The eagle has...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So, just now, the phone rings and it's my 14 y/o nephew. I could tell by the tone in hos voice he was PSYCHED!

"128 yards, 9 iron! lands short, takes a nice bounce, rings around and in!!!"

His first hole out from the fairway!!! He's -3 after 3 on the back and I told him to just try and keep it going!!! Breathe! He's so excited!

Anyway, my first from the fairway was a wedge, about 120, couldn't see the pin, we looked all over for it, long, short, bunker, nowhere, until I peeked in the hole... :lmao: I knew it was close!!!

Eagle stories, boys and girls???



So, just now, the phone rings and it's my 14 y/o nephew. I could tell by the tone in hos voice he was PSYCHED!

"128 yards, 9 iron! lands short, takes a nice bounce, rings around and in!!!"

His first hole out from the fairway!!! He's -3 after 3 on the back and I told him to just try and keep it going!!! Breathe! He's so excited!

Anyway, my first from the fairway was a wedge, about 120, couldn't see the pin, we looked all over for it, long, short, bunker, nowhere, until I peeked in the hole... :lmao: I knew it was close!!!

Eagle stories, boys and girls???

Never gotten one :frown:

Boy however got a par on his first ever round. I made him do the driving range for a month until he could hit it out there fairly well. Finally I took him out for 9 and on the par 3 he hit driver. It bounced on the front and rolled onto the bottom tier. The hole is on the top tier so I told him to give it a good whack or else it would roll back down the hill. He didn't get it up and it rolled back. The next one he gave it a good whack, 20 feet and in. I was happy and pizzed at the same time :lmao: It took me forever to get my first par.


Nothing to see here
Glenn Dale, #13 390 uphill par 4. Duckhooked a 1 iron, barely clearing a pond 100 yds from the tee..left rough in a stand of trees side of a hill blocking my view, approximately 180 from the green. Took a 2 iron, gave it the ole baseball bat grip, aimed my feet at the green, swung the club away from the hill towards the fairway, hit a low screaming hook around the hill and ran it the last 75 yards onto the green. Never really saw the shot, figured I was in the front rough or it ran thru the green. Looked for 5 minutes before a friend found it in the hole. Eagled(if you can call it that) it again as part of a captains choice team in a tourney 4 yrs ago from center of fairway with a 7 iron from 150. True stories..:yay:


24/7 Single Dad
Third hole. Had the windmill with the rotating blades. Got past them and hit the left chute. Dropped onto the lower level, banked off the angled boundary, ringed the cup once and then dropped in :yahoo:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I have a couple of pretty good eagle pictures, do they count? :lmao: I'll be out there on the 4th looking for my 1st eagle...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
We walked 18 yesterday, no eagles but I did shoot a 90 which is my best round ever.:yay:


Can you ping me now? Good

So, just now, the phone rings and it's my 14 y/o nephew. I could tell by the tone in hos voice he was PSYCHED!

"128 yards, 9 iron! lands short, takes a nice bounce, rings around and in!!!"

His first hole out from the fairway!!! He's -3 after 3 on the back and I told him to just try and keep it going!!! Breathe! He's so excited!

Anyway, my first from the fairway was a wedge, about 120, couldn't see the pin, we looked all over for it, long, short, bunker, nowhere, until I peeked in the hole... :lmao: I knew it was close!!!

Eagle stories, boys and girls???

My first eagle in general was at Wicomico. I drove the green on number 10 and 1 putted for a eagle.

My first hole out for eagle was at Marlton. On number 16 I hit a 9 iron from 152 yards and it hit the stick and fell straight down in the hole.

Since then I have done it quite a few times for eagles and birdies. I'm still waiting on my first Ace though! I have it the stick....rimmed around the edge....left them on the lip but none have fallen! Maybe someday!

Larry Gude

Strung Out


So, just now, the phone rings and it's my 14 y/o nephew. I could tell by the tone in hos voice he was PSYCHED!

"128 yards, 9 iron! lands short, takes a nice bounce, rings around and in!!!"

His first hole out from the fairway!!! He's -3 after 3 on the back and I told him to just try and keep it going!!! Breathe! He's so excited!

Anyway, my first from the fairway was a wedge, about 120, couldn't see the pin, we looked all over for it, long, short, bunker, nowhere, until I peeked in the hole... :lmao: I knew it was close!!!

Eagle stories, boys and girls??? I see him today and he shows me his card...

He shot 79


I'm in sooo much trouble now... :jameo:


Well-Known Member
I made my first eagle a couple of weeks ago at Mahogany Run in the Virgin Islands. I was using a rented Taylor Made set. Equipment was fairly new and in good shape. The driver was a TM Burner and I hit it pretty well all day. I somehow managed to drive a little past the green on a Par 4 and chipped it in for an Eagle!

The course is the only one on St. Thomas and 13 - 15 is known as the Devil's Triangle. They give you a prize if you manage to play all three without losing a ball. I managed to play all three making two pars and a bogey. The last shot on 15 was picture perfect from about 140 yards out. It was on a slight downhill approach over a beautiful pond. :yikes: The SOMD Hackers would have been proud. I hit a high, lofting 9 iron that dropped about 9 feet pin high. The putt was slightly downhill with a slight left break. I hit is softly.....and watched it roll about 2 feet past the pin. I made the tap in for par but that birdie would have left me even for the three hardest holes on the course. :ohwell:

True to form...the next hole was an easy par long as you don't go know the rest. :lol:

At any rate, I shot a 40 on the back nine and finished with an 89 for the day. I think the assistant starter was a little miffed that it took us 5 hours to finish but at those prices and with the views on the course I think he should be used to that by now. He did say my score was pretty low considering I hadn't played there before. All in all it was a great round although I think I got the cheesy certificate and tiny poster (for taming the triangle) instead of a better prize because of the long round.

That's my eagle story and a little more.
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They call me ... Sarcasmo
Chipped in for eagle on #3 @ BB during a tourney yesterday.:yay: My drive, partner's approach and my chip, it wasn't a "real" eagle but it felt good knowing that all my practice chipping lately is paying off.


Chipped in for eagle on #3 @ BB during a tourney yesterday.:yay: My drive, partner's approach and my chip, it wasn't a "real" eagle but it felt good knowing that all my practice chipping lately is paying off.

:yay: congrats.....I played Potomac Ridge on Sunday afternoon and although i liked the condition of the some of those holes don't have a flat spot to hit off seems like even when you are center fairway off the tee you are penalized because you are hitting your ball at an angle downhill...the Ridge course sucked, but the Hollow was better...they have a 300 all you can play special going on between now and 15 Oct..i think i'm gonna hit that up this weekend...

congrats again!