The Political Quiz Show


Dancing Up A Storm
Speaking of 20 Questions............

:barf: What do you all think of the un-Democratic Congressmen who were in Baghdad the other day, singing Iraqi platitudes?
Mssrs Bonior and McDermott said basically that Pres Bush is misleading the American public in order to drum up support for war against Iraq, and to lessen the focus on our economical problems, etc. A third Dem was there, Cal Rep Thompson, but he didn't have much to say on the matter.
In these times(possibly pre-war), what in hell are these people doing over there? Seemingly taking the Iraqi side,
and publicly bashing our President?!!? If the Dems don't lose MAJOR seats in the House and 1 or 2 in the Senate, I'll be most shocked. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot........
:burning: penncam


Scored a 6, one up from Ted Kennedy. I didn't think I was that far to the left, but at least I wasn't too close to Jesse. The "test" really wasn't designed well. A lot of the questions don't determine your political view, and the scoring system could be better.