The *New* Don and Mike Show



Lol true, I dont like it how the minority that is offended get to make the rules for the rest of us, not right.


XM was like 200$ to get and install, then somthin like 9.99$ a month after that, not really bad....but they will friggin get ahold and try to start censoring that too....maybe one day we can have computer controlled voice boxes that make us say only non offensive things lol.......that would suck.


What is all this talk of things getting back to normal? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Don and Mike get suspended for saying "$hit" on the air twice during a show? That word has always been a banned word, and they know it. They, like Janet Jackson, wanted to push the boundries and they were made to pay for it.

I'm getting really tired of all these entertainment types who are whining and crying because they are being forced to observe the rules. You can say what you want about Stern, but above all he's a real professional and stickler for the rules. He works to the letter of the law, and is quick to chastise anyone who steps over it. I'm just sad to hear him throwing in with the folks who think they're so famous or popular that the rules no longer apply to them.

I like the fact that Jackson and Don and Mike have been taken down a step or two, and had to eat some humble pie.


Originally posted by Bruzilla
I'm getting really tired of all these entertainment types who are whining and crying because they are being forced to observe the rules. You can say what you want about Stern, but above all he's a real professional and stickler for the rules. He works to the letter of the law, and is quick to chastise anyone who steps over it. I'm just sad to hear him throwing in with the folks who think they're so famous or popular that the rules no longer apply to them.


That's not what they're whining and crying about, and that's not what I'm whining and crying about.

If they get chastised or suspended for breaking the rules, then so be it. They deserved to be suspended for that.

However what I am whining and crying about is not the 7 Forbidden words. It's this whole new set of rules and guidelines that we're supposed to swallow. To my knowledge, up until last week anything beyond the 7 Deadly Words was fair-game as far as the government was concerned (although networks or affiliates might set more stringent standards, I don't know).

And now suddenly the rules have changed. And the FCC is cracking down on 'potentially offensive' material or whatever they're calling it. So, now they're not allowed to talk about sex at all, nor bodily functions... there's probably more, but I haven't been able to locate any info on the subject, beside the snippets I pick up between home and work.

Anyway, as far as banning all talk about sex and BM - it's not a big deal in and of itself, and I'm sure the show will not be severely hindered by the new regulation. But it's just another bit in the mounting heaping pile that allows things like cigarette bans to take place, and another step toward the thought-police.


I wonder if D&M can smoke while doing their new "unarguable offensive" show?


I have been listening to Don and Mike since WAVA!!! Love those guys! I lucked out when I moved away and found them on a station here, but haven't been able to tune in for quite sometime because the station doesn't always come in so well.... I will miss the craziness.... :frown: