I have to disagree with this, everyone I know looks down on women that drink and smoke while pregnant.
I don't know about *smoking*. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder *IS* caused by a pregnant mother drinking during pregnancy.
It's why it's called that. Part of his brain does not exist. Part of it is badly damaged, and there are other markers and visible
traits - smaller head size, textbook behavior, missing philtrum, thin upper lip. This is not "guesswork". It is science.
Perhaps you'd like to see MRIs or X-rays or see the gene tests.
Some women get lucky. Sometimes they drink and it doesn't damage the fetus. Like I said earlier, as many as 1 in 20 kids have it,
and they're never prodigies as a result of the condition, although some can be bright. There's a really good chance that a LOT
of hyper violent people in the past were undiagnosed FASD.
Historically, a lot of these kids simply didn't *survive*, because a lot were born premature. Others like my son developed
problems with eating and he wasn't growing - he was massively undernourished.
FASD is not caused by *anything* else.