The little one

Sweet 16

I do not think that schools allow a nonpotty trained kid to start until they are trained. This is my fear.
Mine was the same way. He didn't pee on the floor but he took for-EVER to train. The summer before he started preschool, I told him he would have to wear big-boy undies and go in the potty like the other "big kids". He manned-up really quick. Only two accidents in the first two weeks. Some kids just take longer than others and boys are notorious for this.


went pee on the potty last night :banana::getdown::dance::thewave::yahoo:

Hoping to be diaper free by the age of 2!

Thought you were being silly.... your "2!" looks like "21" on the index page!!

Congratulation on the beginning of the end of potty training!!!!:buddies: