Soul Probe
Stand up for the Word of God. And that does not mean just stand idly by and be annihilated or watch others be done in the same.
Well then I'll ask again. What exactly are you expecting that isn't already being done? I pointed out to you what the Catholic Church is doing diplomatically, and I also pointed out to you two other organizations (one Catholic and one an NGO) who have helped Bibi specifically. So, I'm not really sure why you are still ranting. What are you doing on a personal level? After all, I'm sure you wouldn't be talking about Christian hypocrisy and mere lip service if you weren't actually doing something yourself. I donate what I can when I can to the Palestenian Christians (specifically Bethlehem). They tend to get persecuted by Jews for being Palestenian and by Muslims for being Christian; a double whammy.
And, no, you are still wrong. My beef here is with the Christian establishment of the west - just standing by and turning the other proverbial cheek - as long as it is not our cheek.
Right, specifically Catholics, Mormons and other large denominations, yes? After all you did say in post #2: "The direct question is, where are the large Christian denominations, and the really large groups, specifically the Catholic and Mormon, on these issues?" You then go on saying you want the Catholics to move governments to action, but yet you eschew the dialogue and demands the Catholics are making. I'm not sure how else one is to move governments to action. Perhaps you have a suggestion? Btw, I don't see where the ACLJ has done anything different or been more effective, maybe you can address that.
To our brethern in the REAL world where being a Christian is life threatening at the least:
"Yo, all you bros over there, we're behind you 100%, or at least until our governments tell us to shut up. We're praying for you all the time, but there really is nothing we can do for you. Just believe us - we are behind you and your cause 100% - from half a world away. Sure sucks to be a Christian in your part of the world, but hey, we'll see you in heaven, bros and sisters!"
I don't know about others, but the Catholic Church has never shut up when a government has told them to.

Resisting attack and harm to ourselves or others cannot be confused with taking personal vengeance. Don't try and give me the "turn the other cheek". That concerns personal insult, not life-threatening situations.
I had no intentions of giving you anything. I was asking your opinion.
Nowhere in the Bible does God give any instruction for dealing with the instruments or commission of crimes. He always, everytime, focuses on the consequences for an individual for their actions.
And from where and/or whom do those consequences come?
It is up to us to police ourselves, or somebody else will. That's why we have laws, a so called judicial system, judges, governments, religious organizations.
I would suggest you take the so-called radiance coming forth from you and stuff it right back into the orifice it spewed forth from.![]()
Why do you feel the need to get personal?
Self-defense, or national defense, is very Biblical. Just so long as it is not personal or just plain vengeful. That means, IMHO, preventative maintenance.
I specifically asked you about Jesus. Do you have some quotes for me? You've proposed sanctions against other nations because they persecute Christians, but wouldn't that be considered vengeance? If not, why not?