The Lexington Park Movie Theatre Sucks!!!!!


You ask why we don't have state of the art theatre

Because the late great powers that run this county let the First Colony developer get away without fulfilling their promise to build a multi-plex theatre complex, that's why!

When the original First Colonly site plan was presented to the public, the developers had all kinds of nice things in their plans; all a ruse to get the general public to accept nothing more than a bunch of box stores. When it got time to build the cineplex, Faison went back to the county commissioners whining that according to "their" surveys, the movie theatre company said the demographics here would not support a cineplex. But Faison had another idea to present; BJ's would like to come here instead. Another aspect of the original site plan was to build a portion of FDR Blvd from RT4 to Old Rolling Road. Well, you see just how far that road goes! Of course it has only been about 8-9 years; what's the hurry. Yet, erected near the road to nowhere, is a great big sign from our county officials proudly stating another great project in the making. Let's all hear it for our great county leaders!!!

So now you why there is no alternative movie theatre, why FDR Blvd. goes nowhere, why the hiking and biking trail along Rt 235 only goes from Target to 5 Guys Burgers, etc., etc., etc.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
Pete said:
The problem with anything like that is clientele. If you build something nice shiatbags will tear it up in no time. The only way to keep the shiatbags out is to jack the prices up so they cannot afford it and then the wealthy shiatbags will still tear it up.

Stay at home and buy a big screen HDTV because people suck. :yay:

I couldn't agree with you more. :yay: :yay:

Fat Momma

Pete said:
Companies do pretty good studies on profitability. It could be it was not worth the investment.

I am not sure if it would not be worth the investment...most of the problems with the theater is aging and upkeep. Everytime I go there it is packed and I have never seen anyone gte out of hand and we go a lot.

It is a shame that money is not put back into these establishments for better upkeep for the community.


Fat Momma said:
I am not sure if it would not be worth the investment...most of the problems with the theater is aging and upkeep. Everytime I go there it is packed and I have never seen anyone gte out of hand and we go a lot.

It is a shame that money is not put back into these establishments for better upkeep for the community.
Me and you, go into business together? Go dig up those Peter Pan jars in your back yard and I will cash in my 401K and we will open a cinaplex.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Pete said:
I've been there several times, as I am sure you have. Never had any trouble, never had a problem. :shrug:
I went to see 300 this weekend and had not trouble except for the cost. :yikes: Oh and the Cops were removing a person in cuffs. I guess he wouldn't be quiet.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Me and you, go into business together? Go dig up those Peter Pan jars in your back yard and I will cash in my 401K and we will open a cinaplex.

Gonna make your millions selling $11 popcorn and $9 Cokes?

Good luck to you but don't infringe on my smuggling business.


Kyle said:
Gonna make your millions selling $11 popcorn and $9 Cokes?

Good luck to you but don't infringe on my smuggling business.
Hell yea. You get the pat down before entering. :nono:


Mooch Cat
Pete said:
The problem with anything like that is clientele. If you build something nice shiatbags will tear it up in no time. The only way to keep the shiatbags out is to jack the prices up so they cannot afford it and then the wealthy shiatbags will still tear it up.

Stay at home and buy a big screen HDTV because people suck. :yay:

Yup..ya get what pay people and why fix it up if it gets trashed all the time? Sad cuz other places have nice movie theatres


New Member
Arista said:
Rumor I heard (and please note that I say rumor, because I have absolutely no proof of the following statement's accuracy and heard it by way of word of mouth, which is almost always 100% accurate in SoMD, ya know... :sarcasm:) is that a study was done and Sony determined that it wasn't worth putting in a state-of-the-art theater here because the one we have wasn't utilized enough to make the venture profitable for Sony.

I rarely go to the theater, but recently I was in Havelock, NC on business, where I went to the local theater to see "300." The theater smelled like a cross between wet dog and cat pee, in addition to the sticky floor and broken seats. So, I guess our craptacular theater could be worse. :shrug:

:killingme :roflmao:


New Member
juggy4805 said:
I think the problem with the theater in Lexington Park is management. Simple things like cleanliness and the general atmosphere can be fixed by the type of people that work there. If you see someone breaking somehting on purpose kick them out, if they won't leave call the police. Simple as that.

The place recently got bought out by AMC. I've been to many AMC movie theater's and wow are they nice. You would think that they would fix this one up a bit or charge less money since the seats suck, it literally stinks, and the screen and sound are horrendous. I don't go there anymore. It sucks that you actually have to drive far away to see a good movie in a nice environment that is worth your money. Try the Muvico theater at Arundel Mills or the AMC @ Tyson's corner. They make the theater here look like that of a shanty town.
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Come Play at BigWoodys
We tend to go to Muvico for movies. Its what 2.00 more per person but a much better atmosphere. I dont see why we couldnt have a movie theater half the size of that one and still do really well here. Between the lexington park crap theater and the even worse one in Prince Frederick there is really no other place to go but Annapolis.


professional daydreamer
As long as people keep going to this one, they have no reason to spend money to build a new one. I don't really care. I have a 50" HDTV, and no reason to ever go to a theatre again.


Main Streeter
5857dave said:
Because the late great powers that run this county let the First Colony developer get away without fulfilling their promise to build a multi-plex theatre complex, that's why!

When the original First Colonly site plan was presented to the public, the developers had all kinds of nice things in their plans; all a ruse to get the general public to accept nothing more than a bunch of box stores. When it got time to build the cineplex, Faison went back to the county commissioners whining that according to "their" surveys, the movie theatre company said the demographics here would not support a cineplex. But Faison had another idea to present; BJ's would like to come here instead. Another aspect of the original site plan was to build a portion of FDR Blvd from RT4 to Old Rolling Road. Well, you see just how far that road goes! Of course it has only been about 8-9 years; what's the hurry. Yet, erected near the road to nowhere, is a great big sign from our county officials proudly stating another great project in the making. Let's all hear it for our great county leaders!!!

So now you why there is no alternative movie theatre, why FDR Blvd. goes nowhere, why the hiking and biking trail along Rt 235 only goes from Target to 5 Guys Burgers, etc., etc., etc.

As part of this deal, Faison built the bubble pool next to GMHS.


Resident PIA
juggy4805 said:
I'm sure there have been offers to put a theater in California or Hollywood.I just wonder what has stopped them.
Let's be brutally honest, there are not enough people in this county, including south Calvert, to make a new theater economically viable.
The Lowes in Lexington Park SUCKS because the owners/operators have not put the money into it. It's a matter of profit, people, regardless of race or level of income, can be pigs, it costs money to maintain and upgrade the faciliities. I have never had a problem or felt unsafe going to the movies there. That's not to say I have enjoyed the experience. Dirty, malfunctioning equipment, poor seating.. all have nothing to do with the patroms.

20/20 hindsight, had first colony been developed differently - as say a mall (one central building with a surroundling lot, maybe Lowes would have been enticed to move for better parking / access.


New Member
I know I have only lived in this county for a few years now, :sarcasm: However when I moved there where 3 movie theaters and 1 drive in theater. Sometimes it really makes me wonder just what has changed in the Back A$$ward county??? :shrug: