I'm not unhappy about it. It's better than the alternative. We got the lesser evil this time, but still evil. Here's hoping though.
I don't expect very much is going to change, except you're going to hear the word "obstructionist" a lot over the next couple years.
A lot.
You're going to hear the word "obstructionist" a LOT.
A whole lot.
I can't stress enough how often the media is going to harp on the word "obstructionist".
But, IMO, obstruction is a good thing when it comes to legislation. I hope every law that goes in and out of that domed ####-can dies in committee.
Agree. That is pretty much the consensus on this forum. Let us hope that the GOP takes advantage of this opportunity. This midterm had some historic impact when you hear the dates 'since' 1929, 1946, and since the Civil War, women and blacks being voted in, an unexpected turnover on governorships, etc.
When I saw Obama speak today, I was imagining a big welted up hand print on the side of his face. I wonder if anyone has ever slapped him. He sure got slapped in this election!
As far as obstructionist, that is Obama's real last name. If it doesn't fit his agenda, it doesn't pass. What is he going to do without his little lap dog, Harry Reid, who eats the homework? It will be interesting to watch what happens next.