The last person


They're out to get us
Weather for California, MD 20619 - Add to iGoogle
Current: Clear
Wind: SE at 0 mph
Humidity: 65%Fri - thunderstorms

90°F | 68°FSat - isolated thunderstorms

85°F | 67°FSun -sunny lists saturday clear with 20% chance of precip and a high of 84. :shrug:
old is 25.... but thats ok my 4d is only 23 and Kelb is 22, whome and WR are 21 :yay:

Ironically, that's when I stopped counting my age...I've been 21 six times already :lol:

Kelb and WHome both have nice watermelons :drool: i mean,,,, KelB can be cantalope and WHome Grapefruit

Ugh, I hate about a nice juicy apple? :yum:

Geez, how far did you go back :nerd:


i must be a :nerd: :bawl: im the multiquote queen :bawl:



:bawl: the-fruit-guys-blue.jpg



You know what they say about eating pineapple right? Wellllll, let's just say...nevermind, I don't want an infraction :lol:
teehee, kelb and i were talking about that yesterday, she said i was sweet, and i told her it must be all that pineapple juice ive been drinking :lmao:


I want some fruit salad now:tantrum
teehee - funny u say that- this is the whole story of it lol. so yesterday i texted kelb i was driving through charlotte hall and asked her if she wanted me to pick her up anything, cause she had a migraine. and she said "no thanks" and then texted me "youre so sweet" and i replied "its all that pineapple juice i drink!" then she wrote "i want some pineapple" and i wrote "be right over!!!"
teehee - funny u say that- this is the whole story of it lol. so yesterday i texted kelb i was driving through charlotte hall and asked her if she wanted me to pick her up anything, cause she had a migraine. and she said "no thanks" and then texted me "youre so sweet" and i replied "its all that pineapple juice i drink!" then she wrote "i want some pineapple" and i wrote "be right over!!!"

hahahah :killingme