The Lusby Park Issue



Johnny Gott told me that the reason he has not signed the deed over for the "Green Space" is the county is holding up Permits.

Greg Bowen at the County said he would check into it.

I think this whole park issue should be resolved now. Spring is just around the corner. It's time all parties involved meet in one place and exchange whatever paperwork needs to be exchanged to get this park underway.

We, the citizens of Lusby, were sold a park [and a Safeway but that's a different issue] and we should have a park.

I can hardly wait to hear what others say to this....


can be a real beach
residentofcre said:
Johnny Gott told me that the reason he has not signed the deed over for the "Green Space" is the county is holding up Permits.

Greg Bowen at the County said he would check into it.

I think this whole park issue should be resolved now. Spring is just around the corner. It's time all parties involved meet in one place and exchange whatever paperwork needs to be exchanged to get this park underway.

We, the citizens of Lusby, were sold a park [and a Safeway but that's a different issue] and we should have a park.

I can hardly wait to hear what others say to this....
Where is to park suppose to be?


residentofcre said:
Johnny Gott told me that the reason he has not signed the deed over for the "Green Space" is the county is holding up Permits.

Yay Bureaucracy!


residentofcre said:
We, the citizens of Lusby, were sold a park [and a Safeway but that's a different issue] and we should have a park.

I can hardly wait to hear what others say to this....

I hope they put up that park and fast. I'm not a citizen of Lusby, but I'm close, and I plan using it a lot, walking around like I own the place.

J/k - actually my parents live there - and they might like to take the grandchildren for a picnic... and since I'm looking to buy a house, and I've spotted several places I like in the Lusby area, it would be nice.


justbeachy said:
Where is to park suppose to be?

The park is supposed to be across from the Food Lion ... near the area where the Bank is now... of course everything was changed when someone changed the location of the Lusby Parkway... but the park should be where the dirt area is now...

It's is the time to put in the park....

I would suggest we find a meeting place and "invite" Johhny Gott and the County Government together so they can iron this thing out for us, exchange the documentation and get on with the park...

If not... then we should boycott the Gott properties [all the Fastop stores, Gott Oil] and all the Food Lions in the County.....

That should do it.... we could get a park for our kids that way... I think it would also be an excellent idea to let our children join a picket line... "no park... no fair"...


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Toxick said:
actually my parents live there - and they might like to take the grandchildren for a picnic...

There are plenty of places for a picnic in the Lusby area; Flag Ponds & Calvert Cliffs State Park are probably the closest. If you don't mind a little travel time there are other parks all over the somd area.

There is also a new public swimming pool opening sometime soon at Cove Point Park.
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Lem Putt
Sharon said:
There are plenty of places for a picnic in the Lusby area; Flag Ponds & Calvert Cliffs State Park are probably the closest. If you don't mind a little travel time there are other parks all over the somd area.

There is also a new public swimming pool opening sometime soon at Cove Point Park.
Still, Gott promised to donate land for a town center park. Now he's killed the Giant, brought in a Food Lion, and is manipulating the deals to benefit him. It would be nice to see him come through on one of his promises.


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MMDad said:
It would be nice to see him come through on one of his promises.
Just like the politicans do for us? :bigwhoop: That whole deal probably went south before they ever broke land.

How much of a park can be located in the Food Lion parking lot between the bank and a soon to be 4 lane road? Go on with your boycott, I'll wave to you and Becky when I drive by. Maybe you can have a fundraiser, sell cupcakes, and buy your own land for a park.

Gott is a businessman, of course it's going to benefit him. Have some patience, maybe the park is still in the plans, no one has said for sure that it isn't. Construction isn't even finished yet.


can be a real beach
Sharon said:
There are plenty of places for a picnic in the Lusby area; Flag Ponds & Calvert Cliffs State Park are probably the closest. If you don't mind a little travel time there are other parks all over the somd area.

There is also a new public swimming pool opening sometime soon at Cove Point Park.
That swimming park is gonna be awsome... right near my house.


""Mr Gott has promised to deed the village green, thus far he has platted it, [recorded it], and not deeded it to the county, and has not indicated when he plans to deed it" Greg Bowen director of the Department of Planning and Zoning said in an e-mail to area residents"" Calvert Recorder today... page A-10

It's time for a park...."Maybe the park is still in the plans" is not an acceptable answer.... It's time for the Park to become an "absolute" and not a "maybe" ...


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residentofcre said:
""Mr Gott has promised to deed the village green, thus far he has platted it, [recorded it], and not deeded it to the county, and has not indicated when he plans to deed it" Greg Bowen director of the Department of Planning and Zoning said in an e-mail to area residents"" Calvert Recorder today... page A-10
I get the paper too, Becky :bigwhoop: left out the part where Mr. Gott said it would be donated after he has all his building permits; which hasn't happened yet. The way I see it, Gott, is giving something very generously to the county, upon completion of a contract, yet here you are in attack mode because it doesn't happen fast enough for you.

Go on with your knee-jerk boycott, so the lines in Fastop will be shorter if decide to go in to get some coffee or something, because I'm not a fan of Food Lion or a frequent consumer of Fastop. I can't believe this is a major whine to you since there are so many nice places in the county for kids to play already. Besides this issue and making criminals of dog owners who tie up their pets outside, how else do you plan to make the county a better place for ALL citizens?



I did not leave out the fact that Mr. Gott is donating the land. The fact is I believe it is a very generous offer. I didn't write the article in the Recorder.

What bothers me is the fact that Johnny Gott [and yes the Commissioners at the time] was not forthcoming in the very beginning. The maps in the orginal Lusby Town Center Master Plan were wrong. The rendering of the town center sold to us at that first meeting and the actual plan approved were two entirely different things.

Mr. Gott has every right to be angry. He has indeed been taking a terrible beating over the parkway, the size of the Food Lion building, and the lack of the deed for the park. But... that's what happens when you are either the author of or the benefactor of a "fast one".

We, the residents of Lusby, did not get what we were sold. The CRE board had to scramble to save our road from being taken over by the parkway.

If Johnny Gott wants his permits... he should get them. I am asking for Johnny Gott and the County Government to meet and "get 'er done".

I don't hate anyone... but I do hate being lied too.... and the Lusby Town Center Master Plan sold to us was not what we got.... that makes me angry and suspicious....

Oh... and while we're at it.... I am thrilled with the pool we have... I want a pool in Prince Frederick and Dunkirk too.... we should be teaching swimming in school... we live on the water.... our children should know how to swim.

On a positive note... Johnny Gott is more than willing to turn over the deed, if he can have the permits he was supposed to get last year. I hear the county is looking into it.... so the boycott may not be necessary at all.

Boycotts are a lot of work, to organize and to sustain... I have friends that work in the Food Lion in Solomons... I would miss seeing them... but they would understand and support the action...

It's a trust thing.... It's always been a trust thing... when the Parkway got moved, Gott lost the trust of Lusby... when the County didn't give him the permits in a timely manner... the county lost the trust of Gott...

I just want the park....


New Member
residentofcre said:
Oh... and while we're at it.... I am thrilled with the pool we have... I want a pool in Prince Frederick and Dunkirk too.... we should be teaching swimming in school... we live on the water.... our children should know how to swim.

I grew up in Calvert County. No public pools. We learned to swim in the water that borders our wonderful peninsula. My children have also learned to swim in this same water.


I learned in a navy pool... but the bay is a good place too....

I still like our new pooll... can hardly wait to see it open...

I want a park in the Town Center....


The Lusby Center

OK... I drove by the Town Center this morning and they have planted something that appears to be grass.

Since the last posting

I started a Boycott... to last until I get a park for the kids....
I had a couple of conversations with Johhny Gott...
I had a face to face conversations with Art Carson...
I also made a couple of research phone calls....

Did you know that there is, at this time, no road plan for people to go from the Giant to the Town Square Entrance of CRE?

I asked Art Carson about it... but it just won't work. If you go to my website and click on LTC you can catch a link to the Lusby Commons web site that shows the roads as they are currently planned.... you'll see... you can't go from the Giant to the Post Office without going back out to Rousby Hall...

This is the next problem....


New Member
So Becky in another thread you mentioned how helpful Sen. Dyson has been to you in the past. Do you support his re-election bid or the bid of his challenger?


Footballfreak said:
So Becky in another thread you mentioned how helpful Sen. Dyson has been to you in the past. Do you support his re-election bid or the bid of his challenger?

I wondered when someone would ask about Dyson....

I support the ban on Partial Birth Abortion... Dyson does too... I like that and I can depend on him... I haven't had an opportunity to ask McKay how he feels about it.

I believe marriage is one man and one woman... Dyson does too... I like that and I can depend on him... I haven't had an opportunity to ask McKay how he feels about it.

I believe the high stakes testing concept is wrong... it violates the rights of children who for some reason just freak out about testing even though they know the material and other children with other disabilities..... Dyson and I disagree on that... but we are capable of having a dialogue...

I know where he stands.... I've seen his voting record and it's not too far to the left... I have had the opportunity to discuss issues with him through the PTA....I haven't had an opportunity to ask McKay how he feels about it...

I know Dyson's a Democrat... but... Barbara S. has been working in his office for years... I met Barbara when I worked in the mail room at the capital... She is honest and outspoken... the fact that she has stuck by Dyson, says a lot for his character....

I have a lot to learn about Mr. McKay before I can say the same for him... I hear good things but I don't know where he stands on so many really important issues....

It takes a lot of courage to stand up against some of the lobbyists in Annapolis... being a good businessman is one thing... courage is what a Senator has to possess...Conviction is a must to get my vote.... I haven't had the opportunity to see how much courage and conviction McKay has....

I don't know how I will vote at this point... I know that I will vote for the candidate who will stand firm on the same side of the issues that I do.. I will stand by the one that will govern with courage and conviction....

I have to find out more about McKay... I really hope I have the opportunity to sit down and talk with him... and I sincerely hope I get to vote with my party...

How do you feel about it?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I know that Dyson has stood firmly pro-gun for a long time, Democrat or not. That is not the only issue I look at, but it is important because without the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms in order to keep government in check (one of the reasons the founders thought it so important), all the other rights would soon disappear.

I also like his stand on marriage being between and a man and a woman.

McKay seems rather wishy washy to me. Does he have a web site?

I am tired of politicians that don't state plainly what they believe and stand for. At least JPC, Sr. does that. I don't agree with him and think he is off the wall, but he does state plainly what his primary stances are.


McKay is alledged to back the Nuclear Power Plant Expansion at Calvert Cliffs. I have not seen a survey on how the people in Calvert County actually feel about that... I have to look at that questions too.

It takes courage to stand up against some of these groups and say this is what the people want you to do....

I hope no one ever calls me wishy washy.... I hope I have enough sense to let people know when I don't have the facts....

On some things tho... When fundamentals of right and wrong are involved, I have a Leader and He cannot be legislated.... He is above legislation.... I was raised that the hierarchy is God, Family, Nation.... I hope people can always see that in my work...