The Lockdowns Are Now a Scandal


PREMO Member
At first, most Americans self-quarantined without being forced because, in large part, we’re a conscientious people and the argument for flattening the curve was a rational one. Soon, however, we were being told that wandering into the non-essential part of a local grocery store to buy vegetable seeds put every American life in mortal danger. Irrational and platitudinous arguments — “If we can save one life, we should!” — began making an appearance.

Next we were being forced to comply with the diktats of mayors and governors. No legislatures. No votes. No questions. Those who spoke up were stifled by social media or smeared by normal media as a death cult — even as virtually every prediction offered by alleged experts and journalists about the consequences of reopening turned out to be wrong. I’ve yet to hear a coherent explanation as to why a governor can act like a dictator over 100,000 deaths, but not 60,000 or 30,000 or 5,000?

Last week, the media, politicians, and many experts decided that every argument they made for destroying the lives of millions of people in America could be deferred to advance a preferred political cause. It is worth remembering that the same people who now claim that clearing out Lafayette Park is tantamount to the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre were championing the closing down of churches across the entire country only a week ago.

Not a single governor or mayor has tried to shut down protests themselves, even though BLM marchers are breaking the very edicts they signed. Nay, many of these officials march themselves, and invite others to participate. The despicable mayor of New York who threatened to sic the police on a dozen peaceful Yeshiva students only a couple of weeks ago now invites people to march by thousands.
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Well-Known Member
Many of these people saw the video of the Officer kneeling on the man and saw that it was wrong.
Many of these people wanted to demonstrate their feling that it was wrong.
They joined these protests.

The protests grew into civil disturbances and at this point the protests are no longer what was intended.
They have grown into outright subversion and poliical opposition to the administration.
When people like Soros and Hollywood celebrities put money into Civil Disturbances it becomes a political and treasonous act


PREMO Member
So no more than 14 days 10's of thousands of new Covaid-19 Infections and Deaths

[ do you love the implications of that - Protestors end up offing themselves from NOT Social Distancing and Rioting] :elaine:

or we find out the need for a lock down was complete over hyped bullsht .... and we the lock down should not riot, burning out the overlords of the lock down - throwing off the shackles and getting on with our lives



Well-Known Member
I think it is ridiculous and maybe even racist that a crowded pool full of white people were told they need to quarantine for 14 days after having fun but the protesters aren't. Everyone is screaming about the death rate of minorities due to Covid but no one is treating these groups like children. Now come on let's stay 6 feet way. It is a shame that kids missed out on proms, graduations, people couldn't attend funerals but now you can congregate and everyone is cheering. If this can be done then open everything and stop this nonsense. Everyone will chose their risk vs. reward. We should have had that option all along.


Well-Known Member
It does kind of REVEAL where they are and why they do what they do.

My first assumption is political expediency. They're uber restrictive on the COVID thing because they can't politically afford for it to fail on them. They are supremely draconian with their caution not for saving lives - but to ensure their political survival.

Then come the protesters - if they shut THOSE down, they WILL lose the election. So they allow it. And somehow come up with SOME reason why any negative fallout from it can be blamed on Trump. As in - protests caused by Trump, therefore increase in COVID cases on him. COMPLETELY stepping over the fact that if they wanted to, they could have STOPPED the protests.


Well-Known Member
It does kind of REVEAL where they are and why they do what they do.

My first assumption is political expediency. They're uber restrictive on the COVID thing because they can't politically afford for it to fail on them. They are supremely draconian with their caution not for saving lives - but to ensure their political survival.

Then come the protesters - if they shut THOSE down, they WILL lose the election. So they allow it. And somehow come up with SOME reason why any negative fallout from it can be blamed on Trump. As in - protests caused by Trump, therefore increase in COVID cases on him. COMPLETELY stepping over the fact that if they wanted to, they could have STOPPED the protests.

You get it, Sam. I was just happy to know that there were so many patriots existing that got Trump elected prez the first time. I think there are many more, now. Go, Trump! Keep draining the swamp. :patriot: And, it is humorous that the DC area was, actually, a natural swamp before they drained it to become our Nation’s Capitol.
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Well-Known Member
It's time to completely open up the country.
People at risk can stay home, people who want can wear masks, people can keep their distance, but lets toss the rules and live like free Americans again..
I need a vacation after all of this crap, and I need it open so I have somewhere to go and spend that stimulus check that I still haven't received.