The New Congress


New Member
What legislation do you want the next Congress to enact the most? I think that the most needed reform that we need is in the matter of environmental protection. President Bush, who I do admire and will probably vote for in two years, has neglected to aid the improvement of the environment. Fossil fuel burning creates severe amounts of pollution and global warming has reached a point where we need to deal with it instead of ignoring it. If drilling for oil in ANWR passes, my lukewarm support of the president will become an afterthought. The last generation has screwed my generation is so many ways, so leave the environment for us. And don't forget the spotted owl! LOL

I also would like to see the tax cuts become permanent for the middle class while possibly removing the loopholes that the wealthy find everyday to evade tax. They deserve a tax cut too but they also need to stop avoiding the payment of their taxes.

What are your thoughts?


Originally posted by kelley
Fossil fuel burning creates severe amounts of pollution and global warming has reached a point where we need to deal with it instead of ignoring it.

It's obvious that we as a world need to find an alternate fuel source. Natural gas is a great source that is plentiful, but the OPEC influence is greatly against it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Global warming?

Based on what? 40 years of data in a billion year scope?


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by kelley
What legislation do you want the next Congress to enact the most? I think that the most needed reform that we need is in the matter of environmental protection. President Bush, who I do admire and will probably vote for in two years, has neglected to aid the improvement of the environment. Fossil fuel burning creates severe amounts of pollution and global warming has reached a point where we need to deal with it instead of ignoring it. If drilling for oil in ANWR passes, my lukewarm support of the president will become an afterthought. The last generation has screwed my generation is so many ways, so leave the environment for us. And don't forget the spotted owl! LOL

I also would like to see the tax cuts become permanent for the middle class while possibly removing the loopholes that the wealthy find everyday to evade tax. They deserve a tax cut too but they also need to stop avoiding the payment of their taxes.

What are your thoughts?

The LAST thing we need right now are more environmental laws. Unemployment is up, and we don't need more people losing jobs to save some snail-darter type animal.
We need to increase our own ability to produce oil, and protect ourselves against terrorism, IMHO!
And tax cuts should be across the board; it's the only fair way...

Oh..and Kelley...
What are you wearing?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, see, here's the problem with alternate fuel sources:

The Democrats are bent about oil usage. They got coal mining operations shut down. They're totally against nuclear power. That leaves...what? Windmills? We definitely need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, that's for sure.

When you look at ANWR, you're talking about drilling in an area about the size of a large airport in an area that's twice the size of Texas. The land aspect of it is next to nothing. Plus, it will create thousands of jobs for Americans. I'm all for it, even if it means sacrificing a few caribou.

The environment is the least of our worries right now. Our judicial system is such an incredible mess - that would get my vote for the most pressing issue.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... I'm all for it, even if it means sacrificing a few caribou...
No sacrifice!

They make good steak, jerky and salami.


New Member
Environmental protection created 10 million jobs under Clinton but the blue-collar workers that would lose their job due to environmental regulation or foreign trade should receive extra unemployment benefits. Drilling in ANWR would have no immediate effect on our oil dependency. It would take decades to feel the impact and even then the impact would be minimal. And we do not know that exact benefits that the oil field in ANWR would create. The oil could last for twenty years or two weeks, we just do not know. And the job spike would be minimal and temporary.

Oil has created the Middle East situation. They can dictate our moves due to their monopoly over oil. Significant advances have been made in the renewable energy source department. Without oil, our nation would be much safer from the Mid East.

Unemployment also has to be addressed as well as the extension of unemployment benefits, but I see the environment as the one long-term problem that we need to address. Unemployment rates go up and down yet the environment always declines. It is something that will always be here and it needs help.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'm fascinated!

Exactly how did "Environmental Protection" create 10 million jobs!

I can't wait for this!

Personally I think the environment is fine. The air, the water and the land are far cleaner than they were when I was a kid and it's been improving every year everywhere except where the Democrats look! :rolleyes:


Attire Monitor
Re: Re: Re: The New Congress

Originally posted by kelley
Anything you want. LOL


I LIKE spite of her political views.

Maybe a Carville/Matalin-type thing?

Oh...and y'all quit picking on Caribou when she isn't here to defend herself!


endangered species
If Al Gore were Prez,

he would have invented some alt. energy technology by now. :biggrin:

Seriously though, I would think we would be well down the road toward an alternative energy industry. The big energy companies aren't going to devote billions of dollars to R&D that probably won't pay off for years. But we can see from the state of affairs today that our energy fortunes could change virtually overnight.

The government can offer attractive loans, research grants, and favorable tax rates. In return, we get additional employment, increased energy self-sufficiency (someday), and an inspiring goal similar to going to the moon.

Of course, this is about the last thing the big oil companies want to see, and they are so hooked in to the current admin, the only way any of this will happen is if THEY get an exclusive on the grants and tax breaks.

And another thing, IF we recognize that the perception of many Middle-Easterners is that we meddle in their affairs because of oil, we might even go a long way toward stabilizing the whole region.


Attire Monitor
Re: If Al Gore were Prez,

Originally posted by MGKrebs
IF we recognize that the perception of many Middle-Easterners is that we meddle in their affairs because of oil, we might even go a long way toward stabilizing the whole region.

And monkeys will also fly out of our butts!


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: The New Congress

Originally posted by bknarw

I LIKE spite of her political views.

Maybe a Carville/Matalin-type thing?

Yeah it could be in the works! LOL


Originally posted by Heretic
How about something leather and small?

Something lacy with buttons and hooks, no Velcro, thank you very much.


Well Kell.... Looks like your an instant hit! Keep up the good work girl! :smile:


Originally posted by Kain99
Well Kell.... Looks like your an instant hit! Keep up the good work girl! :smile:

Instant hit, but is she a one hit wonder? :really:


b*tch rocket
I'm all for an alternative fuel source for one single reason. I want to see the day when Iraq and Saudi Arabia have to go back to living on sand rather than benefitting from our purchase of their oil. Let them subsidize their income by making hour glasses, they have plenty of sand to make em!

I get so sick of everyone blaming the United States for THEM being hateful, murderous human beings. "It's all over the oil, it's all over the oil! " :barf: LET THEM EAT OIL!!!!

And you granola tree huggers need to unwrap those arms from the mighty redwood and come up with another fuel source that won't p!ss off the Arabs and melt the polar ice caps (which melting of the polar ice caps isn't such a bad thing, since y'all say we're running out of water to drink :rolleyes: )
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