $42K. Anyone who makes that much and can't afford $500 to feed, clothe, and care for their child is a deadbeat and deserves what they get.


New Member
My ex thinks I'm stupid...

The day after he was told that since he was three months behind and he could have his license revoked if he doesn't pay something....
I find it so funny that the very next day there as one third of the amount due posted in my account...


Iron City
JPC said:
:yay: If a Court, by the Maryland Child support guidelines, decided that a separated parent can only pay $500. per month or less then that means the separated parent truly can not afford to pay the child support at all. This would be a big improvement for the child support reform. Some parents that can only pay $50. or $100. per weekly paycheck is just too poor to pay c/s at all. Rich people like Donald Trump have pre-nuptuals that get around the law and other tricks too but poorer working class parents live by their paycheck and when one can not meet over $500. then they can not afford to pay at all. Deadbroke poor parents in jail is rediculous.

:yay: With 12 months then $500. per month is $6,000. per year and that is not even lower class level. It pillages the paying parent and only gives a pittance to the custodial. Paying $50. per week with 52 weeks per year is $2,600. and it cost the gov $25,000. per year to keep some of this large group of parents in jail and in prison. Each one is $25,000. each, and all the children are fine. No child needs the child support. All the children already have all of their needs already provided and the child support is only to give the custodial extra money. The cost of jail would pay the full child support payment and have plenty left over, per each parent in jail.

:yay: If we have ultimate concern for children then when there is a custody dispute then the law needs to decide which parent already has the money and that parent with the money needs to be given custody. If our concern is for the children then they go to the money and not this fool opposite way. Male and female are equal now. If both parents are working class living paycheck to paycheck then the one with more money gets the kids or maybe joint custody but surely must not give the child to the parent that has less cash or else that is dumping the children. A child can sleep on daddy's couch. Thats okay! Children really eat very little. Small stomach, small mouths. Nobody has to eat steak and shrimp.

:yay: If a separated parent could only pay $125. per week then they need that just for themselves to survive. If the custodial feels burdened then give the child to the separated parents.

P.S. Mystic Mom,MysticMom put the question to right here...

MM, I plan to make the changes happen by being the new Delegate for 29B and there work to change the law. First after election I will press hard at informing the general public and thus pressure the other Delegates to cooperate.

:whistle: ---------------------- :howdy:
So how drunk were you when you wrote this?


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PREMO Member
Dutch6 said:
This person suffers from lack of oxygen to the brain......
Must be all the paint fumes. His delusions are an obvious sign he's still huffing.


In My Opinion
JPC said:
Rich people like Donald Trump have pre-nuptuals that get around the law and other tricks too but poorer working class parents live by their paycheck and when one can not meet over $500. then they can not afford to pay at all. Deadbroke poor parents in jail is rediculous.
Pre-nuptuals are written to insure that each person will leave the marriage with what they came with. No more. It protects them from someone marrying them then leaving and demanding half their stuff.
Pre-nups do NOT enter in to the agreement as far as child support for a child born to that marriage goes.
So, try again with another incorrect assumption on your uneducated part.

JPC said:
With 12 months then $500. per month is $6,000. per year and that is not even lower class level. It pillages the paying parent and only gives a pittance to the custodial. Paying $50. per week with 52 weeks per year is $2,600. and it cost the gov $25,000. per year to keep some of this large group of parents in jail and in prison. Each one is $25,000. each, and all the children are fine. No child needs the child support. All the children already have all of their needs already provided and the child support is only to give the custodial extra money. The cost of jail would pay the full child support payment and have plenty left over, per each parent in jail.
$25,000 per year. now, you do understand that that figure is going to be the same for a cell if a prisoner is in it or not dont you?
The true cost of keeping people like you in jail is much less. the food you eat is not what one would consider premium, and buying in quantity even reduces your per meal to much less. I bet they can feed you for under 3 dollars a day. your medical is no more than the cost of any drugs that they might have to purchase on your behalf, the doctors are already on the payroll.
come up with a real number and maybe I might be able to discuss this foolish notion you have that it requires 25k additional a year to keep you.

JPC said:
If we have ultimate concern for children then when there is a custody dispute then the law needs to decide which parent already has the money and that parent with the money needs to be given custody. If our concern is for the children then they go to the money and not this fool opposite way. Male and female are equal now. If both parents are working class living paycheck to paycheck then the one with more money gets the kids or maybe joint custody but surely must not give the child to the parent that has less cash or else that is dumping the children. A child can sleep on daddy's couch. Thats okay! Children really eat very little. Small stomach, small mouths. Nobody has to eat steak and shrimp.
sleeping on a couch does not give the child privacy or a place to put their things.
funny how you can suggest that it cost the state 25k a year to keep you locked in bubbas love cell, yet you will claim that it costs nothing to keep a child.
tell us how that works, becuase, I sure cant figure it out well enough to raise my child for free.

JPC said:
If a separated parent could only pay $125. per week then they need that just for themselves to survive. If the custodial feels burdened then give the child to the separated parents.
If a seperated parent could pay 125 a week, then thats what they should pay.
and if the separated parent is not able to support the child with 125 a week child support, how is he/she expected to support the child when that child is living with them?

in short, unless you can show otherwise, you are two things.
A typical democrat far left liberal tin foil hat wearing jerk.
and a heartless idiot that is not able to recognize his responsibility for what he does.

Tell us again how with your inability to function in a respectful manner, are we suppose to support your run for any office at all?


Witchy Woman
:rolleyes: OMG!

Thank you sooooooo much JPC. You finally did it! :yahoo: :huggy:

I have finally ( with your help) realized (yeah I'm slow) that you are not worth my time or effort. :yay: And I am especially relieved that I don't ever have to worry about you being voted into any office. It sure doesn't take a psychic to figure that one out.


New Member
JPC said:
If we have ultimate concern for children then when there is a custody dispute then the law needs to decide which parent already has the money and that parent with the money needs to be given custody. If our concern is for the children then they go to the money and not this fool opposite way.

I have a number of problems with your view of child support, but since this one offends me the most, I'll start with it. Children are not goods to be sold to whomever has the most money. If you were going to list the qualities that make someone a good parent, would your list really just begin and end with the word "money"?

Good parenting includes the ability to set boundaries for a child, the ability to teach them morality, the ability to give them a good education, the ability to show love and respect and patience, having time to spend with them, being able to provide a safe environment, interactions with peers ... I could go on and on.

If you really thought the best thing for a child is to be with the parent with the most money, above all else, you'd believe that rich people automatically are better parents than the poor or middle class. Is that what you believe?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

LWF said:
I have a number of problems with your view of child support, but since this one offends me the most, I'll start with it. Children are not goods to be sold to whomever has the most money. If you were going to list the qualities that make someone a good parent, would your list really just begin and end with the word "money"?

Good parenting includes the ability to set boundaries for a child, the ability to teach them morality, the ability to give them a good education, the ability to show love and respect and patience, having time to spend with them, being able to provide a safe environment, interactions with peers ... I could go on and on.

If you really thought the best thing for a child is to be with the parent with the most money, above all else, you'd believe that rich people automatically are better parents than the poor or middle class. Is that what you believe?
:popcorn: Being a "good parent" as the poster is boasting can be either parent. BUT, for the State gov to put parents in jail for money only, as they do, then the parent with the money to provide for the children need to be the one with custody. The other parent can still visit and stay in contact and I would hope so. It is not about poor or rich parents being better or worse parents because child support is only about money.

:coffee: ----------------------------- :howdy:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
Children really eat very little. Small stomach, small mouths.

Have you ever seen a 14 year old boy near a large pizza? Don't blink or you'll miss it. Your son was lucky his step father was man enough to raise him.


New Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: Being a "good parent" as the poster is boasting can be either parent. BUT, for the State gov to put parents in jail for money only, as they do, then the parent with the money to provide for the children need to be the one with custody. The other parent can still visit and stay in contact and I would hope so. It is not about poor or rich parents being better or worse parents because child support is only about money.

:coffee: ----------------------------- :howdy:

It must be wonderful to never have to get up for work in the morning or get a kid of to school...... It must be great to sleep in everyday or sleep it off :otter: then wnader down to the library and vomit up bullshiat all day...





