The Next 4 Years

Will things be better under Baracko?

  • Yes, I can't wait

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • No, it's not looking good. We are in trouble

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • It will be the same old BS

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I'm a liberal braindead idiot and I haven't a clue. I just voted for him cause he's black

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters


Go Bills!, the media massively expanded medicare, the federal government, spending, tried to sell port security to a foreign nation, allowed oil to soar to $150 a barrel making Iran and Venezuela and others rich, watched as China became our largest creditor, and made us partners with AIG, the Big 3 and mortgage banks all while the economy has falling into quite a mess?

And they didn't tell me? The bastards. I thought it was someone else all this time.
Most of what you said here is media misconceptions any way, the only way ones who fail is when the government expands is us. We are the one's who can acually still control that BTW,


Well-Known Member
you, my friend, are the one suffering from BDS (Bush Denial Syndrome).

Obama calls situation in Afghanistan 'urgent' -

Bush sends MORE troops to Afghanistan
I guess Bush thinks so, too.

What's your point? I asked what his experience and demonstrated knowledge leads you to believe he'd do better, or if you merely believed anyone could do better? Obama merely suggesting doing what clearly the Bush administration was already in the process of doing.

Since Obama merely suggested following Bush's lead, I can only assume you think he'll do better simply because he's not Bush.



Of course Bush sends more troops there, NOW. He's got to do something to polish the turd of a legacy he has. He wants to go down for winning the War on Terror and doesn't want Obama to get credit for fixing the Afghan mess.

Just like the Democrats and Ehrlich's slot machine legislation here in Maryland.

6 months ago, Bush was flat out opposed to any troop level increases in Afghanistan when EVERYBODY ELSE was calling for it.


Well-Known Member
Of course Bush sends more troops there, NOW. He's got to do something to polish the turd of a legacy he has. He wants to go down for winning the War on Terror and doesn't want Obama to get credit for fixing the Afghan mess.
Pssst, he sent them in September. That's before Obama won the election. I really doubt the man sent troops to Afghanistan simply to belittle one of the presidential candidates, but I don't suffer from idiotic hatred of him like you do.
Just like the Democrats and Ehrlich's slot machine legislation here in Maryland.

6 months ago, Bush was flat out opposed to any troop level increases in Afghanistan when EVERYBODY ELSE was calling for it.
Actually, that's simply not true. Here he is a full year ago increasing troop levels there. And then again in April "regardless of what happens in Iraq"

You really need to lose the hatred, and find the truth.
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Go Bills!
When Iraq is a prosperish....

Of course Bush sends more troops there, NOW. He's got to do something to polish the turd of a legacy he has. He wants to go down for winning the War on Terror and doesn't want Obama to get credit for fixing the Afghan mess.

Just like the Democrats and Ehrlich's slot machine legislation here in Maryland.

6 months ago, Bush was flat out opposed to any troop level increases in Afghanistan when EVERYBODY ELSE was calling for it.

20 years from now ...who' s gonna be famous for that...not someone who dwells on American failures, but prospers in it's success ....Ronald Reagan say and lived it...


20 years from now ...who' s gonna be famous for that...not someone who dwells on American failures, but prospers in it's success ....Ronald Reagan say and lived it...

Iraq will prosper because our troops will be there forever.

Bush is too damn dumb to realize what he's started. Those who don't know their history are condemned to repeat it.

The Sunnis and the Shiites HATE each other. IF we do pull out, they will begin fighting again. But that won't happen because we don't want another Vietman.

Bush and The 107th Congress were, at best, stupid to allow this to happen.


Well-Known Member
Iraq will prosper because our troops will be there forever.

Bush is too damn dumb to realize what he's started. Those who don't know their history are condemned to repeat it.
Yeah, they should know our history and how we can pull out of countries after large wars where we've completely redefined the government of the country we defeated.

Why, look at how quickly we pulled out of Germany and Japan after WWII.