the pursuit of nature


Vermicious Knid
Oh, my bad. I misread your post. Yes, I remember before it had a green door, too... that was right around my freshman year.


Cherokee, you will find some 'all queers should die' posts on this forum but those who post them are a minority and probably the same a$$es who take the st mary today as a real news source.

andwhat mentioned the SM today after the college "riots" and quoted them but he left out my favorite line, "firewater insites heathens". i just wanted to share that because it makes my laugh. there is so much wrong with that little three word phrase it absurd.

monkey, when andwhat said you were from the county and therefore probably had some bad feelings towards it, i do not believe he implied anything negative about being from the county. he simply stated that the people in southern md are pretty different from the student body.....not bad just different. it is also a pretty liberal student body, it sounds like that is more offensive to you then anything else.

Long live the St Marys Today!!


didn't it have dirt floors as well?

well you can still take you dogs there, sink shots in pool that are rediculous because the tables are lopsided, and (and this is the best of it all) you can only poo in the womens bathroom.

Damn I love that place!


Monkey, ummm BULLSHIT. Now you're trying to label me an elitist, which I guess you were trying to do since the beginning since I went to St. Mary's and therefore I'm an elitist snotty little punk. I am in no way saying that I am elitist or that there is anything wrong with the county. I said that many people who live in the county are different from many of the people who go to college there. Not better, not worse, just different. That is not being elitist, that is making an observation.

If nothing else, st. Mary's county is fairly rural and most of St. Mary's students come from the suburbs. That makes them different, not better not worse, different. I have had friends who were native to the county even if they didn't go to SMC but who came to parties and hung out and had a great time and they were good people. However, I have also seen numerous cases of natives of the county coming onto campus and starting crap. I have seen how some of the people who work in lexington Park treat students. I have tutored GED students in teh county and gotten the same vibe from many of them that St. Mary's is just a snotty little liberal arts college. Some of them didn't think so what so ever and thats great.

You say that people who aren't associated with the college basically ignore it, thats great but given the limitied, yes I say LIMITED, amount of others who are not associated with the college but who we have interacted with there still seems to be this attitude of St. Mary's as being pampered preppies and snotty elitists.

Nowhere did i say that we were better (you made that assertation and tried to attribute it to me) than any one living in the county. i said different as in not completly the same. AS in having different life experiences and being exposed to different things. Where I grew up living in both a very rural area (a dairy farm in alabama) and a suburban and urabn area i know both worlds. One is not better than the other JUST DIFFERENT. Understand that Different is not a value of worth. I see a Ford mustang, I see a Chevy Camaro. They are different. Notice I made no value judgement in saying they are different. Though given your knack for trying to implicate me of being an elitist and the fact that you're now looking for anything and grasping at straws you'll probably say I think the mustang is better b/c i listed it first.

As for the St. Mary's today, yes it is a total piece of garbage. However its still making money so someone must be buying it so some people in the county shares those views. Therefore there are those in the county prejudiced against the college. Thats classical logic and all the proof I need.


b*tch rocket
I don't know why everyone is in such a snit because Jet dislikes SMC. Big whoop! Most of you SMC fellas are probably of the opinion that the military is full of a bunch of closed minded, brainwashed, warmongers. Big whoop!

My personal view is that the military affords you a much better education overall, than all of the colleges put together. Done a bit of both before anyone chimes in that I don't have a clue.

So there! :moon: ;)


PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
...My personal view is that the military affords you a much better education overall, than all of the colleges put together...

Delivers a much more realistic, first hand, view of the world when you see it, and experience it, rather than read or hear about it from some professor in a classroom!



Dead or not a few more comments.

Christy, I do not speak for everyone at SMC, ovbiously. But I will speak for andwhat, jimmy, and the rest of my friends. We do not have that opinion of the military. In fact about 6 people that I am pretty close with have joined the armed forces (one gets back from boot camp tomorrow, yeeeaaaaahhh Chewie). I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to take on that lifestyle. I may disagree when our military is used sometimes but I have the highest regard for the people who put there life on he line so I can have the freedom to participate in the pretty silly argument with a monkey!

Jetmonkey, I think andwhat defended his statements pretty well there, it may be your opinion that he was inferring something negative about the county but he knows exactly what he ment and you really can't argue that you knew what he ment and he didn't.


OK jetmonkey, you said the St. Mary's today is losing money and has been for years, so i say to you prove it. Until you do I will stick with the laws of economics, namely if something does not make money then it collapses in a capitalist society. the great thing about logic is that it is inherently flawed with a power structure so that its now up to you prove that my premises were false. I can support why they are true basing them on the laws of economics. Now you have to prove me wrong b/c i can easily support that I'm right.

You try and say that just b/c some people by the St. Mary's Today they don't think the same way. Hmm so if I go and bye a White Supremacist magazine I don't think the same way they do. Then why buy it? You see I buy the Washington Post b/c it is a liberal newspaper. It shares many of my beliefs. I do not buy the Washington Times, it is a very conservative newspaper. I do not share those views. To say that someone who buys the St. Mary's Today doesn't share those views is a crock of crap and you know it. If they didn't share those views, they wouldn't buy it.

Yes there are some prejucated people in St. Mary's county and Daniel and I suggested that you may have been one of them. you tried to say that no there aren't any in the county b/c those who don't have an association with the college ignore it. I say its not that easy. Just b/c they all don't stand up and protest or have a rally along Rt. 5 doesn't mean they aren't there and they don't dislike the college.

As for the military thing, I believe the military gives you a great education. I'm not going to say its better or worse than the education you get in college, just different. I feel it gives people a sense of order, structure and belonging to something larger than themself. However it doesn't exactly promote alot of individuality. Its definitely real world training though. again not better or worse than college just different.


PREMO Member
Originally posted by andwhat
...You see I buy the Washington Post b/c it is a liberal newspaper. It shares many of my beliefs. I do not buy the Washington Times, it is a very conservative newspaper. I do not share those views. To say that someone who buys the St. Mary's Today doesn't share those views is a crock of crap and you know it. If they didn't share those views, they wouldn't buy it....

I would think that someone who professes to be Oh sooooo open-minded, tolerant, and interested in diverse idea's would read from varying viewpoints. Not simply reenforce his own view on a daily basis.

I also read the Post, as well as the Times, Enterprise and WSJ.

I guess that makes the Post and the Enterprise "Right-wing rags" now!




Now YOU'VE gone and done what you were accusing US of doing? You say that WE assume that military people are "a bunch of closed minded, brainwashed, warmongers" and, before we can offer a counter, you assert that military life/education is BETTER than college!!!!

We haven't made one value judgement in this regard yet. Even when I said liberals are more EDCUATED (as in received MORE academic education), it still wasn't implying that military education is WORSE!

Both types of educaiton have their advantages depending on what you want out of life. But I don't think that you can say "better" when talking about military vs. college.

I know this is just your opinion but it seems like you are kinda jumping the gun here and making a defensive assertion based on an arguement none of us even claimed to have!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

if something does not make money then it collapses in a capitalist society
That's not true and I know that from being a business owner and working with business owners my whole career. Occasionally, a business venture is merely a tax write-off for something else. The idea is for this business to lose money so it offsets the tax burden for the business that's making money hand over fist. Happens a lot more frequently than you might think.
Then why buy it?
So you can get a different perspective. If you only surround yourself with things/people that support your current beliefs, you'll never learn anything. Also it's a good idea to see what the "other side" is doing. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
What does that mean? I looked it up in the dictionary and it wasn't there.
I feel it gives people a sense of order, structure and belonging to something larger than themself.
Now that I can agree with.

And Jimmy, get off Christy. I swear, you can be such a jerk sometimes, making a fight with everything - and THAT is my own opinon and not stated as FACT!


See monkey there you go again telling other people what they mean. You read the Blade, you're not a homosexual, thats great. You read the post, you're not a liberal, wonderful. the problem is that these are all reliable news sources. You read them for the news. Something that is read for entertainment however, i.e for fun as many people on this thread have said the St. Mary's today should be read for, does mean that you enjoy that which is written about. If you did not you would not read it. Therfore since you fidn it enjoyable to read this paper you must agree with this paper b/c if you disagreed then there would be no enjoyment in reading it. Its not like this forum. you can't sit there and argue with the newspaper (at least fro too long, otherwise the guys in the white coats will come and pick you up).

So you can't prove that the St. Mary's today is losing money but that doesn't make it any less true. Hmm then we can go back saying that liberals are better educated than conservatives. We can't prove it but that doesn't make it any less true. you see you try and fault my logic without even attempting any on your part.

You say that you can't prove that the St. Mary's Today is losing money but we can't be privy to this "secret" information you have. Well now James Bond I find that hard to believe since


It is funded by an independently wealthy local politician (not Rosignal or whatever the spelling is).

Yet you never name him and I doubt if you're even sure who it is. Unless you have the great fortune of being the accountant for the St. Mary's Today I'm really not sure how in fact you would know if its making or losing money now would you.

So you've never heard residents from the county speak badly about the college. Whhoopppeeeee. That'd be great except you never said that. you stated, again as fact, that most people in the county don't care about the college one way or the other and that I was wrong for saying that many have a prejudice against it. I said that its been my experience that many of the people I've met do have a prejudice against it. My point about them not throwing a rally is just to say that just b/c you haven't seen it, doesn't mean its not true.


prejucated is one of those special words, sorry i must have heard it in one of those speeches by George W. (Sorry couldn't resist)

Now then, the St. Mary's Today could be losing money, all I said is if it is, then prove it. simple. If he's going to say that my logic is based on false pretenses then he really should prove that. Otherwise its no different then someone saying that statistically liberals are smarter and not proving it which jetmonkey was all too quick to jump all over for Jimmy's lack of proof.

Military, glad you agree.

And jimmy can be a jerk, but we all still love him. He just gets fired up a little bit sometimes.

Why buy it? Could point ont he different perspectives but as my mom always told me (actually she never told me this but someone else's mom surely told them) Crap in, crap out. I'm not sure how reading about "Pampered Preppies calling the police ****** Cops and Uncle Tom's" and calls be inebriated heathens is really gives you a different perspective on much of anything when its blatantly a lie.


Again jetmonkey, if its losing money, prove it. otherwise I'll say its making money and go with

Quote from Jetmonkey

I cannot prove it to your satisfaction. That doesn't make it any less true.


b*tch rocket

Boy Jimmy, how easy you get your undies in a bunch! ;) I was simply trying to make you comprehend that, big whoop, why give a rats behind of what anyone thinks about what you guys have dubbed as your "home" (school) by comparing it to what people may think of my "home" (which was the military). What a Cranky puss you are!

But it did raise some good points to dispute! :cheers:

Andwhat you believe the military "doesn't exactly promote alot of individuality". The fact is, they do moreso than any college I've ever been to. The strength of the military comes from the diversity, and the incredible use of what every individual brings to the table. Navajo Code Talkers anyone? Can anyone give me an amen? You have all walks of life in the military. Has your friends individuality been impaired by their military service? I imagine their thoughts and opinions will eventually change as they get stationed overseas and actually see the world as it is, rather than as it's told to them or have read in some book.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you in a snit SMC guys, but it is kinda amusing ruffling your feathers! :D


PREMO Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey

Ever heard of Another business concern that I can't convince you has been losing money for years.

Actually the SEC filings are available on the net. But he couldn't read and extrapolate from the data anyway. Remember "a=b, b=c than a=b"?

Or they'd be sure it was another "right-wing" conspiracy.

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Andwhat, I'm stunned that you're going to such extremes about Jet saying the rag is losing money. Why do you care about this so much? Why is it so important to you that everyone come up with a notarized legal document for everything they write?

I personally know the people who own and operate the rag so I can tell you with some authority that it has never "made money" in it's 10-some-odd year history. Yes, there is money that crosses hands for advertising, etc. but it barely pays for the cost of printing and distribution. And, no, I don't have a written document stating that as fact. But I DO know it to be fact.

As to whether it's a front for (I'm not afraid to say the name) Phil or Walter Dorsey, that's been a matter of speculation for many years. There IS an affiliation there but only the "Shadow" knows what exactly it is. And, P.S., who cares?

In the immortal words of Christy, BIG WHOOP!



You haven't ruffled my feathers so much as piqued my interest. I think its interesting that I get slammed for making what is misconstrued as a value statement about the education of liberals vs conservatives and then you blatently claim the military to be a 'better' education than college!

My undies are not in the "bunch" you think they are, I'm just not gonna let you get away with something that obviously hypocritical....and Vrai, lighten up, I'm not angry at Christy or are you looking for me to be picking fights or what...Christy's a big girl, she can take care of herself...

As for my friends in the military, they will be the FIRST to tell you that, indeed, the individuality is TRAINED OUT of them by that institution. Yes they all develop specialized skills and everyone brings something different to the table but, and again, this is from my friends mouth not mine, that is the best way to work the military machine.

You have everyone on each level basically performing the same or similar tasks. Enlisted men (lower level) are CERTAINLY trained and treated like the same better to get them to act as a collective unit!!??

Now, my friend is a Marine Officer so he knows a bit about how marines are trained since that's what he does...maybe it doesn't hold true for EACH branch but I would think, until you get to only the HIGHEST levels of command, individuality is NOT a key trait.

Hell, how much trouble do you get into for disobeying a superior officer there??? Compare that to punnishment for dissention in a classroom (since, Christy, you've been to both).

Now--I say this every time but it bears repeating---in NO WAY am I suggesting one as SUPERIOR to another. (And monkey, this is where you cram it because you can't tell me what I mean and don't mean to say).

But if we are talking SOLEY about promoting/inspiring individualism between the military and college, I really don't see how this is even a question. Seems fairly cut and dry.