The price of gas is going up why ?


Twenty Something
You know what I really hate? When I see chain letters going around saying that on a certain day you shouldn't buy gas -- you know, "stand up against the man".


50-some people not buying gas for a day. That'll show them.


Football addict
Steve said:
:yeahthat: We blame a company for profiting, for doing successfully exactly what it was formed to do, yet we ignore the fact that the tax on fuel is even greater than the profit margin for the company producing it. As of August 2005, Maryland was charging 41.9 cents per gallon of gas sold in the state, or 14.4% of the $2.90 price of gas at the time. Exxon's current earnings (the largest in history) came in almost 40% lower than that, at 10.4%. Yet no one is griping about the tax. No, we expect Exxon or Chevron to give up their profits, while saying and doing nothing about the tax.

And by the way, this represents only one tax. How about State and Federal income tax, property tax, luxury tax, general sales tax, and inheritance tax. What taxes have I missed?

I think what is really happening here is that folks are just so resigned to give our money over to the governement that we get some sense of satisfaction out of bitching about how much companies are making, when what we should really be focuing on is accountability for the billions and billions of dollars that are wasted in tax revenue each year.
Interesting. What is this tax used for, to buy? Do we even know?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

janey83 said:
You know what I really hate? When I see chain letters going around saying that on a certain day you shouldn't buy gas -- you know, "stand up against the man".


50-some people not buying gas for a day. That'll show them.

...actually, it would work IF done by the letter of the...letter.

Of course, if we all could agree and act on what was reasonable, there'd be no Democrats, bad breath, Communism, Yugo's and so forth...


Enjoying life!
BuddyLee said:
Interesting. What is this tax used for, to buy? Do we even know?
Good question. The gas tax is used for many things: tax administration and overhead, waterways improvement, fisheries reasearch and development, road construction and maintenance (to include ports, airports, tollways, etc.), the "general" funds of the State and Baltimore County, etc. It can all be read here:

Although this is from 2001, the expenditure targets are probably the same. One thing is certain, the more money you give to Government, the more ways Government will devise to spend it. At what point does consolidated effort for the general good of the governed give way to overspending by the Government?
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Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
WaWa, Rt. 2, heading into Annapolis, $2.29/gal...

The others in Annapolis are approximately the same as here, actually, they're maybe a penny cheaper than the standard stations, save an independant.

WaWa, Rt. 235/St. Andrews Church Rd, California, $2.35/gal... :shrug:



New Member
Larry Gude said:
Please define for me and for Exxon for that matter, what level of profit would you be OK with?



How about the S & P 500 average for the last 30 years of about 18-19%???

Mr. Gude - if your running a business, I do not feel that I should dictate or define what your profit should be. I will however choice to purchase from you based on the prices you charges and if I do not agree with them - I'll look elsewhere. If the product you offer is something crucial to my livelihood then I will look to my duly elected offcials to help regulate your prices so that I do not live in fear of a monopolistic market.

I never mentioned the S&P 500 percentages - that could be a whole 'nother rant.


In My Opinion
Heres the deal, the truth that we are not supposed to know.

Lets say you own a company, and you make and sell widgets (whatever the hell they are) and each year you need to see an increase in profits to please your share holders. and your evil wife that only lives to suck every damn penny from you leaving pocket poor and unable to buy even from the dollar menue at Wendys.. wait,, thats another story,, were was I,,

oh yes

lets assume that to make over head, and pay the share holders you have to see a 10% increase in profits for the year. But the problem is that the American public has been convinced that using your widgets will cause lasting damage to the earth, so slowley, the American public begins to buy non widget needing products from those slimey little bastards overseas...

The next thing you know is that your production has dropped by 30% because the demand has been altered due to the BS propoganda that is thrown in the publics face by the liberals and those slimey little bastards overseas that want to up their profits.

To make your 10% increase with the 30% decrease in sales volume, what has to be done? thats right, you have to increase the price of the remaining number of widgets that you expect to sell.

Those people that still need widgets are going to be ass raped at the widget store to offset the profits that are now going to those slimey little bastards overseas.

So its simple.. Use more fuel and the price will come down.

Save the economy, run your SUV over a Jap car today. ( only do this in a parking lot when the jap car is not occupied with one its passengers or owners)


Super Genius
slik said:
Mr. Gude - if your running a business, I do not feel that I should dictate or define what your profit should be. I will however choice to purchase from you based on the prices you charges and if I do not agree with them - I'll look elsewhere. If the product you offer is something crucial to my livelihood then I will look to my duly elected offcials to help regulate your prices so that I do not live in fear of a monopolistic market.
I was with you until the last sentence.

Let's think about it this way...remove ALL profit from your $2.30/gal. Well done! You've just cut the price by ~20 cents (and that is a very conservative estimate of savings). :yawn:

You're just not getting it. The profit is NOT the problem.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

slik said:
Mr. Gude - if your running a business, I do not feel that I should dictate or define what your profit should be. I will however choice to purchase from you based on the prices you charges and if I do not agree with them - I'll look elsewhere. If the product you offer is something crucial to my livelihood then I will look to my duly elected offcials to help regulate your prices so that I do not live in fear of a monopolistic market.

I never mentioned the S&P 500 percentages - that could be a whole 'nother rant.

You are reacting to a news story; Greatest profits EVER. If Exxon did twice the business at half the margin it would still be the GREATEST profit, ever, simply because of the size. IF they did four times the business at a quarter the net, same story.

I'm telling you 10% ain't all that and a bag of fritos.

Their competitors, in some cases, made greater profits on less over all business; meaning they screwed you more than you feel screwed by Exxon.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
If Exxon did twice the business at half the margin it would still be the GREATEST profit, ever, simply because of the size. IF they did four times the business at a quarter the net, same story.
That's not nearly as good a story.

People pick the damndest things to get excited about.
vraiblonde said:
That's not nearly as good a story.

People pick the damndest things to get excited about.
<img src=""</img><img src=""</img><img src=""</img>


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
slik said:
Mr. Gude - if your running a business, I do not feel that I should dictate or define what your profit should be. I will however choice to purchase from you based on the prices you charges and if I do not agree with them - I'll look elsewhere. If the product you offer is something crucial to my livelihood then I will look to my duly elected offcials to help regulate your prices so that I do not live in fear of a monopolistic market.

I never mentioned the S&P 500 percentages - that could be a whole 'nother rant.
Do you take English lessons from JPC, Sr.?


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Do you take English lessons from JPC, Sr.?

A low blow my friend.
Are you an English teacher or does that just seem to be one of you pet peeves ?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
slik said:
A low blow my friend.
Are you an English teacher or does that just seem to be one of you pet peeves ?
My spelling is terrible. I did do well in grammar. I even liked diagramming sentences. But I am not an English teacher.

You just seemed to get a little "froggy" with that post to Larry, "your" instead of "you're", "choice" instead of "choose" and some others that just made me go, "What the heck?"


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
My spelling is terrible. I did do well in grammar. I even liked diagramming sentences. But I am not an English teacher.

You just seemed to get a little "froggy" with that post to Larry, "your" instead of "you're", "choice" instead of "choose" and some others that just made me go, "What the heck?"

I blame my froggyness on my feeble attempts to quit smoking. The withdrawal process tends to send me off into a rant about BS sometimes.

My grammar is pretty bad - I have to admit.
Spelling is not much better but I have to blame most of it on my lousy typing skills - I'm one of those that has to watch the keyboard when I type and half the time my eyes get crossed :lmao:

One of these days I'll be smart and download a spell checker for my forum posts. Heck - my posts might make some sense then (but I doubt it).

I do remember diagramming sentences also - I used to enjoy that too. When I tried to explain it to my kids they didn't have a clue as to what I was talking about. Old school I guess.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
slik said:
I blame my froggyness on my feeble attempts to quit smoking. The withdrawal process tends to send me off into a rant about BS sometimes.


I do remember diagramming sentences also - I used to enjoy that too. When I tried to explain it to my kids they didn't have a clue as to what I was talking about. Old school I guess.
No problem. And I'm inclined to think that "Old school" was better considering the products of the public school system today. But, as you have said, that is another rant and has been well discussed on these forums.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:

People like that shouldn't be allowed weapons.

But it goes with being a computer geek. Diagramming sentences is the only logical thing about English.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

2ndAmendment said:
But it goes with being a computer geek. Diagramming sentences is the only logical thing about English.

...I never got that close to a sentence before...I'll take your word for it!