The Difference


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Difference Between The Liberal and Conservative "Debate" Over The War On Terrorism:

Question: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner and is running at you while screaming obscenities. In your hand is a .357 Magnum and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Liberal Answer: Well that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that is inspiring him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me or would he just be content to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days to try to come to a conclusion.

Conservative Answer: I blow him into the next zip code.


Dancing Up A Storm
:rolleyes: That description is SO right on! It captures the essence of why the DEMs are pasttemps. But, the really sad thing is, they still(and always will) have an audience out there who will listen and sympathize with their arguements. I know it sounds basic, kinda "we know", but it's people like that who've forgotten how our forefathers formed and shaped this country. Some of it wasn't so pretty, but they had to fight for what they achieved. It's a pity some of us have foregotten how we got here.


Football season!
But what if the guy with the knife is the neighborhood butcher who was only after a person who had just stolen stuff from his store?? So you shoot him.. Now where the heck am I going to go and get my steaks now????


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But what if the guy with the knife is the neighborhood butcher who was only after a person who had just stolen stuff from his store?? So you shoot him.. Now where the heck am I going to go and get my steaks now????
The Liberals best plan will take effect...

After he's dead, half of all he owed is now government property and therefore available for welfare redistribution.

Of course due to the beauracratic pace of this distribution it will be 6-8 weeks old and much more tender when you recieve it. Just cook it quickly to mellow the aroma.

Bon Appetite :cheers:


And... People wonder why crime is totally out of control. Maybe the sniper has issues, maybe his Mommy was mean or maybe he lost his job! My solution: Just shoot everybody who even looks remotely suspicious! You know they did something at one time or another to deserve it!:wink:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But what if the guy with the knife is the neighborhood butcher who was only after a person who had just stolen stuff from his store?? So you shoot him.. Now where the heck am I going to go and get my steaks now????

Well in your scenario with the butcher running down the street wielding a knife (which is a deadly weapon under the law). I would take the shot without hesitation. It would be fairly easy to convince a jury that my family and I were in imminent danger of being assaulted and my actions would be those consistent with self protection.

As to where you would now get your meat, simple, another butchers shop.


Football season!
Oh my.. I hope I never run into Ken King leaving a restaurant.. If he by some chance has a little red sauce on the side of lip, I may suspect he is a cannibal and since he just finished with his last victim, he is coming after me.. I would HAVE to shoot him to make sure nothing happened to me..

And the fat woman who is running down the street screaming and crying because she just had her heart broken.. I honestly felt that she must be really unstable and have a major eating disorder, thus she would do anything for the bag of groceries in my hand.. Bang.. Problem solved.

The libs and the conservs.. One is too busy "fixing" other people's problems that they forget to help themselves, the other is too busy creating stories to justify their behavior and patting themselves on the back for a job well done.. When will the madness end?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And the fat woman who is running down the street screaming and crying because she just had her heart broken..
That woman should definitely be shot if she's so ate up with her beau that she has to run screaming and crying down the street.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Oh my.. I hope I never run into Ken King leaving a restaurant.. If he by some chance has a little red sauce on the side of lip, I may suspect he is a cannibal and since he just finished with his last victim, he is coming after me.. I would HAVE to shoot him to make sure nothing happened to me..

And the fat woman who is running down the street screaming and crying because she just had her heart broken.. I honestly felt that she must be really unstable and have a major eating disorder, thus she would do anything for the bag of groceries in my hand.. Bang.. Problem solved.

The libs and the conservs.. One is too busy "fixing" other people's problems that they forget to help themselves, the other is too busy creating stories to justify their behavior and patting themselves on the back for a job well done.. When will the madness end?

Hey Smallmind,

No weapon, no threat. Ever hear of a "use of force doctrine"? I have and I know when you can and cannot use one to protect your family and self. Are you just that stupid or is it you just don't know the difference? Oh, that's right you are a Liberal.


Originally posted by Ken King
Are you just that stupid or is it you just don't know the difference? Oh, that's right you are a Liberal.

So redundant of you Ken. :lol:

Leave it to the libs to worry about the maggot instead of the safety of their family.

Just like the libs whining that the US is being too aggressive with IRAQ, but they were the first ones to run and scream that the FBI and CIA did NOTHING to stop the 9-11 tragedy.


From the COMPOST!!

Murder charge: A 17-year-old was arrested this week and charged with second-degree murder in the fatal stabbing of a 22-year-old man. Nadir Farooq was found Sept. 28 with a stab wound to his neck at a Ramada Inn in the 1600 block of New York Avenue NE; he died Oct. 7. The teenager charged in Farooq's death was not identified because of his age.

Hey smallwood This is what happens when bad people have weapons.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by SmallTown
Oh my.. I hope I never run into Ken King leaving a restaurant.. If he by some chance has a little red sauce on the side of lip, I may suspect he is a cannibal and since he just finished with his last victim, he is coming after me.. I would HAVE to shoot him to make sure nothing happened to me..

Heck, why not just shoot 'im 'cause it feels good?:biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Family Safety/Political Viability

Originally posted by justhangn

Leave it to the libs to worry about the maggot instead of the safety of their family.
:barf: As soon as I read this, it struck a chord inside; this same type of activity seems to be central to Democrapic thinking.
Remember Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopecknik(sp?), was that ever a convoluted affair? How much of her safety was Teddy concerned with that night/early am. She was in the car drowning, but HE couldn't get to a Firehouse in time to get help/save her. She might have been able to talk........


Football season!
Originally posted by justhangn
From the COMPOST!!

Hey smallwood This is what happens when bad people have weapons.

So you are saying only good people should be allowed to have weapons? That sounds like an almost identical quote that Clinton had during the gun control debates.. So which are you, a lefty or a righty?

Funny how we look at a place like Afganistan and talk about the "dumb gun toting savages always trying to make the country into a war zone", when we are apparantly advocating the same thing.

Just like we make fun of the elections in other countries, such as the ones that just happened in Iraq, and we have our own embarassing situations like in Florida... And not just once, but TWICE..

We just all need to be smarter about these kinds of things.. Lets not go so far out of our way to try and prove darwin was wrong.


Originally posted by SmallTown

So you are saying only good people should be allowed to have weapons?

I'm not saying that only good people should have weapons, I'm saying that bad people will do whatever their twisted little minds wish, with whatever weapon they can find.

Earlier you were giving an excuse for the guy with the knife coming at you, I'm just giving you a for instance of what happens when they get to you.


Dancing Up A Storm
Family Safety/Political Viability

Originally posted by SmallTown

hahaha yea right, guess again..
AMAZING!, He only pretends to sound and act like a liberal without being one!!!!! There's gotta be a word for that, it escapes me right now.
The issue I thought of involves William Jaundice Clinton. How many times did he lie, dance around, deny involvement(I never had sex with that woman!), attempt to confuse issues(It depends what the meaning of the word "is", is.) Most of it was done to protect/save his political viability. The last slap in face to us was the
persidential pardons granted late in his tenure in the wee hours of the morning. What a peach of a guy!


Football season!
Re: Family Safety/Political Viability

Originally posted by penncam

AMAZING!, He only pretends to sound and act like a liberal without being one!!!!! There's gotta be a word for that, it escapes me right now.

Yea, it is called a free-thinker.. I think both sides have done such embarssing things and stand for things I don't like that I would find it insulting to be labeled EITHER a republican or democrat.. My voter registration? States I refuse to join a party.. Allows me to look at the PEOPLE themselves, not the party.. I hear so many people say "Well, I don't like candidate xyz, but sence he is the republican/democrat i'll vote for him"

I always get a kick watching these republican Vs democrat talk shows on TV as they debate (well, trash) one another.. Always the same image.. You have the freaking looking democrat who looks (and sounds) like he should either be in a circus or a mental hospital, and the conservative who acts like such a tight a$$ you could probably sharpen a knife blade between his butt-cheeks. These images of the "talking heads" of each party is yet another reason not to affiliate one self with either party


Re: Re: Family Safety/Political Viability

Originally posted by SmallTown
the conservative who acts like such a tight a$$ you could probably sharpen a knife blade between his butt-cheeks. These images of the "talking heads" of each party is yet another reason not to affiliate one self with either party

:roflmao: Too funny!! :cheers:

BTW (back to the other conversation about the deviant with the knife) it's been proven that someone, with the correct mindset, can cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds.