You ask why we don't have state of the art theatre
Because the late great powers that run this county let the First Colony developer get away without fulfilling their promise to build a multi-plex theatre complex, that's why!
When the original First Colonly site plan was presented to the public, the developers had all kinds of nice things in their plans; all a ruse to get the general public to accept nothing more than a bunch of box stores. When it got time to build the cineplex, Faison went back to the county commissioners whining that according to "their" surveys, the movie theatre company said the demographics here would not support a cineplex. But Faison had another idea to present; BJ's would like to come here instead. Another aspect of the original site plan was to build a portion of FDR Blvd from RT4 to Old Rolling Road. Well, you see just how far that road goes! Of course it has only been about 8-9 years; what's the hurry. Yet, erected near the road to nowhere, is a great big sign from our county officials proudly stating another great project in the making. Let's all hear it for our great county leaders!!!
So now you why there is no alternative movie theatre, why FDR Blvd. goes nowhere, why the hiking and biking trail along Rt 235 only goes from Target to 5 Guys Burgers, etc., etc., etc.
Because the late great powers that run this county let the First Colony developer get away without fulfilling their promise to build a multi-plex theatre complex, that's why!
When the original First Colonly site plan was presented to the public, the developers had all kinds of nice things in their plans; all a ruse to get the general public to accept nothing more than a bunch of box stores. When it got time to build the cineplex, Faison went back to the county commissioners whining that according to "their" surveys, the movie theatre company said the demographics here would not support a cineplex. But Faison had another idea to present; BJ's would like to come here instead. Another aspect of the original site plan was to build a portion of FDR Blvd from RT4 to Old Rolling Road. Well, you see just how far that road goes! Of course it has only been about 8-9 years; what's the hurry. Yet, erected near the road to nowhere, is a great big sign from our county officials proudly stating another great project in the making. Let's all hear it for our great county leaders!!!
So now you why there is no alternative movie theatre, why FDR Blvd. goes nowhere, why the hiking and biking trail along Rt 235 only goes from Target to 5 Guys Burgers, etc., etc., etc.