The Masters...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
I didn't go. My HS buddies wifes parents decided to go and they trump me. I really didn't want to drive 4 hours each way to stand in a crowd anyway, even though I am "Pete" and they would probably give me an honorary membership to Augusta National and a seat in the grandstand because of my win in the SOMD Classic in 2005.

...something must have happened to your invitation? Maybe next year, they'll send it to you electronically? :lmao:

Sorry you didn't get to go.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno...

otter said:
Tiger by 4, another ho-hum.

...about that. Appleby ain't gonna just lose it. And +6, man, what's three shots? Goose, Phil, Toms, Furyk, even Vijay at +7, plus Padraig at +4.

No one can shoot low in these conditions, though the wind is supposed to be less today, and people are gonna make bogeys. It's gonna be who keeps from blowing up a hole and that is almost a matter of luck on a couple holes; 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 if you go for it, same for 15, and 17 is a razors edge hole.

I can see Tiger just walking away with it if guys are trying to make birdies; they'll shoot themselves out of it. Look at yesterday' Tiger goes bogey, bogey to finish and is livid BUT he wasn't trying to make birdies and ends up in the last group. Par keeps everyone at +6 in it, being only 4 back.

Of course, I see Tiger shooting par, so, maybe it is moot? :lmao:


Nothing to see here
DoWhat said:
And the outcome will be?

Otter f'ed up another prediction..what the hell, I was rooting for Jerry Kelly..Gotta give Zach his due, he kept it together on the back nine. Tiger missing the birdie putt on 16 killed him, he makes it and I think it would have gone to a playoff, at the least.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Definately give...

otter said:
Otter f'ed up another prediction..what the hell, I was rooting for Jerry Kelly..Gotta give Zach his due, he kept it together on the back nine. Tiger missing the birdie putt on 16 killed him, he makes it and I think it would have gone to a playoff, at the least.

...Zach his due. Great performance! 69 was pretty big.

Now, for Eldrick, I was hoping he'd lay up on 15. He did not have to go for it even though he was down three at the time. He had to figure on Johnson giving up at least one and thus try to make make birdie at 15 nd get one more somewhere and keep the game alive. He didn't have to have eagle. From that lie and angle and distance, he couldn't win it right there, but he could lose it. As it was, he made a helluva 5 and was still alive.

In any event, Zach won it; Tiger didn't lose it.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I was checking MSNBC this am and there are 2 stories about Zach and his 1st major victory and 6 or 7 about Tiger NOT winning. This might be a bad anecdote but how many stories are there about the team that loses a Super Bowl or World Series?

The story should not be "Unknown Johnson (leave it alone)Defeats Tiger at Augusta", it should be more something like "A New Name and a New Jacket", because at last check there were more than 2 people playing in this tourney. JMHO

Larry Gude

Strung Out

kom526 said:
I was checking MSNBC this am and there are 2 stories about Zach and his 1st major victory and 6 or 7 about Tiger NOT winning. This might be a bad anecdote but how many stories are there about the team that loses a Super Bowl or World Series?

The story should not be "Unknown Johnson (leave it alone)Defeats Tiger at Augusta", it should be more something like "A New Name and a New Jacket", because at last check there were more than 2 people playing in this tourney. JMHO

...Tiger is grousing about how he 'threw it away' by bogeying 17 and 18 two days in a row. If that's so, everyone gets to complain how they missed this or that. Hell, Zach 3 putted 16 from 2 feet on, what, Friday? Does that mean he would have 'thrown it away' had someone else edged him at the end?

No. Golf has no refs to blow a call. No shot clock to speak of. No nothing or no how that isn't exactly the same for everyone. There is no woulda, coulda or shoulda in golf, only what you did. It is all you and just you so, Tiger, shut up and congratulate the man.


Well-Known Member
C-Murda said:
:smack: Tiger got robbed, all those crackers made sure he wouldnt win

Yo "C" :smack:

Larry, Tiger did congratulate him. Heard it on Mike and Mike this morning. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nupe2 said:
Yo "C" :smack:

Larry, Tiger did congratulate him. Heard it on Mike and Mike this morning. :yay:

...he should. Whining does not suit him. Jack used to do that all the time; he lost it, the other guy didn't win it.