The HEAT is on.....


New Member
Fire....keep it going boys - Let's go Heat
(12 yrs in Maryland still can't take the Native Miamian out of me)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I typically try not to take pleasure in the misery of others, especially in sport where I have grown to enjoy good competition even if my team loses. For LaBron, I make a very notable exception. I can't help it. I take pleasure in them losing.

He threw away a lifetime opportunity to take his place among the handful of top tier greats when he was in Cleveland by staying and persevering. In the process he robbed the game and the fans of the games and heartbreaks and potentially legendary triumphs that could have been.

Part of me hopes for this to become a great series, all the way to a game 7. However, at best, it simply can't reach what it could have been had he fought it out in Cleveland. So, the other part of me hopes the Thunder win in 4.



New Member
Yeah Yeah yeah, so we lost game one. Still makes for exciting Basketball. I am a Native of Miami so I will always rally around my teams whether they suck or not - Dolphins, Canes, Marlins and Heat. They made it all the way through the playoffs - players bail on teams all the time - controversy, we all love it. My favorite of the week.....Dolphins sign Ochocinco

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah Yeah yeah, so we lost game one. Still makes for exciting Basketball. I am a Native of Miami so I will always rally around my teams whether they suck or not - Dolphins, Canes, Marlins and Heat. They made it all the way through the playoffs - players bail on teams all the time - controversy, we all love it. My favorite of the week.....Dolphins sign Ochocinco

Not busting on you individually or Miami in general; Just LaBron.

having said that, are you honestly happy to have Chad??? :buddies:


New Member
Not busting on you individually or Miami in general; Just LaBron.

having said that, are you honestly happy to have Chad??? :buddies:

I know, I did not take it personally. I take most things on here with a grain of salt. As for Chad, had to say, I guess he fits in with what Miami has become over the years but I also look forward to the controversy, I am sure there will be lots of it. He is no Jason Taylor by any means so let the games begin. Should make for a fun, crazy season!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I know, I did not take it personally. I take most things on here with a grain of salt. As for Chad, had to say, I guess he fits in with what Miami has become over the years but I also look forward to the controversy, I am sure there will be lots of it. He is no Jason Taylor by any means so let the games begin. Should make for a fun, crazy season!

All I can say about Chad is thanks! This means our man Dan can't pick him up! I think last year in NE showed he is D-O-N-E.
I've been looking forward to this matchup. I was rooting for the Lakers until OKC beat them, now I'm rooting for OKC to win it all. This is an awfully good team, especially considering how young it is - the Thunder has the potential to contend for many championships over the next 5 (or even 10) years. After spotting San Antonio 2 games, OKC steamrolled them - made them look old and tired. And I still think SA is a pretty good team (though they are getting a bit old :lol:) - they'd won 20 in a row before OKC beat them 4 straight.

Durant is special. I'd have to think long and hard were I offered the choice of him or James, and that's saying something. I think I'd actually take Durant at this point. Even if he's giving up a little on the court (which I'm no longer sure he is), he comes across as a classier dude - hard not to root for him (though, unlike Larry, I still root for James as well - but not in these finals). We probably won't see a lot of it in this series, but I'd love to see Durant D-ing James for long stretches - I'd like to see how he'd perform in that situation. Even if they aren't on each the majority of the time, it's pretty cool seeing the best 2 players in the game (in my opinion, and pretty clearly so) competing with each other in the finals. When was the last time we saw that?

Let's see which one steps up to the challenge and wills their team over the finish line.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Durant is special. I'd have to think long and hard were I offered the choice of him or James, and that's saying something. I think I'd actually take Durant at this point.

It depends. Do you want show or go? Scott Brooks put it best; OK is good because they defend. That, not scoring, is their stock in trade. He even went so far as to say Durrant's playing time would be way, way less if he didn't play so hard on the d end. That does NOT get said about James. Not by any coach he's had so far. Durrant, the league scoring king three years running, on a defensive minded team, seems to just want to do what it takes to win. Period.

I don't think it unfair to say that doing whatever it takes to win is not LaBron's mantra. He plays hard and is an incredible talent, probably the best the league has ever seen. However, to me, I want Durrant, no question, and would give you picks 2 and 3 to get him. He, like the greats, the ones that won, makes his team better. LaBron simply seems to lack that right now. Everyone for Miami was involved early. Everyone for OK City was involved late.

And, one more comment; While I think they are both unstoppable when they want to get their shot off, James seems to have to work a bit harder at it whereas Kevin, I dunno, sometimes he looks effortless splitting doubles or whatever.

For the game, hopefully Miami rises to the challenge and makes it a great series. Last night seemed like OKC was struggling the entire game until late. Miami seemed to be cruising until it fell apart and that is the best description I can think of for James; it all looks effortless. Until it falls apart at the end.



New Member
Any game 2 predictions, wants or hopes? Do I dare say it again....Let's go Heat! Stay strong til the end.


They're out to get us
I typically try not to take pleasure in the misery of others, especially in sport where I have grown to enjoy good competition even if my team loses. For LaBron, I make a very notable exception. I can't help it. I take pleasure in them losing.

He threw away a lifetime opportunity to take his place among the handful of top tier greats when he was in Cleveland by staying and persevering. In the process he robbed the game and the fans of the games and heartbreaks and potentially legendary triumphs that could have been.

Part of me hopes for this to become a great series, all the way to a game 7. However, at best, it simply can't reach what it could have been had he fought it out in Cleveland. So, the other part of me hopes the Thunder win in 4.

I still don't understand the mentality that LeBron is a villain for leaving a team after *7* years, as a free agent (actually if you want to get technical, Cleveland TRADED him to Miami!). How long did he have to stay there to actually win something? The team around him was terrible. He had a decent SG in Mo Williams and the only other decent player he had was...Antawn Jamison. Yeah OK that's a team that'll compete for a title sometime soon. He gave them plenty of chances to improve the roster and they failed to do so. How can you blame him for pursuing options elsewhere? If he stayed in Cleveland he probably would have been on teams ranging from the 2 to 3 seed every year (no way they'd be above the Bulls, a much more talented team), but I doubt he would have won a title with the talent around him.

Plus, LeBron didn't create any distractions during the regular season. He didn't force a trade like Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul, and he didn't hold a team hostage for the entire season like Dwight Howard. He didn't bring a gun into the locker room either, ala Gilbert Arenas. He's a guy that's done everything right except for leave a team that had no talent in free agency so he could try to win a championship, which is every player's ultimate goal. Shame on him for trying to play with the best team to win championships instead of breaking personal stats records in a team sport. How classless.

Yeah Yeah yeah, so we lost game one. Still makes for exciting Basketball. I am a Native of Miami so I will always rally around my teams whether they suck or not - Dolphins, Canes, Marlins and Heat. They made it all the way through the playoffs - players bail on teams all the time - controversy, we all love it. My favorite of the week.....Dolphins sign Ochocinco


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I still don't understand the mentality that LeBron is a villain for leaving a team...

He is not a villain in any way, shape or form. He just happened to choose a path that precluded him from having a shot at doing what the greatest player of all time, Jordan, did; keep at it until you win. And then keep on winning.

We fans like to see triumph. The more you overcome to get there, the better, right? Jordan willed a team, elevated a team. He scratched and clawed and kicked and fought every step of the way, took some devastating loses along the way and then got there. And stayed at it.

LaBron took an easier path. I mean, as it is, with Bosche and Wade, if, when they win, the celebration will be all well and good. It's not easy for anyone to win but, for sure, it won't be as great a triumph as had he gotten the Cav's there.

I don't think him a villain at all. Maybe Jordon does the same thing had the rules be more favorable? The game and us fans would have been the lesser for it. In any event, James had that to shoot for.

And passed.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
How long did he have to stay there to actually win something? The team around him was terrible. He had a decent SG in Mo Williams and the only other decent player he had was...Antawn Jamison. Yeah OK that's a team that'll compete for a title sometime soon. He gave them plenty of chances to improve the roster and they failed to do so. How can you blame him for pursuing options elsewhere? If he stayed in Cleveland he probably would have been on teams ranging from the 2 to 3 seed every year (no way they'd be above the Bulls, a much more talented team), but I doubt he would have won a title with the talent around him. :

Jordan didn't win until 1991, being drafted in '84. :shrug:

And MJ was a pest all the time to Krause and company to get help. It didn't all come together we he got Scottie. It came together because of role players that filled the little gaps and Jordan made them all better. Phil Jackson didn't hurt much either.

Again, it's the challenge. The most fun that could be had as a fan is LaBron willing Cleveland to a title or 3. He short circuited that in my view.



I still don't understand the mentality that LeBron is a villain for leaving a team after *7* years, as a free agent (actually if you want to get technical, Cleveland TRADED him to Miami!). How long did he have to stay there to actually win something? The team around him was terrible. He had a decent SG in Mo Williams and the only other decent player he had was...Antawn Jamison. Yeah OK that's a team that'll compete for a title sometime soon. He gave them plenty of chances to improve the roster and they failed to do so. How can you blame him for pursuing options elsewhere? If he stayed in Cleveland he probably would have been on teams ranging from the 2 to 3 seed every year (no way they'd be above the Bulls, a much more talented team), but I doubt he would have won a title with the talent around him.

Plus, LeBron didn't create any distractions during the regular season. He didn't force a trade like Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul, and he didn't hold a team hostage for the entire season like Dwight Howard. He didn't bring a gun into the locker room either, ala Gilbert Arenas. He's a guy that's done everything right except for leave a team that had no talent in free agency so he could try to win a championship, which is every player's ultimate goal. Shame on him for trying to play with the best team to win championships instead of breaking personal stats records in a team sport. How classless.


Of course you don't. You're a Florida homer.
Great game. Wasn't thrilled with the no call on James at the end, but such are the breaks. I hope we get 3 or 4 more games like that one, and I hope James and Durant stay out of foul trouble and on the court.


They're out to get us
He is not a villain in any way, shape or form. He just happened to choose a path that precluded him from having a shot at doing what the greatest player of all time, Jordan, did; keep at it until you win. And then keep on winning.

We fans like to see triumph. The more you overcome to get there, the better, right? Jordan willed a team, elevated a team. He scratched and clawed and kicked and fought every step of the way, took some devastating loses along the way and then got there. And stayed at it.

LaBron took an easier path. I mean, as it is, with Bosche and Wade, if, when they win, the celebration will be all well and good. It's not easy for anyone to win but, for sure, it won't be as great a triumph as had he gotten the Cav's there.

I don't think him a villain at all. Maybe Jordon does the same thing had the rules be more favorable? The game and us fans would have been the lesser for it. In any event, James had that to shoot for.

And passed.

I agree, it may not be quite the same triumph it could have been with the Cavs...but that's because it would have been with a no talent supporting cast, which would have been a huge triumph. AND it probably wouldn't have happened any time soon, if ever.

What I question is, if Wade and Bosh had joined LeBron in Cleveland, would they beat on Wade and Bosh for changing teams? Would they insult LeBron for "needing" talent next to him instead of doing it himself? There's always room for someone to complain about LeBron because he should be able to "do it himself, like Michael Jordan did," completely forgetting about Jordan's amazing supporting cast (and coach) when he won those titles.

Jordan didn't win until 1991, being drafted in '84. :shrug:

And MJ was a pest all the time to Krause and company to get help. It didn't all come together we he got Scottie. It came together because of role players that filled the little gaps and Jordan made them all better. Phil Jackson didn't hurt much either.

Again, it's the challenge. The most fun that could be had as a fan is LaBron willing Cleveland to a title or 3. He short circuited that in my view.

1991 was his what, 7th season? It wasn't til his 4th season where they started to get some quality players (Pippen & Grant), but both were rookies that year and needed to develop. Add Cartwright a year later, Phil Jackson a year after that, and a few more quality role players (Armstrong, Paxson, Purdue), and the demise of the Pistons, and he gets a title. Geez, sounds just like LeBron and his former band of misfits. :lmao:

Did you honestly see that happening for LeBron in Cleveland, at least any time before he started getting into his 30s, potentially after his prime? They hadn't drafted or acquired anyone useful in his entire tenure other than Williams, who wasn't close to the caliber of any of Jordan's future hall of fame teammates.

Of course you don't. You're a Florida homer.

And you're an Ohio homer. You're just butthurt that he left Cleveland. I can understand you and other Cavs fans disliking him for that. I don't see the problem the rest of the nation has with him since they ALL wanted him prior to "The Decision".