The President's Speech - Did He Hit A Homerun?


Football addict
penncam said:
What did you all think?

I don't like the man myself but I have to admit that he did hit a homerun and more. The speech got me double guessing who I should vote for.

Anyone notice the two instances where hecklers were taken from the crowd? :twitch:

It's also funny how Fox news is still covering the NRC and MSNBC quickly turned over to a speech in Springfield, Ohio with Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good speech and he delivered it well. Which is why it irritates me when Democrats say what an illiterate buffoon he is.

Susan Estrich is on with Greta, spitting and foaming at the mouth. Must have been a homerun. :lmao:


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Good speech and he delivered it well. Which is why it irritates me when Democrats say what an illiterate buffoon he is.

Susan Estrich is on with Greta, spitting and foaming at the mouth. Must have been a homerun. :lmao:
hmm.. What is it, two or three books of Bushims Vs. one speech. Yeah, that balances out! hahahah

You know his speech writers put in overtime making sure there was nothing in there that he could screw up


Enjoying life!
We watched C-Span for the coverage, avoiding all the spin from either side. It was a refreshing change. I thought his speech was typical for him. He did not look very pleased when the hecklers were being removed. You could easily see the irritation on his face, and his eye twitched as the first one got hauled off. Anyone else think that he was getting teary-eyed toward the end, when he was talking about the 9/11 casualties, the Iraq/Afghani casualties, and the sacrifice those people made?


My Sweetest Boy
Steve said:
Anyone else think that he was getting teary-eyed toward the end, when he was talking about the 9/11 casualties, the Iraq/Afghani casualties, and the sacrifice those people made?

Yes...although I was in/out...tired. He was emotional when talking about his family when he first began his speech. Crud, I was teary eyed through most of it. The man evokes emotion in me. :patriot:


Dancing Up A Storm
:cheers: Good Morning.
Yes Steve, for while there, during the latter part of the speech I thought he was going to let a tear fall, his eyes definitely were shiny.
Hey, it was emotional for him. Who says a president can't feel for people and their sacrifices.

One of the scenes that was shown, was that morning, when he visited the area where the towers went down, and he was amongst the firefighters and had an exchange with one of them, where the president told us what the two said to each other - whew! Does anyone not think that moment in time would NOT evoke some strong feelings?

Another time that morning a construction worker grabbed the president, and held him in his arms and told him "Don't let this go unpunished", or words to that effect. You don't think that stuck in George's mind- like it was seared?

Whatever anyone's opinion might be, and they're entitled to them, THIS is the guy I want to be at the helm of our nation.

Gen. Tommy Franks put it all over the top, setting the stage for G.W. Bush to deliver a great speech. I didn't realize he was that good of an orator.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As an objective exercise...

...he could have walked up and said "I accept your nomination" and gone home. It wouldn't have mattered to me. We have a very simple choice; Kerry or Bush and Bush has 3 1/2 years to look at as President and Kerry has 20 years in the Senate so, here on in to November cannot possibly change the mind of anyone who has been paying attention to the records of the two major candidates.

On to the subjective, how did the un-decideds see it?


Enjoying life!
penncam said:
:cheers: Good Morning.
Yes Steve, for while there, during the latter part of the speech I thought he was going to let a tear fall, his eyes definitely were shiny.
Hey, it was emotional for him. Who says a president can't feel for people and their sacrifices.

That's the moment I'm talking about, Penn. It was right as his family were transitioning to back-stage. He was definitely welling up, and I think he arrived at, what he believed, was his most emotional, heart-felt part of his speech. And as I watched, I pondered what the implications would have been had he indeed let shed a tear. The de facto truth is that our leaders are not allowed to show emotion, but I think he showed plenty to those carefully watching.


New Member
The Bush speech was a laundry list concerning domestic issues in the beginning part of the speech and pulled the speech down overall. Still, I thought that his last words on foreign policy and his uplifting statements concerning freedom and foreign policy at the end made the speech better than Kerry's.


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
The Bush speech was a laundry list concerning domestic issues in the beginning part of the speech and pulled the speech down overall. Still, I thought that his last words on foreign policy and his uplifting statements concerning freedom and foreign policy at the end made the speech better than Kerry's.

Save your soul. Poke your chad for Bush.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...he could have walked up and said "I accept your nomination" and gone home. It wouldn't have mattered to me. We have a very simple choice; Kerry or Bush and Bush has 3 1/2 years to look at as President and Kerry has 20 years in the Senate so, here on in to November cannot possibly change the mind of anyone who has been paying attention to the records of the two major candidates.

On to the subjective, how did the un-decideds see it?

Don't care how good a man Kerry MIGHT be.. and how much the left sees him as a saviour.. NO man that calls my DAD a war criminal will EVER get my vote.. and NO amount of time will ever change that. How many of your relatives are war criminals in his book?


I bowl overhand
Didn't mean the question to be directed to you personally.. just replied to the message I was at at the time..


Dancing Up A Storm
itsbob said:
Don't care how good a man Kerry MIGHT be.. and how much the left sees him as a saviour.. NO man that calls my DAD a war criminal will EVER get my vote.. and NO amount of time will ever change that. How many of your relatives are war criminals in his book?

:patriot: I don't think anybody could have said it any louder or clearer; this man demeans the memories of our fathers who fought in conflicts like VietNam, and in other wars which may have been unpoular at the time.

But nonetheless, they gave their lives for this country, for you and me, yes even for J.F. Kerry and his coordinated band of protesters, so they could have the freedom to get up on their soapbox, and bash those very same courageous men and women.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
For some reason, his "stand with me" comment really stuck in my mind...

"The freedom of many, and the future security of our Nation, now depend on us. And tonight, my fellow Americans, I ask you to stand with me."

I think he really believes that if John Kerry is elected, everything we've done since September 11th will be undone, and all those people's deaths will be in vain.

I tend to agree. And I really wish people would remember September 11th, and how they felt. How they stood firmly in the position that America will prevail, and those responsible for this attack and for all terrorist attacks will be held accountable.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
itsbob... maternal grandfather was one of the first 7 US pows in Southeast Asia.

17 months in a cage in Laos.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said: maternal grandfather was one of the first 7 US pows in Southeast Asia.

17 months in a cage in Laos.
Dad did two FULL tours in VIetnam.. that equals 24 months.. NOT 4.5 months.. I can remeber his first homecoming because I didn't recognize him and yelled at him to get his hands off of my mom( he had lost WELL over 100 lbs).. I was probably 5 or 6.. second time he came in on a Medevac flight into NYC... we had to travel from NH to NYC to visit him.. He SHOULD have 3 purple hearts.. but refused to put himself in for awards.. ended up with one. He has very few ribbons on his uniform, but the ones he has REALLY mean something.. Don't know about the NAVY but the Army awarded what were called Hershey Bars that went on the right sleeve of the dress uniform.. each bar represented 6 months in hostile territory... or a war zone.. my dad had 6.. an additional 2 for Korea.. Kerry STILL talks about how he did TWO tours.. yet he wouldn't have earned a single bar..