If I may ...
This is a serious question:
How have you, as a white person, been marginalized or destroyed? Because I'm pretty white and not having any problems, and I don't know any white people who are.
I'm worried about my children's future and future grand children's future in this supposed Constitutional Republic.
You aren't looking at the big, macro, picture. Maybe you just don't understand the implications of the intentional, planned, elimination of White/European/Caucasian/Christian peoples? Anything more or other explanations I say if I continue will be considered conspiratorial. But what the hell ....
Nobody is saying anything about the international Jews/Zionists/Bolsheviks (who have America and most of Europe under a communist hostile occupation planned and implemented since the early 1900's) and the black and brown hordes they have unleashed on White nations, (US, Europe, Germany, France, Etc.), to drive them out. Period. Why do you think our boarders are now wide open with hundreds of thousands of illegals being allowed to enter monthly and US immigration laws not being enforced? Do you see thousands of White people making their way across the Texas/Mexico boarder? Wake up. The destruction of our Nation is being allowed to happen before our very eyes.
There were 579,000 inter-racial violent crimes in America in 2019. Of these, only 7,300 were committed by whites, with a whopping 510,000 being black-on-white, spurred on by Jewish/Zionist/Bolshevik media anti-white propaganda, and hidden by the media from the average Joe and Jill….If people knew, but when there are those that speak up, they are banned from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., (though many of them are on bitchute….Its like they were bottled away there so few people would hear what they have to say such as “Eggplant Shines” who uploads dozens of black on white murder reports daily, or “Teutonic Knight” who exposes some of the sick crap these people are doing) if people knew….We would already be in a war of reclamation!
It seems that today, it is only White people that cannot have their own community anymore, our own homogeneity. If there a solid White suburban area, special zoning is instituted for the building of housing specifically for non-Whites to force integration of the neighborhood. Have a community of say, $400,000 homes with majority White owners, and then later, plop a high density tax payer subsidized apartment complex right in the middle under the banner of diversity. And you are just fine with that.