the pursuit of nature


"I get a blast out of your idea that anything you gathered from college is real and us dullards out here in the real world don't understand the way things are."-kyle955

This was never suggested. I said you had a different understanding than we did. You inferred the rest, of course, however, YOU ALL are the only ones accusing the other side of not "knowing what goes on in the real world"... Just what the hell is that, anyway? Who's to say your experience is any more "real" than mine?

You all have grown comfortable with the box that you have placed around what you consider to be "reality". And that's fine. That's pretty much, I guess, what the unfortuanate end result of learning and growing up often is for a lot of people.

But that doesn't mean that because we haven't found a comfortable little paradigm by which to live our lives that our views are any less valid. You all are committing a grevious error in chalking our views up to age-related idealism. Then you point out spelling errors and suggest we are all "really the same person" with the borg nonsense....It's funny to me because who's really being childish here?


Asperger's Poster Child
I get a blast out of your idea that anything you gathered from college is real and us dullards out here in the real world don't understand the way things are.

A lot of people seem to believe the opposite. I really don't see a distinction between college and the "real world." Life is a continuous learning process. Part of the college experience is learning some things about life, but those lessons can be learned without going to college.

It's too bad that people resort to meaningless stereotypes--"I'm better than you working-class scum because I hold three Ph.Ds!" or "I'm better than you pencil-neck geeks because I've busted my hump earning a living!"


Vermicious Knid
Kyle, many of our reference points are similar because we all spent four years at the same college, mostly the same four years. I personally think there are many ways of "understanding the world" and that the one obtained by someone who went to college is no less relevant than the one of someone who didn't go to college, or vice-versa.

"I get a blast out of your idea that anything you gathered from college is real"

That's a little inflammatory. I took organic chemistry in college, but since it was at college, I guess nothing I learned in that class applies to the real world...


PREMO Member
Originally posted by seasquirt
kyle, I'm not sure why you think they are the "borg children" - they just seem to share a similar opinion and are defending it....

Actually similar wasn't my impression as much as identical.

I find it amazing that, IMHO only, people can agree on some position and come to it from different points. They have come to their conclusions each time from the same point regardless of the "identity" of the poster.

I found great entertainment in reading the threads about "how much better educated Liberals are from those of concervative and other political affiliations". All the while, this was explained to everyone, with far more spelling or grammatical errors than I could count.

Is this the legacy of SMC?


PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
...Life is a continuous learning process...

Actually I tend to agree with you. In college we learn the ideas and disciplines.

However, I think these should be tempered with life.

Not simply accepted verbatim and repeated.


PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
[B...Then you point out spelling errors and suggest we are all "really the same person" with the borg nonsense....It's funny to me because who's really being childish here? [/B]

You're right it is a bit childish! But it's been so much fun!

And Jimmy...How should someone regard the opinions of "an educated college graduate" that can't spell or use his native language?
Is this a badge of honor?

I'm really curious...Did spelling/grammer count in English courses at SMC? :confused:

P.S. Before you spend half your day looking for a spelling mistake I made in the past hundred or so posts...I don't claim perfection.

I only strive for it! :)
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Vermicious Knid
I can understand both sides of the debate on how important spelling and grammar is when posting in an online forum. I personally try to be as correct as I can, since my writing is the only part of me I'm presenting. However, forums aren't very "formal", and often don't get the same proof-reading attention that a term paper would merit. All things said, it is my opinion that being picky over spelling and grammar is petty in this case. No one's being graded here.


you bust on jimmy for his spelling however

I found great entertainment in reading the threads about "how much better educated Liberals are from those of concervative and other political affiliations". All the while, this was explained to everyone, with far more spelling or grammatical errors than I could count.

come on now. How can I take you seriouslly when you can't even spell conservative. You are a conservative. At least I can spell liberal. Yes college givesyou thoughts which must be tempered with real life. But first you need to get the basics. Like how to spell. So you are no longer allowed to be put in the real world b/c you must ahve missed a step along the way so you must go back to the 2nd grade and learn to spell and then you can temper what you learn with life experiences.

Yes I know that was very 3rd grade of me, but I can spell and don't make fun of others when they can't (If I did every post would be about Daniele though I speak Danny-ese). Thats why I'm mature enough to be in the 3rd grade and your stuck in 2nd.



Really good points seem to have a very level head and always offer fairly un-baised opinions...I welcome your presence in this thread!


GD, you are something else. First of all "concervative"....I didn't have to look that far, did I? And in the same post attacking MY spelling...swing and a miss, buddy!

Secondly, I never claimed to be perfect either. And my spelling on this informal board which I enter while at work and while doing other things, should hardly be an issue...for someone with so much life experience, you haven't picked up 'net "et-i-cut" very well yet, have you?

My grasp of the English language is quite good, thank you. My spelling may be bad at times but if you let that stop you from taking what I say seriously, then oh-freakin-well...

But if that's the best you got, which I'm seeing that it is, then there's no real point in discussing this anymore, is there?

You wanna talk issues? Let's talk issues. You wanna proofread my posts? Be my guest. There's a lot of 'em so enjoy!

And Monkey,

I'll be drinking FOR those who have died for this country in service BUT also--in hopes that my friends don't join their ranks...


PREMO Member
Originally posted by andwhat
you bust on jimmy for his spelling however...come on now. How can I take you seriouslly when you can't even spell conservative. You are a conservative. At least I can spell liberal. Yes college givesyou thoughts which must be tempered with real life. But first you need to get the basics. Like how to spell. So you are no longer allowed to be put in the real world b/c you must ahve missed a step along the way so you must go back to the 2nd grade and learn to spell and then you can temper what you learn with life experiences.

Yes I know that was very 3rd grade of me, but I can spell and don't make fun of others when they can't (If I did every post would be about Daniele though I speak Danny-ese). Thats why I'm mature enough to be in the 3rd grade and your stuck in 2nd.

I was going to give you a touch'e...but you blew it! :)


PREMO Member

You still don't get it...My point is that "YOU" chose to explain in great detail to all here who were present...

"Liberals are better educated than everyone else"

You then go on to prove otherwise when in attempting to make your point you, continuously, decimate what you type!

Like my earlier post I never claimed perfection. I do, however, make every effort to use the language correctly.

I'm older and have likely grown a bit more lazy in my use of the language. But if this is any indication of your skills at present I'd hate to think what it will look like in ten or twenty years.

As for 'net "et-i-cut" I can only assume it's as slack as the slacker generation.

Ill b shur 2 rahmembr tht frum now on! :)

Well...It's a long weekend and I have things to do and places to be....

I'll have to stop playing now. Have a great weekend all! Drive sober!
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I have yet to master the english language, yes it is my first language. I cannot spell worth a damn, it runs in the family. my typing is search and peck and there are more then enough typing errors. i ussually do not proof read my posts, i barely have time to keep up with this one silly thread and i really don't care at all. I mean if the president of the united states of america can make up his own words and say things that make absolutely no sense, i think i will be fine mispelling a few words in a little forum.

I believe I am still able to get my points accross and that is all that really matters here. If the only way you can argue against myself, jimmy and andwhat is tell us we are to young, point out spelling mistakes, and tell us our pasts our identical, then you are a sad little man.


PREMO Member
Originally posted by daniel
...If the only way you can argue against myself, jimmy and andwhat is tell us we are to young, point out spelling mistakes, and tell us our pasts our identical, then you are a sad little man.

Don't cry Danny, I'm sorry!!! :bawl:

I'll won't make reference to SMCEnglish anymore! Sniifffff! Sniifffff!

U R rite nd Im rong! U al R mor ejucatd thn me! Im shur my colage didnt doo inglush rite anyhow! So Ill lissen intntly nd wate 2 heer ur next lekchur on wy librals r sooooo much better ejucatd den us!

I can't wait!

Have a good weekend all! ..... Even the Stepford children!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You guys are a riot - all of you! And it surprises me how few of you younguns actually have a sense of humor. Everything's so (dun-dun-DUH!) serious. They breed that out of you at good ol' SMC?

I have no problem with young people and young ideas - at least they're thinking about it instead of sitting around smoking crack and getting laid. My problem is with the "know-it-all" attitude some of you come across with. You have to understand that we dinosaurs laugh at you puppies when you try to convice us that you know anything, especially when all you do is spew liberal dogma and make blanket statements that you can't back up with fact.

Then you get all serious about the spell-checker chatroom! What a riot! Can't tell a typo from a true misspelling, but by golly you sure want to tell everyone else what to do!


trust me i am not crying here, i actually find this entire thread very amusing...starting with the who is more educated argument. That one was just obsurd. as for my spelling, like i said i am fine with it. I am just taking shots at you all for only pointing out our inexperience and spelling.

I did defend SMC, but i also made jokes about that one as well. Unfortunately in email and these forums you cannot convey emotion (well except with those icons) but it is still difficult to get the tone behind certain statements. I will assure you that we all have great senses of humour, a good amount of our time is just taking shots at one another, our families, ourselves, etc etc.

so in my posts i will mainly be taking shots at you old farts and trust me will be smiling the whole time....even when i read the crap you all write.

actually klye, your making fun of our typing reminds me of an old shirt i had about 8 years said "huked on fonix wurked fore me" and some of the letters were backwards. Iunfortunately i loved that shirt too much and it is no longer with me......sorta like my pet rabit, my two little birds and grandma murphy.

well old farts, have a great safe holiday weekend, enjoy relaxing on your porches in your rockers. if you decide to venture out, make sure you buckle up!


SafeKids (TM) strikes again, eh Danny???


"You have to understand that we dinosaurs laugh at you puppies when you try to convice us that you know anything"

Well. That just says it all right there doesn't it. If you were joking then -->:lmao:

However, if you were serious about that statement, then there's no reason to continue this discussion. :rolleyes:

James D


You should not judge yourself by what others do, you should judge yourself only by what you can do.

Don't tell anyone, but I got that one from Pres. Carter.

"I mean if the president of the united states of america can make up his own words and say things that make absolutely no sense, i think i will be fine mispelling a few words in a little forum."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jimmy, (and I'm being totally serious when I say this)
Pull the stick out, buddy!
Are you like this all the time or do you sometimes get out with friends, laugh and have fun? Because this seriousness and self-importance can't possibly be good for you.


b*tch rocket
Jimmy the reason we laugh (chuckling in a good hearted way) is because (at least for me),the stuff that comes out of your mouths (well fingers) are the same exact comments I've made in my younger days. I at the time, thought they were all new and creative ideas, and everyone older than me were just soooooo out of touch and hadn't a clue.

Here's kinda off the topic, but it fits.

I remember being about your age and watching that show "30 something", thinking to myself these people are kooks, they are so boring, and if I'm ever like that I'll just shoot myself. Well low and behold I caught an episode on TNT or one of those re-run channels and totally related to the whole show! I nearly died! I know you don't think now that you will ever change, but trust me you will evolve into one of us "dinasaurs" sooner than later my friend! ;) And you can then laugh at those young pups, Ahhhh the circle of life! (sorry, had Lion King moment)! :cool: