The FACTS about election 2004...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That may be the greatest compliment that I have ever received. Thank you.

Just to clarify, it was absolutely meant as a compliment. You, with all your youth, are about the ONLY Democrat on here that will engage in a discusion. The rest of the rational ones either voted W or became Republicans.


New Member
ylexot said:
BTW, regarding old (Kennedy-era) Democratic party vs current Democratic party, Zell Miller considers himself to be a Kennedy Democrat.

Quite honestly, despite all the goodwill that the Republicans on here feel towards the Georgia senator, I don't think that Zell Miller knows what he is. Miller supported Democratic candidates Mondale and Dukakis, gave a rousing speech in 1992 for Clinton, supported Gore, and spoke glowingly of Kerry in 2002. Then in 2004, he supported George W. Bush. In 2001 he had high ADA ratings, in 2002, they were completely opposite. He was pro-choice, now he's pro-life. He makes John Kerry's flip-flopping look resolute.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Quite honestly
Quite honestly, Miller is big on national security and some enterprising Republican operative took him aside and had a conversation with him. Zell wasn't getting much play with the Democrats because he's old, fairly conservative and from Georgia. So somebody promised him something and he started stumping for Bush.

That's how that sort of thing works.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Quite honestly, Miller is big on national security and some enterprising Republican operative took him aside and had a conversation with him. Zell wasn't getting much play with the Democrats because he's old, fairly conservative and from Georgia. So somebody promised him something and he started stumping for Bush.

That's how that sort of thing works.

Yeah, I have no problem with that; doesn't change the fact that it is a misnomer for him to refer to himself as a "Kennedy Democrat."


New Member
willie said:
Truman was the last good Democrat.

Ah, Harry Truman the tax increasing, government expanding, and price regulating liberal. :wink: You know, he's the reason that the modern Democratic Party is so committed to universal health care (he was the first to propose it).