The missing year... What kerry doesnt want out about bush...


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
But I'm still better looking :diva:

I'm waiting for Pete or BuddyLee to propose a "Which First Lady Would You Do" thread...


Active Member
Originally posted by otter
:yay: fixed it for ya, ywia (left your typos tho)
she still did stuff for the company... none the less, she is still MAKING (because she still has an income) more money than you


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Spoiled
she still did stuff for the company... none the less, she is still MAKING (because she still has an income) more money than you

Oh, to be young again..:lmao: Have it your way, you're so right. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
none the less, she is still MAKING (because she still has an income) more money than you
And made it the old-fashioned way, too - on her back. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sure new jobs are being made but they arent paying as much...

Kinda hard to beat those $80,000 a year programer jobs working for companies that were losing money like water and lying to Wall Street and robbing everybody blind...under Clinton.

He is the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes in a time of war.

That's a stupid thing to be bothered by. He cut taxes BEFORE 9/11.

John Ashcroft is a looney, hates porn and is a Jesus freak...

Ashcroft hasn't done a damn thing NOT approved by John Wayne Kerry and his side kick 'Sue' Edwards. You're just pissed because he hasn't burned any religious odd balls or gun nuts to the ground or kidnapped any little boys.

He mislead America, which costed lives...

When, oh when will the faithful EVER read the Iraq War Resolution? John Wayne Kerry and his side kick 'Sue' Edwards read it...and voted for it.

He is horrible at foreign relations... We have more enemies now than we did before he entered office, in addition to that we have fewer allies...

Yeah, I guess we ought to be building more nuclear reactors in North Korea, like Clinton, invading the Balkans, like Clinton, watching genocide in Rawanda, like Clinton and, I'm sure, Osama just LOVED us when the first Trade Tower attack happened, when he lit up the Cole and the Embassies, under Clinton, right?

He is the laughing-stock of the international community, if we are going to make stupid mistakes and we mind as well atleast have someone that comes across as charismatic and intelligent representing us (he couldnt pronounce Abu Ghraib....)

Charismatic, intelligent and...used and abused and corruptable, like Clinton? Ask the Chinese. Ask the Lippo group. Yeah, we were SO much better of then when we did what the French wanted us to do.

His vice president had had more heart attacks than he [Bush] had visited foreign nations....

What next, fart jokes?

He accuses Kerry of being a flip-flopper and he does it himself...

W's record WILL be compared to Kerry's, side by side, all fall long.

I'll take W's.

As can be readily seen, these DNC handbook answers are pure pablum. Overt hate and rage for this? Yeah, right. What happened? Every body forced to turn in their "I hate Nixon" buttons?

The real reason is ya'll are pissed you couldn't steal the election and at least retain power after sacrificing every shred of diginity and ever inch of moral high ground you earned over the years, tossed out at the feet of Lord Clinton and Saint Hillary.

You people suffer from beaten spouse syndrom.


Originally posted by Spoiled
What ever... she makes more money in a year than yuor family will make in a life time

Liberal Elitist

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...John Wayne Kerry and Mother Ther-a-za:

Man and woman of the common folk.

"I say old chap, have you any Grey Poupon?"