aka Mrs. Giant
We only have 9.
Ohhhh...you should get one more. Then we can call you crazy cat lady. I read it on somd somewhere that 10 is the magic number.
We only have 9.
Ohhhh...you should get one more. Then we can call you crazy cat lady. I read it on somd somewhere that 10 is the magic number.
oh it's my 3 loves!
Ohhhh...you should get one more. Then we can call you crazy cat lady. I read it on somd somewhere that 10 is the magic number.
I really do want to snuggle everybody's doggies. Maybe I need another puppy.
<img src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs115.snc1/4960_1013305593457_1849562648_23683_1979013_n.jpg" />
They are all so cute!! Could you imagine what it would be like if we ever tried to all meet up and let all the dogs, cats, hamsters, spiders, fish, etc. meet up to play together?
Here's our new boy, Elmer. Thanks Second Hope!
Oh my gosh...he's growing..look how tall!!! Is he a good boy?
Here's our new boy, Elmer. Thanks Second Hope!
Here's our new boy, Elmer. Thanks Second Hope!
may i ask you what breed he is?