The Library Is Open, FYI.


JPC, Sr.

:popcorn: I have to go to Annapolis tomorrow and it is an all day long task. From early morn to late into the night.

So even though the library is open I will not be here to the

I do hope that this lame topic for a Thread is proof enough that JPC, Sr. is not lacking in vanity.

:howdy: --------------- :jerry:


In My Opinion
ylexot said:
Bubba's going to give him a ride...

Ummmm, dont you mean that when he gets to Annapolis, bubbas going to RIDE him?:killingme

Hey JPC, this is for you. :smack:

what, didnt get your attention? ok,,, :buttkick:

Now grow up and get a job.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
How will you get there?

:popcorn: RR, I am taking the STS then Keller then Metro then Dillon so the answer is going by bus.

P.S. I have a case in the Court of Special Appeals and I am not going to spray paint the building - this time.

Last post as I have to prepare. See y'all Friday unless some thing screws up!!

:popcorn: --------------- :coffee:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
What's it about?

:flowers: I am back. Got back at 8:44pm last night and glad that is done.

:yay: The case that I have in the Court of Special Appeals is from a Judicial Review of my case with DORS ( the Division of Rehabilitation Services) in the Circuit Court for St. Mary's County.

DORS is to help me with my disabilities (physically challenged that is) and DORS closed my case so I took the case to an Administration Hearing and then appealed for Judicial Review at the Circuit Court and the Circuit Court said I did not fill out the Petition correctly so it Dismissed my case without Hearing and then I appealed now to the Court of Special Appeals. So it is not a criminal case nor child support as I am all done with those and it is not even my disability case which is a different matter but it is the DORS for SMC that I am taking to Court.

Maybe that explains it some. I only went to Annapolis C of SA to get copies of the case file so that I can file my Record Extract Brief, pro se.

I learned to be a pro se (self representing) lawyer while in jail.

:coffee: --------------------- :lmao:


This is fun right?
JPC said:
:flowers: I am back. Got back at 8:44pm last night and glad that is done.

:yay: The case that I have in the Court of Special Appeals is from a Judicial Review of my case with DORS ( the Division of Rehabilitation Services) in the Circuit Court for St. Mary's County.

DORS is to help me with my disabilities (physically challenged that is) and DORS closed my case so I took the case to an Administration Hearing and then appealed for Judicial Review at the Circuit Court and the Circuit Court said I did not fill out the Petition correctly so it Dismissed my case without Hearing and then I appealed now to the Court of Special Appeals. So it is not a criminal case nor child support as I am all done with those and it is not even my disability case which is a different matter but it is the DORS for SMC that I am taking to Court.

Maybe that explains it some. I only went to Annapolis C of SA to get copies of the case file so that I can file my Record Extract Brief, pro se.

I learned to be a pro se (self representing) lawyer while in jail.

:coffee: --------------------- :lmao:

Shaddup, no one cares.


Iron City
JPC said:
:flowers: I am back. Got back at 8:44pm last night and glad that is done.

:yay: The case that I have in the Court of Special Appeals is from a Judicial Review of my case with DORS ( the Division of Rehabilitation Services) in the Circuit Court for St. Mary's County.

DORS is to help me with my disabilities (physically challenged that is) and DORS closed my case so I took the case to an Administration Hearing and then appealed for Judicial Review at the Circuit Court and the Circuit Court said I did not fill out the Petition correctly so it Dismissed my case without Hearing and then I appealed now to the Court of Special Appeals. So it is not a criminal case nor child support as I am all done with those and it is not even my disability case which is a different matter but it is the DORS for SMC that I am taking to Court. :ineedafusmilie:

Maybe that explains it some. I only went to Annapolis C of SA to get copies of the case file so that I can file my Record Extract Brief, pro se.

I learned to be a pro se (self representing) lawyer while in jail.

:coffee: --------------------- :lmao:

Let me understand. You appealed your case in order for us to pay for your existence? Are you trying to live on hand-outs from the State? Are you asking US to pay for your well being? What a load of white trash crap! You, my ill-adjusted formite, and I are about the same age, save for a few months. I am disabled and did well through my perseverance to get my Masters Degree, paid for by giving to my country 14 years of my life, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed. What have you done to deserve a public handout? Gone to prison for violating public buildings? Failed to meet you obligation as a parent? I protected your lazy azz and your freedom and pay for it daily. Kiss my azz you idiot! Cry me a river about YOUR problems. People like you.....oh forget it, you wouldn't understand anyway and if I said what I really felt, Vrai would boot me. :ineedafusmilie:


Lem Putt
mrweb said:
Let me understand. You appealed your case in order for us to pay for your existence? Are you trying to live on hand-outs from the State? Are you asking US to pay for your well being? What a load of white trash crap! You, my ill-adjusted formite, and I are about the same age, save for a few months. I am disabled and did well through my perseverance to get my Masters Degree, paid for by giving to my country 14 years of my life, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed. What have you done to deserve a public handout? Gone to prison for violating public buildings? Failed to meet you obligation as a parent? I protected your lazy azz and your freedom and pay for it daily. Kiss my azz you idiot! Cry me a river about YOUR problems. People like you.....oh forget it, you wouldn't understand anyway and if I said what I really felt, Vrai would boot me. :ineedafusmilie:

You shouldn't be so surprised. After all, he is a democrat....


Iron City
MMDad said:
You shouldn't be so surprised. After all, he is a democrat....
As am I.. but he certainly does not represent my conservative Democratic views. It makes me ashamed to have a nut job like this trying to represent either party.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I thought that DORS was for assisting people to return to the workforce that either suffered injury or are not totally disabled. Why did they close your case? Was it that they determined that you are able to hold employment and take care of yourself?