The Next 4 Years

Will things be better under Baracko?

  • Yes, I can't wait

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • No, it's not looking good. We are in trouble

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • It will be the same old BS

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I'm a liberal braindead idiot and I haven't a clue. I just voted for him cause he's black

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters


Yup, and I cant wait to hear em Biotch about it. "notin has change, man... dis new prez jus ain cutin it"

I think you are right on this one. Wait a while. When they realize they still aren't getting the free ride they were expecting from Brother Obama, they will not be happy.


Has confinement issues..
Did any of the folks who voted for Obama consider that he's just another :bs: politician who used whatever he had to get to the top?

Anyone who works to become an elected official has no business being there IMO.:shrug:


Nothing to see here
Did any of the folks who voted for Obama consider that he's just another :bs: politician who used whatever he had to get to the top?

Anyone who works to become an elected official has no business being there IMO.:shrug:

The folks that voted for Obama are blind to the fact that he changed his stances all along the way, depending on who he was trying to court at the time. Now, some of the folks that voted for him are realizing he just said what was needed to be elected, but they will never admit it. Remember, ala Clinton, a democrat never admits to anything.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
The folks that voted for Obama are blind to the fact that he changed his stances all along the way, depending on who he was trying to court at the time. Now, some of the folks that voted for him are realizing he just said what was needed to be elected, but they will never admit it. Remember, ala Clinton, a democrat never admits to anything.
They say what people want to hear and fail to delivery once they get into office, it's called politics for a reason. :killingme I agree with you %100. It proves how bright the people are who rushed to the polls to vote for him. Suckers. Cha Ching.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I think the die has been cast and is set these past 7 years. I think we are set on a course of ever more government control of the private sector, ever more entitlements and I think we are stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan for a long time to come and on a path that will continue to increase the power and position of our opponents. I do not see how it could help but get worse.

However, the Huffpo calling out Al Gore as a liar on this global warming non sense is the first sign I've seen in a long time that maybe, just maybe, we may come to our senses. If Obama acknowledges the obvious, that Gore is terribly and intentionally wrong, I'll be impressed. If he rescues Gore, well, there goes that as well.

So, I see things getting worse due to the course we're set on being one the left could only dream of and they sure as hell won't want to change it.


Go Bills!
...I think the die has been cast and is set these past 7 years. I think we are set on a course of ever more government control of the private sector, ever more entitlements and I think we are stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan for a long time to come and on a path that will continue to increase the power and position of our opponents. I do not see how it could help but get worse.

However, the Huffpo calling out Al Gore as a liar on this global warming non sense is the first sign I've seen in a long time that maybe, just maybe, we may come to our senses. If Obama acknowledges the obvious, that Gore is terribly and intentionally wrong, I'll be impressed. If he rescues Gore, well, there goes that as well.

So, I see things getting worse due to the course we're set on being one the left could only dream of and they sure as hell won't want to change it.

You let the liberal media get to your mind...and they won.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You let the liberal media get to your mind...and they won....., the media massively expanded medicare, the federal government, spending, tried to sell port security to a foreign nation, allowed oil to soar to $150 a barrel making Iran and Venezuela and others rich, watched as China became our largest creditor, and made us partners with AIG, the Big 3 and mortgage banks all while the economy has falling into quite a mess?

And they didn't tell me? The bastards. I thought it was someone else all this time.


Far from it, obviously, but I don't see Obama coming up with a fix either

let me be clear - I think things will get worse regardless of who's in office.

The policies of the last 20 years have caught up and bit of in the ass.

I think Obama can better manage the war on terror than Bush has but I don't think anyone can do anything with the economy right now. They've tried a lot and nothing's swaying it. I don't think we'll enter a 2nd Great Depression, but I don't think Obama's going to wave his magic wand and instantly fix things either.


Well-Known Member
I think Obama can better manage the war on terror than Bush has
Do you mean this in the BDS manner of "anyone could do better than Bush", or is there something in Obama's past experience dealing with military and/or national security matters that brings you to this conclusion?


let me be clear - I think things will get worse regardless of who's in office.

The policies of the last 20 years have caught up and bit of in the ass.

I think Obama can better manage the war on terror than Bush has but I don't think anyone can do anything with the economy right now. They've tried a lot and nothing's swaying it. I don't think we'll enter a 2nd Great Depression, but I don't think Obama's going to wave his magic wand and instantly fix things either.

Agreed, I don't see that changing anything

Too much Govt and not enough forward thinking has left us all with our pants down.

What has Obama done that makes you think he knows anything about foreign policy or that he can run a war?